Building Community
One Body In Christ
Anne Masters, Ph.D., FAAIDD
Vol. 5, Issue 1, November 9, 2023
Dear Friends and Co-Workers in the Vineyard,
Am I the only one wondering what happened to the month of October? You too! Phew.... I didn't think so!
But still, there is something relaxing about the transformations during autumn as the colors bloom on our trees, even as they fall readying for winter and new life in the spring.
I wanted to share the first two items below with you last month, BUT as I said, October FLEW by! And because we're Catholic, we know that EVERY month is Respect Life Month! So here we are, and I'm catching up on these important issues, along with some new ones.
- A New Ministry for a Different Kind of Crisis Pregnancy
- Continually growing expectations of possibilities for persons with Down syndrome.
- 2023 - 2024 Sensory Friendly - Inclusive Family Mass Schedule
US Bishops planning to write new Pastoral Statement on Persons with Disabilities - please SHARE the invitations to listening sessions below with concerned people you know. See below for more detais.
Stay tuned for an update on the new ministry website and information about an exciting new Ministry initiative in the next edition of One Body in Christ Together.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and thank you for all you do for ALL of God's people!
Yours in Christ,
A New Ministry for a Different Kind of Crisis Pregnancy
For a couple looking forward to the birth of a new baby, pregnancy can be a most joyful time. While most pregnancies proceed as expected, there are occasions where something unexpected occurs. That unexpected something could be a prenatal diagnosis, whereby the doctor informs the parents of a positive result from a prenatal screening or diagnostic test. Suddenly, this time of joyful expectation is turned on its head. The couple has now gone from eager anticipation to a state of grief because their precious unborn baby has received a prenatal diagnosis.
My Beautiful One ministry does not provide healthcare advice or treatment, does not collect any payments for services provided, and is not a covered entity engaging in covered transactions under HIPAA.
Growing Expectations - The Growing End of Human Dignity
The Continually Growing Expectations of Possibilities for Persons with Down Syndrome - Toward the close of October as Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Amy Julia Becker asked her daughter Penny, “What does life for a 17-year-old with Down syndrome look like?”
Sensory Friendly - Inclusive Family Mass Schedule 2023 - 2024
Though everyone is welcome in the parishes of the Archdiocese of Newark, there are a number of individuals with developmental disabilities, such as autism that don't feel comfortable attending their "typical" parish mass for different reasons. Parishes hosting Sensory Friendly – Inclusive Family Masses (SFM) are going “the extra mile” to ensure that individuals with disabilities, their families and caregivers feel welcome, valued, appreciated, and supported. All are welcome to attend these masses - and it's an opportunity for the parish community to be supportive and demonstrate its concern. Let me know if you're interested in starting one at your parish!
USCCB Seeking Input for New Pastoral Statement on Persons with Disabilities and the Church
The US Bishops has announced it will write a new pastoral statement regarding persons with disabilities and the Church. The Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth has scheduled listening sessions in collaboration with the National Catholic Partnership on Disability. I have already shared these dates with many people based on particular focus of the session. However, there is a general session scheduled for people involved in parish ministry, as well as individuals with disabilities and family members.
This is an opportunity to tell the bishops what is important to you in your experiences in the Church, as an individual with a disability, a family member, friend, and/or pastoral minister, regardless of experience or expertise in ministry with persons with disabilities.
There will be TWO opportunities: One organized by USCCB and NCPD and another organized by the Archdiocese of Newark Office for Pastoral Ministry with Persons with Disabilities (PMPD).
USCCB - NCPD Listening Session
November 28th
2:00 PM EST
Archdiocese of Newark Office PMPD
December 5th
7:30 to 8:45 PM
Some Background: The 1st Pastoral Statement of the US Catholic Bishops on Persons with Disabilities
The first edition of the Pastoral Statement was published in 1979 and reprinted in 1987 to respect evolving language. The Spirit of Vatican II and Guadium et Spes is clear in the original document, which will hopefully continue in any new edition. It is still prophetic and aspirational to this day. Perhaps an important question for the US Bishops to consider is why the existing document still isn't reflected in much of the experiences of persons with disabilities in the Church.
We currently have two groups for parents of individuals with disabilities that have been meeting for many years at St. John the Evangelist in Bergenfield. One is for moms and one is for dads. The groups' schedules are a mixture of in person and virtual gatherings at this time. For more information about support and connection, contact info below.
And A Child Shall Lead Us
Contact Anne Masters at Anne.Masters@rcan.org
All Dads of Individuals with Disabilities
Contact Deacon Jim Detura at jdeturarph@aol.com or Anne Masters.
Anne Masters, Ph.D., FAAIDD
Pastoral Ministry with Persons with Disabilities
Phone: 973-497-4309
The Archdiocese of Newark
171 Clifton Avenue
P.O. 9500
Newark, NJ 071074