Join our Rosary Crusade!
"Give me an army praying the rosary and I will conquer the world!" 

The Rosary has the power to not only change the world, but it also has the power to change YOU. It has the power to change your family. It has the power to bring back that fallen-away child that you long to see return to their Catholic faith. It has the power to heal your marriage.

Praying the Rosary has the power to change things.

That's why one of the BEST New Year's resolutions you can make is to pray the daily Rosary! We invite you to jump-start this resolution by joining our weekly Women of Grace Warrior's Rosary Crusade.

When you join, you will be gathering with other Rosary Warriors who will constantly embrace you and your family in prayer. You will also have the opportunity to submit your intentions to the group for their special intercession. And, we will regularly send you FREE resources to help you grow in your love and devotion to Our Blessed Mother Mary and the powerful prayer of the Rosary.

Time is short and the world situation is urgent. We can't afford to let another day pass without begging God for a new outpouring of His grace upon our families, upon our Church, and upon the world.

Join us EVERY Wednesday at 4PM ET for our live online Rosary Crusade. We are building a praying army under the guidance, protection, patronage, and maternal beatitude of the Blessed Mother. We would love for you to be part of this world-changing movement!
We look forward to seeing you at our next Rosary Crusade!

The Women of Grace Rosary Crusade Leaders

Women of Grace® Mission Statement

Women of Grace® seeks to transform the world one woman at a time by affirming women in their dignity and vocation as daughters of God and in their gift of authentic femininity™ through ongoing spiritual formation.

The vision of Women of Grace® is a civilization and culture imbued with the spirit of the Gospel renewed, revitalized, and healed 
through the love of God.

Women of Grace® and all of its outreaches are consecrated to

We are a tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Learn more at

Watch the Women of Grace television program at a NEW TIME
1pm ET Monday - Friday on EWTN