Before You Leave the Ground 
Secure Your Ladder Stand With Primal Treestands Grip Jaw and Backbone Stabilizer Truss Systems 

Primal Treestands Grip Jaw and Backbone Stabilizer Truss Systems

March 21, 2019, Littleton, Colorado -- Hunt in confidence using the Grip Jaw and Backbone Stabilizer Truss systems that can be secured to the tree before you ever leave the ground. The systems are included with Primal Treestands ladder stands to provide a safer, sturdier and quieter hunting experience. 

Primal Treestands Grip Jaw System
You can engage the jaw system by tightening the stabilizer strap's ratchet system. The jaws will then encompass the tree, enhancing safety.  

The stabilizer strap that is attached to the Grip Jaw System runs through your stand's
Primal Treestands Backbone Stabilizer Truss System
stabilizer bar and pulls it toward the middle to enhance stabilization and silence. The stabilizer strap also allows you to hunt from an offset tree, providing you with the opportunity to hunt from trees you wouldn't be able to with just a conventional stabilizer bar.

The patented Backbone Stabilizer Truss System eliminates noise with a cable that puts a gradual bow in your ladder to create pressure on all the ladder sections to silence squeaks and creaks that alert wildlife to your whereabouts.

Watch this video to learn more about the Grip Jaw and Backbone Stabilizer Truss System.

For more info, contact Sophia Ransom at
Primal Treestands Backbone Stabilizer Truss System

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