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 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

—Revelation 22:13

“Advent is a season associated with birth...but every birth ends with a death. Advent means coming in Latin, and the paradox of Advent is that while it is a coming appearance, it’s also an acknowledgement that there is a coming disappearance. Death is our ultimate loss of control, and we must bring this loss of control to Jesus, just as the Magi brought gifts to Jesus. Your life is the greatest treasure you can bring.”

—Scott Erickson, Honest Advent

Is there anything you are struggling with in this season? Ways you feel out of control? What does Advent mean if it heralds not only the embodiment of new life in the infant Jesus, but the embodiment of the full human experience, even death? How are you bringing your whole life to Jesus this year?

A Blessing for Becoming Real

Kate Bowler

Blessed are we who are becoming,

who have lived so long

in this strange state we call time

that it shows. We are changing,

and that’s how we know

we are alive.

Blessed are you who see the

evidence of your own becoming,

the places where you are worn

from so much loving.

The laugh lines from jokes

that made your belly ache.

Crow’s feet from squinting

to see the stars. Stretch marks from

growing babies, building muscle,

enjoying delicious meals.

And yes, the places that hurt.

That are visibly still wounded

and sore, that change

how you move or how you live.

Blessed are you, seeing all this

as evidence of loss, yes,

but also of life,

because what is real is

now showing through.

Blessed are you who

do not despise your realness.

It may hurt.

You may not recognize yourself

in the mirror. But this is

what we hoped for, right?

To live and love.

To be loved.

To have our experiences

show on our faces

and in our cells.

It is the real life of Jesus in us,

being made visible,

as all our seams show.

**from Good Enough: 40ish Devotionals for a Life of Imperfection.

Image used with permission from the artist, Scott Erickson.

For more resources for daily reflection during Advent,

visit FUMC Austin on Instagram or Facebook.

Contact Rachel Wright, Director of Communications, with questions or concerns about these daily Advent devotionals.