Spring 2021 News & Updates

A Final Thought from Steve Sartori, MD, ACC
Director of the Center for Well-Being

The transfer of a leadership role is oftentimes referred to as “passing the baton”, “handing over the reins”, or “passing the torch”. The latter term references the ancient Greek practice of passing a torch during a relay race.

My life verse, Acts 20.24, also refers to running a race - “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.” (Acts 20:24, NIV84)

As I conclude this lap of my life and ministry as Director of the Center for Well-being, I am confident that the best is yet to come. I look forward to continuing to partner with Ann Tsen and Ken Jones in coaching doctors, as my schedule allows, and also training doctors in our 501 and 503 courses. We have an exciting future under Bert's capable leadership, as the CMDA Center for Well-being continues to help Christian healthcare professionals align with God, optimize well-being and maximize impact. Here's a short video introducing Bert:
As our new Director of Leadership & Church Relations, Bert will oversee the Center for Well-Being and church ministries, and also serve as the Chaplain of the CMDA. He brings a wealth of ministry experience to his new role, having traveled on 5 different continents to over 33 different countries, teaching and preaching the Gospel. He has a real passion for leadership development and has co-authored two books on leadership principles from the book of Proverbs with Dr. David Stevens.

Prior to his new leadership role with CMDA, Bert served as the Senior Pastor of Woodburn Missionary Church (from 2014-2021) and as the President & CEO of GO InterNational. He previously served on the CMDA staff as Chaplain and Director of Leadership & Church Ministries. 

Bert graduated from Asbury University in 1989 with a degree in Bible, and completed 2 years of Seminary at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. He and his wife Cheryl have been married since 1989 and have three children: Joshua, Allyson and Aaron. His wife Cheryl is a teacher and is very active in their ministry. 
Welcome Bert! It's exciting to imagine our bright and growing future under your leadership at the CMDA Center for Well-Being.
Interest in CMDA’s coaching training has skyrocketed since early 2020 and continues to grow! By shifting all of our coaching training to an online format, we have doubled the frequency of our course offerings, and we feel like we're maximizing our training effectiveness.

We have been pleasantly surprised that our participants seem to be responding to coach training with even more skill and confidence in their coaching than with in-person training. What we've seen is that the convenience of at-home-learning is only one of the benefits of online coaching training. With our new on-line coach training, participants have time to absorb and practice in-between sessions, take advantage of rich sharing of insights through weekly “reply-all” email responses between participants, and take advantage of opportunities to get to know and learn from others in breakout room practice sessions

One of our highlights this year has been having CMDA’s own CEO, Dr. Mike Chupp participate in the 501 Foundations course in February! (You can check out his comments about the training in the May 29 CMDA Matters Podcast). Another highlight was the incredible privilege of partnering with ICMDA (International CMDA) to deliver our 501 Foundations in Coaching course to 16 physician leaders from 10 different countries and time zones! God blessed this culturally rich time with trouble-free technology, a stimulating time of learning and participation with Christian doctors who were excited to use their new mindsets and skills to transform their communities. We look forward continued training partnership with ICMDA and other organizations seeking certified Christian coaching training for healthcare professionals.
Comments from some of our recent course participants …

“As physicians, we are trained to value expertise in all things. But the fact is that most of life’s deepest challenges are beyond our expertise. That’s where coach power comes in—the power of engaged presence, careful listening, and insightful questions to provoke new awareness and make change possible. CMDA’s two introductory courses-- “Foundations in Christian Coaching” and “Coaching for Change, Transition, and Transformation”—have shown me not just the power of being coached where I feel stuck, but equipped me with the confidence and skills to be such a coach for others. Highly recommended!" Morgan Wills, MD

“What a mind shift this course has been. I know that I shall have another tool to help the hurting.”
“This course is one of the most enjoyable and rich courses I have ever attended”

Interested in knowing more about our coach training or fee-based coaching ministry? Contact us at:
Focus on What Goes to Heaven …
Ken Jones
Director of Development/Communications

I recently bought something that at least for me, cost a lot of money. What I bought isn't important to this piece, I suppose, except that before I even got it home — before I'd even had a chance to see how well it worked, we had a mishap with it. Maybe I shouldn't say 'we' had a mishap with it. Someone close to me — but not me — had a mishap with the something that I bought; the something that, at least for me, cost a lot of money.

I stood looking at this newly acquired and yet already damaged possession, and noticed a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. This damage wouldn't be covered with any kind of insurance. I had already paid for my new treasure. And now … I'd have to foot the bill to have it repaired before I even had a chance to use it, or see how it worked.

A testing time, then. A time to examine what I really believe.

I am grateful that, along with the sick feeling in the pit of my gut, another reality graced the predicament I found myself in. A word, really. An instruction or injunction from the Lord Jesus, Himself in Matthew's Gospel came to my frustrated mind. You may know the word to which I refer. It's the verse about 'moth and rust corrupting our treasures.' It's the passage reminding us to keep our eyes on the treasure that goes to heaven, and not on the rickety possessions of this life.

We stood together, staring at the damage done to this newly acquired possession of mine. The party responsible for what was an unavoidable accident said he felt sick. I said, "Me, too. But, this 'thing' isn't going to heaven. People go to heaven. And I want my focus to be on helping you feel better. Don't let it worry you. This is a 'thing.' We never want to get too exited about some 'thing' that will never make the trip to heaven."

My new acquisition is already in a shop, being repaired. But the repair won't last. Sooner or later, moth or rust will corrupt it. Or, who knows? Thieves may even break in and steal it. But those eventualities will never touch another certainty: The investment we make in the lives of people will produce eternal dividends. Things don't go to heaven; People go to heaven.

Thank You, for sharing the vision of CMDA's Center for Well-Being. Our passion is focusing on 'what goes to heaven.'