Save 20%
on AncestryDNA kits!
With AncestryDNA, you can uncover your ethnic origins and find the people, places, and migration paths in your family history.
Sale Price: $79
Reg. $99. Excludes taxes and shipping.
Sale ends 6/18/17.
on 23andMe kits
+ FREE gift wrap!
Ancestry Service Test - $79
Get a breakdown of your global ancestry by percentages, connect with DNA relatives and more!
Health + Ancestry Service - $179
Receive 75+ online reports on your ancestry, traits and health, and more.
Reg. $99-$199. Limit 2.
Shipping to continental U.S. only.
Sale ends 6/18/17.
Family Finder Test -
Map ethnic and geographic background, g
ain insight into ancestral origins, and c
onfirm family history and traditions.
YDNA Test-
Explore direct paternal line & ancestral origins, uncover paternal heritage going back to Africa, and trace male ancestors' ancient migration paths.
Reg. $89-169. Sale ends 6/18/17.