Beginning the 2020-21 School Year Together
PUSD E-Connection
July 28, 2020
Annual Registration Opens on July 31
Registration for the 2020-21 school year will open on July 31, 2020 for returning and new students. During Registration, you will share information about your student(s) with school site staff and have an opportunity to make school purchases and donate to the non-profit organizations that directly support your school. After visiting our online registration sites, parents/guardians can expect to hear about back-to-school activities directly from their school sites. The final step, walk through registration, will likely look a little different this year with our remote start for the year. Learn more about Annual Registration!
Missed the July 24 Final Commitment Deadline? Here's what to do next
If you missed the deadline to enter your student(s)' 2020-2021 school option in the Q Parent Portal, please see the action needed below to reflect your choice (ONLY for families who did NOT previously make selections for each student):

Hybrid model - No action is needed. You're all set!

FLEX (Grades 6-12) or Elementary At-Home Learning - Please email  indicating your choice is FLEX or Elementary At-Home Learning and include your student's name, school ID, grade level, and school of residence.

Long Term Independent Study (LTIS) - please email  indicating your choice is LTIS and include your student's name, school ID, grade level, and school of residence.
Quick Links & Reminders:

2020-21 School Year to Begin with Full Remote Learning - Including Harvest Park Preschool

Is your child ready for school? The immunization law remains the same even though we are starting with remote learning. All students must meet the requirements on or before the first day of school. Learn more about requirements for school at  

If you are missing an immunization, your school site will reach out to you to follow up with your health care provider. If you don't hear from us, you are all set! Thank you for making sure your child's immunizations are up to date! 
Planning Timeline for Starting the 2020-21 School Year Together: Important Next Steps

July 27 - 31: Full week of virtual professional development for PUSD teachers.

~August 7: School bell schedules determined and shared with families.

August 7 - 10
  • Teacher professional development day (Aug 7)
  • Teachers “return” (Aug 10)
  • Device distribution continues

Tuesday, August 11: First day of school

Opportunities & Resources
Participate: Child Nutrition Services Survey
Our Child Nutrition Professionals are excited to be welcoming students back to the new school year. No matter how your child is learning this year, in person or remote, Child Nutrition will still be preparing nutritious meals for your child.  

Child Nutrition Services is finalizing its plan for next year and would appreciate your input.   

EXTENDED OPENING: COVID-19 Testing Site in Pleasanton
The Pleasanton COVID-19 Drive-Through Testing Site will continue to be open until further notice. The test site is for asymptomatic residents ages 10 years and above. No appointment is necessary and there are no out of pocket expenses.
Pleasanton Emergency Rental Assistance
The COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program will assist existing Pleasanton residents who are unable to pay rent due to the COVID-19 pandemic by providing a maximum grant assistance up to $2,500 per household to pay for up to one month of delinquent rent and late fees.
Applicants may submit an application online at or request an application by phone (925) 208-0660 or by email .
Please view the flyer for more details or visit CityServe's website .

Food Benefits for Families in Need
Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), children who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals at school will get extra food benefits. These food benefits are called Pandemic EBT or P-EBT benefits. P-EBT benefits help families in California buy food when schools are closed because of the coronavirus emergency.

Families will get up to $365 per eligible child on their P-EBT card to use on food and groceries.

Families with children who get CalFresh, Medi-Cal or Foster Care benefits do not need to apply and should have gotten their P-EBT card during the month of May.

Families with children who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals and who do not get their P-EBT card in the mail by the end of May must apply online before July 15, 2020. The online application is available at . If you have questions about P-EBT, you can complete  this contact form .
Resources for Families Whose Living Situation Has Been Impacted
Has the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on your family's living situation? Are you at an increased risk of losing your housing because of the COVID-19 pandemic?

If you answered yes to either question, PUSD wants to ensure you are familiar with the federal McKinney-Vento law, which supports a student's ability to access a public education when changes in their living situation results in homelessness. The McKinney-Vento law also provides students the opportunity to remain in their school of origin if it is in their best interest and the student/parent requests it. For more information and additional resources, visit our McKinney-Vento (Homeless Youth) Education webpage  here
Resources For Families
Click the image below for a slew of helpful resources curated by our Student Support Services team and Parent Liaisons. You can also visit: (Spanish version -, Chinese version )
Resources for Employees & Community Members
Pleasanton Unified
School District
4665 Bernal Ave., Pleasanton, CA 94566
Phone: 925-462-5500