Positions Available:
- Director
- Staff Director
- Cook
- Logistics
- Teen Division Head
- Pre School Division Head (position filled)
- Main Camp Division Head
The Camp Director will have overall responsibilities for all of the camp operations. Including but not limited to:
- Establishing the overall program, calendar and activities. Working with the camp committee on programming and coordination of all water related activities with Aquatics Director
- Camper attendance tracking
- Organize and manage all camper activities including trips, inhouse special programs (carnivals, petting zoos, etc.)
- Assist in determining camp fees and staff salaries
- Coordinate camper recruitment activities. Promote the camp and recruit outside campers, from the local community, to enhance camp attendance and maximize revenue
- Organize sleeping arrangements for all outside staff including camp and waterfront. Working with the BL Operations Manager to assure adequate arrangements are made for a safe and comfortable environment
- Management of all outside staff 24/7 including waterfront staff. Ensure staff wellbeing. Ensure curfews are maintained and behavioral issues addressed
- Oversee the Cook ensuring safe food preparation and a healthy camp environment
- Keeping records and documenting processes
- Hiring camp employees, including activity specialists, recreation leaders, Logistics, camp counselors
- Financial responsibilities: Help set all budget parameters for staff and camper expenses and manage to achieve these parameters
Staff Director
- Responsibility for the staff programs
- Oversee and manage Shabbat camp experience: 1) Friday night Minyan with singing and dancing; 2) Three prepared Shabbat meals with divrei torah & singing; 3) Havdalah program
- Evenings and Sunday Trips
- Organizing curfew rotation, monitor curfew and deal with violations
- Ensure the staff comply with the Staff Handbook rules, codes of behavior, dress etc.
- Go over daily schedule and have staff check in at beginning and end of camp day
- Provide all meals for the outside staff. including setting the menu, ordering food and supplies
Logistics Coordinator
- Head of a logistics team
- Maintain camp grounds
- Pick up garbage around camp and Beaver Lake
- Clean up Camp House and Casino
Teen Division Head/Camp Ruach Coordinator
- Plans evening programs for teens
- Campfires, movie nights, night swims, karaoke
- Implements daily schedule
- Attends all trips for teens
- Ruach Person - Gets the camp pumped up daily for camp at start and at end of each camp day!
- In charge of counselors in the division
Pre School/Kindergarten Division Head
- Program age appropriate activities
- Works with director of camp on ideas for programming
- In charge of the counselors in division
Division Head of Main Camp
- Implement schedules
- Monitor and review counselor activities and resolve issues
- Helps out when needed
- Attend trips