“It takes a village to raise a child” is a famed African proverb and one of life’s enduring truths. Every adult in every young person’s “village” or support system can play a transformative role in shaping their future. This is especially true for youth workers serving youth of color in vulnerable communities. Yet many of them are underserved, lacking access to mental health care, even in times like these. A recent study showed 75% of youth workers reported moderate to severe stress since the spread of COVID-19.

There’s no pouring from an empty cup,
so what happens when the supporters need support?

Trinity Boston Counseling Center (TBCC) has been the only program in Massachusetts dedicated to addressing the well-being and clinical needs of youth workers for over 16 years. TBCC’s clinical care and professional support for them is multi-pronged and reciprocal. They receive trauma-inclusive care, and learn how to pass it on in their youth work. Just this year, TBCC’s youth worker clients reported lower stress levels during the pandemic, increased job satisfaction, and stronger relationships with their youth. By giving to our Annual Fund this year you help ensure TBCC’s healing work with youth workers and youth of color across Boston remains affordable and accessible.

Let’s keep the village strong.

If you haven't yet, please make a tax-deductible
donation toward our annual fund by December 31st