Behavioral Health News, Events, & More
for the Mid-Shore Region
September 30th to October 13th
The Third-Annual Mid-Shore is Going Purple Together

Thank you to the town of Cambridge for hosting us and to the over 200 mid-shore community members that came out to Go Purple Together! We also want to thank all of our amazing staff, volunteers, and vendors for making the event such a great success.

We had a blast spending time in the community celebrating recovery, sharing behavioral health resources, and decreasing stigma through our creative exhibits. Check out more highlights from the event across our various social media platforms.

See you next year in Kent County on the last Saturday in September!
The Mid-Shore Roundtable on Homelessness has completed and submitted the FY2022 Continuum of Care NOFO Competition. The CoC Collaborative Application and Priority Project Listing were both submitted prior to the deadline. The CoC Application and Priority Listing are posted on our website.

For this NOFO we submitted a total of five project applications (four renewal applications and one new bonus application) requesting a total of $798,262.00 in funding to serve homeless individuals and families in the mid-shore. If all projects are awarded, $715,601.00 of the funding will provide housing subsidies, $60,487.00 of the funding will go towards the operations of our local homeless management information system (HMIS) and $22,174.00 of the funding will go toward planning and implementing our Coordinated Entry.
Did you know that persons with mental health issues are much more likely to be arrested multiple times for the same crime and even serve lengthier sentences (SAMHSA 2019)?

The incarceration of this population poses further challenges upon release. Reentry efforts that address these barriers include social, economic, and public health concerns. Careful attention for this large segment of the population must be given, to promote best practices and wellness upon return to the community.

Looking locally, how can we best strengthen existing opportunities while identifying gaps for this population, as one may move through the criminal justice system at time of arrest, to reentry and release into the community? The annual Sequential Intercept Model mapping conference’s objective does just that.  Please join us on Friday, February 3, 2023, where this year’s focus will be on juveniles and transitional youth, in the system. Stay tuned and save the date!

Phone: 410-770-4801
Fax: 410-770-4809
Alisha F Saulsbury, LCSW-C, Forensic Mental Health Program Manager
Akima Copper, Forensic Mental Health Case Specialist
Parent CRAFT is free for residents of Maryland
A self-paced online video course that teaches parents the skills they need to meet the risks of substance abuse. Parent CRAFT is based on the proven CRAFT method.
Three hybrid roundtable discussions will take place this fall across the State to identify strategies for expanding non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) in Eastern, Western, and Central Maryland with a final white paper planned for distribution in December.

The roundtables will be held in-person and by Zoom teleconference. The purpose of the project is to initiate a dialogue between all stakeholders and to develop strategies that promote Non-Emergency Medical Transportation in Maryland.
In preparation for these roundtables, they are requesting participation in a survey. The survey should take you around 20 minutes or less to complete. Please be assured that your responses will be kept completely confidential and your participation is voluntary.
Trainings & Webinars

Regional Events

  • Saturday, October 8th, 9:30 a.m., Idlewild Park, Easton: Join the Mid Shore for The Out of the Darkness Community Walk to unite our community and provide an opportunity to acknowledge the ways in which suicide and mental health conditions have affected our lived and the lives of our loved ones.

Drawing will be held on October 15 and crabs will be available by arranging with Capt'n Phil's Seafood.
Support Groups

  • The Maryland Crime Victims’ Resource Center, Inc. (MCVRC) invites families and friends of homicide victims to participate in a peer support group. MCVRC welcomes individuals, families and friends to benefit from this free support service whether or not there has been an arrest or prosecution. You will be supported by fellow survivors in a safe, comfortable environment. To participate with the group, you are asked to call MCVRC at 301-952-0063 and to do an intake with an advocate. This group meets the first Tuesday evening of every month in a hybrid format.

  • Delmarva Gender Expression Movement (GEM),is a support group for those who are exploring or identify anywhere along the gender spectrum. They meeting every 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at UUFE. Address is 7401 Ocean Gateway, Easton. Email Tina.

  • NAMI Family Support Groups meet the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Contact NAMI Kent & Queen Anne's for information

  • Building Up Our Young Men. Mondays and Wednesdays 7:00 - 7:15 a.m.

Job Postings

  • For All Seasons, Inc has a open positions for IT Support Specialist, Licensed Behavioral Health Clinician, and Client Billing Specialist

  • Channel Marker is hiring multiple positions for Residential Crisis Specialists, Rehab Specialist/Care Coordinators, and Residential Associates/ House Managers

Please submit job postings to MSBH and include a web link, PDF, or Word Doc.
Jobs will be promoted for one month, unless notified otherwise.
Grant & Funding Opportunities
Announcement about FY23 Funding for Mental Health Programming
Talbot Family Network, as the county’s Local Management Board, has been awarded funding for school-based and/or community-based mental health programming and services to support children and youth, families, and/or educators, providers, and other frontline clinical and/or nonclinical staff working with these populations. Up to $83,037 is available on a one-time basis for eligible projects ending June 30, 2023.
Volunteer Opportunities

Food Resources
Queen Anne's County Residents

Talbot County Residents
Additional Links & Resources
For information about serving on the Board of Directors, to request an agenda, or for instructions on attending meetings, please contact Kelley Moran at 410-770-4801 ext. 318 or email at
A directory of the Board of Directors is found here.
Mid Shore Behavioral Health, Inc.
28578 Mary’s Court, Suite 1
Easton, MD 21601