But, no worries, we will be back next year

In the meantime, please note that Beaver Lake will be fully operational, including a heated pool through Labor Day

August 23, 2024

Parshat Eikev

Candle lighting: 7:27pm

Maariv Motzei Shabbas: 8:21pm

Shabbas Ends: 8:26pm

The Eiruv has been checked and is certified Kosher

7:27pm - Candle lighting

Mincha - Kabbalas Shabbas

7:00pm - Beis HaMedrash  

7:30pm - Upstairs Shul  

(Note - Only 2 Minyanim) 


7:30am - Beis HaMedrash 

9:15am - Upstairs Shul    

9:30am - Beis HaMedrash 


2:00pm, 5:30pm, 6:45pm   

(Note - No 7:30pm Minyan)   

all Minyanim are in the Beis HaMedrash 






4:30pm Daf HaYomi, Magid Shiur: Rabbi Zev Isseroff

5:50pm Pirkei Avos-Perek # 5 

Guest Speaker:

Rabbi Avraham Wein

Assistant Rabbi

Congregation Keter Torah

Teaneck, New Jersey

Brought to you each week by Rabbi Zevi Isseroff

View full season davening schedule

Roz and Harry Wiesel

In a true L'Chaim Mazal Tov celebration

in a first ever for Beaver Lake


are engaged!!!!!!!

Michal Gonter

daughter of Uri and Naomi Gonter

granddaughter of Yechiel and

Esther ע״ה Bromberg


Dovid Goldstein

son of Tzvi and Zahava Goldstein

grandson of

Shmuel and Tzippy ע״ה Goldstein

Mazal Tov

This Week's Enhancers

Joel & Roz Plaut

Roz’s mother's Yartzeit

Sima bat Chaim

Alice Fliegelman

Yartzeit is Av 17


Harry Roz’s father’s Yartzeit

Naftali ben Tzvi

Tulu Roz

Yartzeit is Av 21

May their memories be blessed

Harry & Sura Roz

are lifelong friends visiting Beaver Lake

this weekend from Canada

Click Here to Enhance a Kiddush

To sponsor a kiddush or a L'Chaim click

or contact Moishy at 917-434-5999


For the 10 weeks of the 2024 season

Liquors: 56 bottles of scotch, 18 bottles of Bourbon, 22 bottles of tequila, 84 cans of wine, 3 bottles of vodka, 2 bottles of chocolate liqueur

Herring: 3 flavors; 9lbs/kiddush=90lbs

Chulent: 6 big trays/kiddush=60 trays

Kugel: 10-9"x13' trays/kiddush=100 trays

Kishke: 4-9"x13" pans/kiddush=40 pans

Meatballs: 5-9"x13" pans/kiddush=50 pans

Grape Juice: 9 bottles/kiddush=90 bottles

Stuffed Cabbage: 7-9"x13" trays/kiddush=70 trays

Gefilte Fish: 8 plates/kiddush=80 plates

Water, sodas: 4 types/table/kiddush=240 bottles

Many thanks to everyone who came out and supported this year‘s Blood Drive!!!! Because of all of you we were able to collect 39 pints of blood, which will help 117 people. Besides the people who were able to donate, four people were turned away. If you were unable to donate this past Sunday, Beaver Lake can still get credit if you donate to a New York blood center or Blood Drive sponsored by the New York Blood Center. Put the group number 66010 on your form. Thanks so much! Fran Gertelman.

These are our 2024 Donors!




In a battle for the ages, as witnessed by Ari and Shani Farkas and noted by Ari, our very own Wendy Nenner went toe to toe with the internationally renowned comedian, Ilan Gold.

Last Motzei Shabbat in Hurleyville, NY, at the second of his comedy shows at a local movie theater, Ilan Gold, whose parents have a home in Vacation Village, attempted to dunk on Beaver Lake.

Our mild mannered heroine, who was in the audience, had none of that. Immediately, she went into her superhero mode. As a hush fell over the crowd, Wendy pounded the so-called comedian into pulp by simply but aggressively pointing out that unlike Vacation Village we actually have a healthy, thriving lake.

Ilan, not giving up, meekly declared that VV has an indoor pool and since it rains 92 out of 100 days in the Catskills, VV has the edge. "Ha," thought Wendy to herself, "It's always sunny in BL. Either weather-wise or peoples' disposition-wise." Showing incredible restraint to an already defeated man she kept that thought to herself and left him with a smidgen of dignity. A true heroin.

And for this, Wendy Nenner,

a daughter of Beaver Lake

we present to you the

Defender of Beaver Lake Award 


LAST p/u - Monday, August 26

Please place your blue recycling bins

outside your home

no earlier than

8am Monday morning



A Trivia Quiz

Thanks for playing!

Paul Gertelman is the winner of last week's question:

How many tennis courts does BL currently have?


Paul submitted this week's question:

What was the name of the first owners

to re-sell their home in BL? 

Bonus question: Who bought it

the answers are hidden somewhere in this Bulletin

Thank you to all the photographers who participated in the

Summer photo contest. I hope you enjoyed finding unique and

interesting natural wonders of our property.

this week's winner is:

Harry Wiesel

a hawk looking for a meal on the deck


Any future bulletin suggestions or comments? Please reach out to
Roz Wiesel

Beaver Lake Estates

189 Southwoods Drive

Monticello, NY 12701

Connect With Us: BL Instagram