Moving into the 2020-21 School Year Together
PUSD E-Connection
August 23, 2020
Moving into the 2020-21 School Year Together: #PUSDLearns Better Together
As we move into the 2020-21 school year together, share the moments you spend learning with your student(s) with us on social media using #PUSDedu and/or #PUSDLearns. We are in this together.

Updates, Resources & Quicklinks
#Remote Resilience: A Video Series By Students, For Students
We're thrilled to introduce a new video series of short films made by PUSD students, for students during remote learning to promote resilience, responsibility, engagement and well being. A huge thank you to Harvest Park Student Connor Lam and PUSD alumnae/Pleasanton SIAC founder Nicole Zhang for jump starting this project. Want to get involved? Learn more about Pleasanton SIAC here.

Student Leadership: Pleasanton SIAC
Want to take the next step in student leadership and help affect positive change Districtwide?

Student Attendance Information
We have created two new attendance codes for Synchronous and Asynchronous Distance Learning.

In this new system, student attendance by default in the computer system is set to absent, until the teacher can update the attendance for the class period (secondary) or school day (elementary).

Synchronous Attendance: When students attend a “live” class session set up by their teacher, the teacher is able to record the student as “present” for Synchronous Distance Learning.

Asynchronous Attendance: If students are unable to attend a class “synchronously,” they should still log in to their email and google classrooms to review coursework for the day. Students should complete the assignments as assigned and submit them to their teacher on the same day at attendance. If they are unsure of how to complete an assignment, they should reach out via email to the teacher.
PUSD Special Education Community Meeting
Wednesday, August 26 l 3 - 4 p.m.
PUSD will host a community meeting for our families with students with special needs to address FAQs presented previously for remote learning as well as answer questions live.

Join the webinar:
PUSD School Facilities Improvements Continue
While PUSD students are learning remotely, our Facilities and Construction team are hard at work improving our school campuses through Measure I1 and facilities projects to improve our campuses for when our students can return to in-person learning.

Census 2020 Workers Begin to Make their Rounds: Be Counted
Census takers have begun following up in person to households that have not responded. All census takers must have a valid identification badge, required to wear a face mask, and will NOT enter your home. If you have questions call 844-330-2020 to speak to a Census Bureau representative to confirm identity.

Residents can still complete the census by phone 844-330-2020 from 7:00am-12:00am EST, online at 2020 Census, or by mailing back your completed form. Remember to count every person in your household. All responses are 100% confidential. Let's be counted Pleasanton!

Welcome new Vice Principal at Lydiksen Elementary & Senior Director of Special Education
Please join us in welcoming Kenneth Goeken as PUSD’s new Senior Director of Special Education! Mr. Goeken is currently pursuing his Doctorate in Education with a concentration in Special Education, and most recently served as Director III of Special Education for the Alisal Union School District. In this role, Mr. Goeken led special education programs, curriculum and staffing for students preschool to 6th grade. He collaborated with schools and other District divisions to maximize services and worked to ensure the District met or exceeded state and federal compliance standards for special education services.  

Prior to Alisal Union, Goeken served as Director of Special Education, Health Services & Preschool at Gonzales Unified School District where he oversaw special education programs and services as well as mental health and programs that served the District’s youngest learners. In all, Goeken has over a decade in administrative experience in special education. Prior to becoming an administrator, Goeken spent 10 years in the classroom teaching both special and general education. 

Welcome to team pUSd, Mr. Goeken! 

Please join us in welcoming Dr. Hilary Sowers as Vice Principal at Lydiksen Elementary School! Dr. Sowers comes to Pleasanton after serving for the last year as Assistant Principal at Louis Bohn and McKinley Elementary Schools in Tracy, California. In this role, Dr. Sowers assisted in facilitating distance learning last Spring, created and led staff development, coordinated restorative practices to support a positive learning environment for all students as well as collaborated with families on school events and engagement programs. Prior to her experience as an administrator, Dr. Sowers spent more than 15 years in the classroom as a general and special education teacher. Welcome to team pUSd, Dr. Sowers! 

