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Methamphetamines Training, February 10th
Feb. 9th at 6:30 PM OR Feb. 26th at 11 AM
Drop-In Online Teen Social Events
You are invited to join the Advisory Council for our 2021 statewide survey!
The DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey completed live, in-depth interviews with 34,000 randomly-selected adults in every town in Connecticut in 2015, 2018, and 2020, producing robust local-level data on the issues most relevant to community well-being that are not available from any other public data source. This survey will be fielded again in 2021.

Our Advisory Council is a critical element of this program. All public agencies, institutions, and community-based organizations in Connecticut are invited to join the Council and help us select topics to include in this year's survey (there is no cost to join). Last year over 125 organizations participated. Register, provide feedback and submit ideas now. Responses are requested by noon on Thursday, February 11.
New: How Teens are Struggling with Loss and the Limits of Living Online
What many teens initially embraced as a short,
unexpected school break has become an extended trip to new territory, with no return
ticket. It is a trip that requires navigating friendships, family, school, media, social media, and self-identity without a compass to guide them. And it’s a trip that is plagued by loss.

This study aims to help caregivers, educators,
and adolescents themselves understand what
is happening beneath the surface, so they can
support and navigate the healthiest possible
response and adaptations to the loss and
changes of the COVID-19 era.

The Impact of Pandemic Life on Teens - Webinar Now On Demand
How is pandemic life affecting the mental health and well-being of our young people? How can parents and professionals equip and empower teens to make healthy decisions and adopt resilient behaviors? Join prevention expert Deirdre Flynn to examine emerging research about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescent health. Discussion will focus on translating research findings into practical prevention efforts aimed at keeping the kids in your care healthy.
In the News

How to Reset (or at Least Lower) Your Stress in 5 Minutes

To help you hit the reset button, it’s key to know some quick, efficient stress-reducing strategies. Here are a few ideas from an assistant clinical professor in psychiatry.

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How To Help A Child At Risk Of Suicide

More families are dealing with their children feeling anxious and depressed and thinking about and even attempting suicide. But mental health professionals say that suicide is preventable and that parents and family members play an important role.

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The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT
A division of the Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP) 

Newsletter designed and created in collaboration with Daydream Communications, LLC