August 2, 2024

Parshat Matos-Maasei

Candle lighting: 7:56pm

Maariv Motzei Shabbos: 8:51pm

Shabbos Ends: 8:56pm

Mevarchim Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av

The Eiruv has been checked and is certified Kosher

7:56pm - Candle lighting

Mincha: Kabbalas Shabbas

7:00pm Beis HaMedrash; 7:30pm Upstairs Shul; 8:06pm Beis HaMedrash

9:15pm Zemiros, Dessert and Divrei Torah - Beis HaMedrash


7:30am Beis HaMedrash; 9:15am Upstairs Shul; 9:30am Beis HaMedrash


2:00pm, 5:30pm, 6:45pm, 7:30pm - all Minyanim are in the Beis


Shalosh Seudah:

7:50pm - Shul Upstairs. Scholar in Residence, Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg.

“Maasi Bnei Yisrael: To Wander Like a Jew”






4:30pm Daf HaYomi, Magid Shiur: Rabbi Zev Isseroff

5:50pm Pirkei Avos - Scholar in Residence: Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg.

“Living Our Lives in Context: A Perfectly Imperfect Life”

click here to read the laws and customs of the three weeks

Brought to you each week by Rabbi Zevi Isseroff

View full season davening schedule

This Week's Enhancers

Marlene and Abe Mordowitz

in honor of the recent wedding

of our granddaughter

Mia Mordowitz to

Adam Koenig

and the upcoming

wedding of our grandson

Yaakov Sungolowsky to

Bracha Wolbe

in Yerushalayim

Happy anniversary to

our children

Stacey and Nechemia Mordowitz


Herschel and Mimi Weber

Hakaras Hatov

to the community for

their support of

Catskills Hatzolah


All enhancement requests must be

received by the office no later than

 Wednesday at 9pm each week

Click Here to Enhance a Kiddush

To sponsor a kiddush or a L'Chaim click

or please contact Moishy at 917-434-5999

the beach

This Shabbos

a very special program

Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg currently teaches in Yeshiva University’s Irving I. Stone Beit Midrash Program (SBMP), where he also serves as Mashgiach Ruchani. A graduate of Yeshiva University, Rabbi Weinberg received his semicha from Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg of Jerusalem and has also been certified by the Center for Integrated Teacher Education. Rabbi Weinberg has worked as a Jewish educator for the past 13 years, and has previously taught at Torah Academy of Bergen County and the Moriah School of Englewood, before joining the Yeshiva University faculty five years ago. He has served as a guest speaker and scholar in residence in Jewish communities and college campuses across the country. Additionally, Rabbi Weinberg offers a variety of weekly inspirational shiurim in the Teaneck and Bergenfield area of New Jersey, where he lives with his family.

Thank you

Shoshana and Yoel Dreifus for sponsoring the speaker and coordinating the entire event. Thank you, as well, to all the sponsors of the various refreshments and meals.

The biannual stocking of the lake with baby minnows took place on Friday, July 26. Coordinated by Moshe Puderbeutel, this event drew a large crowd. The petting zoo was a hit with children of all ages. One of the zoo animal pictures won the Photo of the Week Contest!

Coming up

Saturday night

Aug 10, 10pm

Member Shareholders Only

Yes, Again!!

What in the world are they doing down by the lake?

A: Searching for bait

B: Zealously collecting garbage

C: Beaver Lake teens, several of whom have been part of Beaver Lake for many years, and some for their first year as counselors, going through the training regiment equivalent to IDF special forces recruits

the correct answer is C

This training is led by Yehoshua King. Yehoshua, is the husband of Dassie, the BLDC head counselor, and he is with us from Israel for the summer as the camp driver. While in Yeshiva, Yehoshua trained in the evenings for the Israeli special forces with a program run by the Lone Soldier Center to help foreigners train for and get into special forces units. His trainers were ex-commanders in the highest level commando units.

Over the past several years he has volunteered and trained many young adults helping them get into the units where they can have the most impact and raise their level of confidence and discipline. Now, at Beaver Lake, he is doing the same. BL is proud to have a few young adults who are planning to draft in the IDF in the next year or two. As Yehushoa explains, "I’m helping them discover their deeper why, to become seriously disciplined, mentally tough, and physically fit."

Currently, Yehoshua runs a nonprofit organization that helps American gap-year students who are in Israel for the year, get emotional support during their year abroad, including helping them cover the costs of therapy.

Learn more about the organization run by Yehoshua

Keren Ezra


next p/u - Monday, August 5

Please place your blue recycling bins

outside your home

no earlier than

8am Monday morning

A Trivia Quiz

Please submit all Trivia correspondence to

the editor:

It is exclusively on Beaver Lake history

Andrew Weissman is the winner of last week's question:

Where is the original location

of the Beaver Lake Day Camp overnights?

In the woods, on the other side of the lake

Andrew submitted this week's question:

Where was the location of the original boat house?

the answer is hidden somewhere in this Bulletin

Thank you to all the photographers who participate in the

Summer photo contest. All winners get a free ice cream cone.

Please submit your photos by Wednesday noon of each week to

this week's winner is: Deena Segal

Organic hedge trimmer by the lake

Any future bulletin suggestions or comments? Please reach out to
Roz Wiesel

Beaver Lake Estates

189 Southwoods Drive

Monticello, NY 12701

Connect With Us: BL Instagram