Celebrating our pUSd Community
Foothill Students Collaborate with LPFD to Shed Light on Dangers of Opioid Addiction
A group of talented Foothill High School students partnered with the Livermore Pleasanton Fire Department to create a film about the dangers of opioid addiction. Watch it below!
Amador student collecting camera-enabled devices to help connect Senior Citizens
Amador Valley High School Sophomore Tanya Bakshi is helping Seniors connect to Telehealth and family members during the COVID-19 pandemic by collecting used camera-enabled devices. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many doctors and health care providers are conducting visits exclusively through virtual telehealth visits. Additionally, Seniors are an at-risk group and can be physically separated from families and loved ones. Tanya is working to bridge this gap by collecting donations of gently used camera enabled devices and connecting them with Seniors in need through the Telehealth for Seniors Initiative. 

She was first inspired to get involved with this initiative after talking with her grandparents, who Tanya speaks with every weekend. After her grandmother expressed struggling with boredom and latency with the Shelter in Place, Tanya taught her how to use an iPad and access Youtube videos. 

She sends me pictures and videos of new foods she’s making from YouTube,” Tanya said. “I hope to give every Senior a device that needs one so they can stay connected.”

Tanya then connected with the Telehealth for Seniors Initiative, which spans 26 states with 1,860 devices donated. Expanding this initiative in the Tri-Valley and Bay Area, where there is a high number of Seniors who would benefit from devices, Tanya is asking the community for used camera-enabled devices through her mission statement: “Your old devices may have lost their connections, but someone else can use them to make new ones”.

If you have any used camera-enabled devices (smartphones, tablets, etc), please contact Tanya at Tanya is also looking for volunteers to help in her effort. For more information please visit
Opportunities & Resources
Families in Need: Please Apply for Free & Reduced Lunch Program for 2020-21 School Year
Families who wish to continue to receive free and reduced meals for the 2020-21 school year can find a link to the application here.

Watch a video explaining this program here!
Pleasanton Emergency Rental Assistance
The COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program will assist existing Pleasanton residents who are unable to pay rent due to the COVID-19 pandemic by providing a maximum grant assistance up to $2,500 per household to pay for up to one month of delinquent rent and late fees.
Applicants may submit an application online at or request an application by phone (925) 208-0660 or by email
Please view the flyer for more details or visit CityServe's website.

Food Benefits for Families in Need
Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), children who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals at school will get extra food benefits. These food benefits are called Pandemic EBT or P-EBT benefits. P-EBT benefits help families in California buy food when schools are closed because of the coronavirus emergency.

Families will get up to $365 per eligible child on their P-EBT card to use on food and groceries.

Families with children who get CalFresh, Medi-Cal or Foster Care benefits do not need to apply and should have gotten their P-EBT card during the month of May.

Families with children who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals and who do not get their P-EBT card in the mail by the end of May must apply online before July 15, 2020. The online application is available at If you have questions about P-EBT, you can complete this contact form.
Resources for Families Whose Living Situation Has Been Impacted
Has the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on your family's living situation? Are you at an increased risk of losing your housing because of the COVID-19 pandemic?

If you answered yes to either question, PUSD wants to ensure you are familiar with the federal McKinney-Vento law, which supports a student's ability to access a public education when changes in their living situation results in homelessness. The McKinney-Vento law also provides students the opportunity to remain in their school of origin if it is in their best interest and the student/parent requests it. For more information and additional resources, visit our McKinney-Vento (Homeless Youth) Education webpage here
Resources For Families
Click the image below for a slew of helpful resources curated by our Student Support Services team and Parent Liaisons. You can also visit: (Spanish version -, Chinese version)
Pleasanton Unified
School District
4665 Bernal Ave., Pleasanton, CA 94566
Phone: 925-462-5500