July 19, 2024

Parshat Balak

Candle lighting: 8:10pm

Maariv Motzei Shabbos: 9:05pm

Shabbos Ends: 9:10pm

The Eiruv has been checked and is certified Kosher.

8:10pm - Candle lighting

Mincha - Kabbalas Shabbas

7:00pm Beis HaMedrash, 7:30pm Upstairs Shul, 8:20pm Beis HaMedrash


7:30am Beis HaMedrash, 9:15am Upstairs Shul, 9:30am Beis HaMedrash


2:00pm, 5:30pm, 6:45pm, 7:30pm        

all Minyanim are in the Beis HaMedrash






4:30pm Daf HaYomi Magid Shiur: Rabbi Zev Isseroff

5:45pm Pirkei Avos - Perek 6 Speaker: Dr. Jordan Kaplowitz in memory of his parents, Jay and Judy and brother, Jonathan

Brought to you each week by Rabbi Zevi Isseroff

View full season davening schedule

This Week's Enhancers

Nachum and Shura Davidovitch

on the Yartzeit of

Nachum's mother

Miryam bat Nachum HaKohen

may her neshama have an aliya


Egon & Dave Pfeifer

on the Yartzeit of their mother

Bracha Henche bas Yehudah

and their brother

Yehudah Moshe ben Naftali Tzvi


Kaplowitz Family

on the Yartzeit of

Judy Kaplowitz

Yocheved Basha bas Moshe Ahron


For the Shloshim of

Jonathan Kaplowitz

Natan Nata ben Yaakov Meir

may their memory be blessed

Click Here

To sponsor a kiddush or a L'Chaim

or please contact Moishy at 917-434-5999

Today, Friday July 19, at 2pm

Join a nationally ranked Pickleball, player Ron Krivosha, (our resident Amy Zide's father) at our new courts to participate in a "Round Robin."

Play With a Professional

This Sunday, July 21

Breakfast at the casino 10:00am

Beaver Lake Estates will host

Jen Airly

A Mother’s Pain,

A Mother’s Pride

Twenty-one year-old Binyamin Airley hy”d fell in Gaza. Since then, Binyamin’s mother, Jen, has been an inspiration to all of Am Yisrael, speaking openly from the heart and with extraordinary strength and faith.


Brought to us by Alan Hirsch


The "Run for their Lives" walk usually scheduled for 10:00am on Sunday morning will be starting at 9:30am just prior to the breakfast

This past Shabbos we hosted three of the thousands of "defenders of Am Yisrael." Many Beaver Lakers participated in a Seudah Shlishit where we met our guests and heard about their acts of heroism and their amazing program to support ex IDF soldiers in returning back to civilian life.

Rabbi Tzvi Berkowitz and Harry Wiesel

greeted our Shabbos guests

Many of us were inspired to donate to help them achieve their goals. In continuing our mission to support, via the Mitzvah Fund, individuals and organizations that have a direct link to Beaver Lakers, we also supported this endeavor.

You may learn more about them by clicking the link below:


If you would like to donate click below:


Our very own

Dovid Pearlman in concert

Saturday night, July 20, in the Casino 10:30pm

ICE CREAM will be served...Yay!!!

Click to see our full line up of entertainment and more

brought to you by our Entertainment Director, Alan Hirsch


Visit our concession this weekend

As residents of Sullivan County, our power is supplied by NYSEG. With many days of hot temperatures and strong storms recently it's vital to be prepared for an outage.

What should Beaver Lakers do in case of a power failure?

  • Turn off light switches and unplug appliances to prevent damage to the appliances when service is restored. Leave only a single lamp turned on so you’ll know when power’s been restored. 
  • Keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible. Food will stay frozen for 24 to 48 hours with the doors closed.
  • Use tap water sparingly. Our water supply is pumped out of the ground through a well system. As the pumps do not work in an outage our water supply may run out depending on the length of the outage. 

Also, consider receiving text alerts from NYSEG providing you with real time updates.

Click on the link below to get directions on how to enable alert messaging



next p/u - Monday, July 22

Please place your blue recycling bins

outside your home

no earlier than

8am Monday morning

A Trivia Quiz

Please submit all Trivia correspondence to

the editor: editor@beaverestatesny.com

It is exclusively on Beaver Lake history

Sarina Karfunkel is the winner of last week's questions:

Who was the first proprietor of the

Beaver Lake Concession?

Heshey Muehlgay

Sarina submitted this week's question:

What used to be housed behind the baseball field?

the answer is hidden somewhere in this Bulletin


One year after the founding of Beaver Lake Estate.

Photo courtesy of Eileen Horowitz

Thank you to all the photographers who participate in the

Summer photo contest. All winners get a free ice cream cone.

Please submit your photos by Wednesday noon of each week to


this week's winner is: Daniel Allen

Giant leopard moth is enjoying the magic show!

Wait!! Seriously?? A giant what moth? In Beaver Lake?

Learn more by clicking: What in the world is this thing?

Any future bulletin suggestions or comments? Please reach out to
Roz Wiesel

Beaver Lake Estates

189 Southwoods Drive

Monticello, NY 12701

Heshey Muehlgay

Connect With Us: BL Instagram