Congratulations, !

As you embark on your unique Becoming Orange journey, we welcome you to the Syracuse University community and look forward to supporting your successful transition.

In support of our entire community's health and wellness and to comply with social distancing guidelines and public health directives, our office will communicate updates as they are available. For detailed information about Syracuse University's response to COVID-19, please visit the Stay Safe website.

For additional information or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to New Student and Family Programs at 315.443.9187 or by emailing [email protected].
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Syracuse University Email Account
Immediate Action

Using your NetID and password, access your Syracuse University Email Account and check often throughout your academic career. Moving forward, you will receive important information with this account (i.e. Please make sure you communicate with faculty, staff and peers with this email account.

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Health and Wellness Requirements
Immediate Action

There are several requirements coming due soon, including:

Students are also required to complete Community Wellness Requirements beginning Wednesday, Dec. 17. These activities build connection, promote community well-being and help you learn more about health and wellness resources and programs.

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Required Task List
Immediate Action

It is important for all students to stay on top of what is coming due. Completing these required tasks on time will make your transition seamless! Make sure you also review the new student checklists as well!

Learn more about the required tasks today!
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Winter Welcome 2022
Registration Due: Jan. 10, 2022

As part of your Becoming Orange journey, you are required to attend Winter Welcome, Syracuse University's new student orientation program for spring.

students sledding in snow