Vol. 3, Iss. 1 | 2015 SBH Alumni Celebration video highlights, Child Life visit to China, and more!

New Mobile-Friendly Format!
You'll notice that our newsletter looks a little different now. We've switched to a new, mobile-friendly format, and we hope you'll enjoy the new look! Our website has also recently undergone a redesign. Check it out and let us know what you think!
First Annual Celebration of Alumni!

On October 22, 2015, SBH held our first ever alumni event! With over 250 attendees, the celebration was a great success--and we are already planning the next one, so stay tuned for details!

Watch video highlights from the 2015 event →
SBH Goes Global!

Child Life Specialist MS student Carissa Lane took a  trip to China to help put on teddy bear clinics! She says, "These activities provided a place for children to creatively express themselves while simultaneously decreasing their stress and anxiety."

Read more about her experience →
Students from Osaka Jikei College visited the Department of Social Work and Social Ecology in October in order to learn about social work in America by participating in both educational and cultural exchange activities.

What they did during their visit →

Community Engagement

Social Work students in the LLU chapter of the Phi Alpha Honor Society participate in a monthly wellness outreach to a low-income community in San Bernardino!

Chapter president Melissa Weipert explains →
In early December, students from the SBH Departments of Psychology and Counseling & Family Sciences joined LLU students from other schools to help provide services at the AMEN free health clinic.

Read about the event →
Translational Research

Faculty Profile: Lisa Roberts, DrPH, is an Associate Professor in the PhD program, School of Nursing, with a secondary appointment as Associate Professor in the SBH Division of Interdisciplinary Studies to facilitate her collaborative translational research.

Read about Dr. Roberts' work →
Student Scoop

A sporting team of SBH students were softball stars for a couple of days in February! Thank you so much to our team for representing our school and helping to make the Winter Slam a success! We look forward to next year's games!

Fourteen students from the Psychology department joined Drs. Kriston Schellinger and Cameron Neece at the annual American Psychological Association's conference in Toronto last summer. Additionally, students Ally Davis and Catie Sanner won awards for their research!

Details and photos from Toronto →
Dr. Jacqueline Williams-Reade, along with Marital and Family Therapy PhD students Ginger Simonton, Elsie Lobo, and Gabriela Gutierrez, presented "Integrating Spirituality into the Classroom and Clinical Care" at this year's LLU Faculty Development Showcase. Their presentation was selected as one of five to represent LLU best teaching practices at the national Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching in February!

Learn more about the Lilly Conference →
Alumni Alcove

Since our October 22, 2015 event, we've received many exciting personal and professional updates from our alumni!

Read and comment →

Send your updates here →
Awards and Accomplishments

  • Dr. Hector Betancourt has been selected by the American Psychological Association to serve on the Board of Scientific Affairs!
  • Dr. Cameron Neece has received the Western Psychological Association's Early Career Research Award for 2016!
Read more about these honors here →

  • Jason Richards passed the Bar Exam last fall, and has also been elected to the AAMFT-CA Board for 2016!
  • Chris Hoff has been elected to the AAMFT-CA Board as treasurer!
  • Karissa Moore has received the Inland Empire Stipend for MFT students!
Details here →
Faculty Appointments

Dr. Sylvia Herbozo was recently promoted from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor! "She has been a wonderful asset to our department, school, and the university," says Dr. David Vermeersch, Interim Chair of the Department of Psychology.

Read more here →

View Dr. Herbozo's faculty profile → 
Dean Beverly Buckles Featured in Adelphi University School of Social Work Publication

Dr. Buckles' alma mater recently published an article in their annual newsletter that features her work with the International Behavioral Health Trauma Team!

Read the article on page 4 of "Impact" →
SBH Holiday Drives!

Last fall, SBH held two drives--one each to benefit our local and global communities.

7th Annual SBH Food Drive
Students, faculty, and staff collected a total of 1,034 food items for the SACHS Helping Hands Pantry! Bringing in the most food was the Department of Psychology, with 618 items!

2nd Annual SBH OCC Shoebox Donation
Before Christmas, SBH collected 67 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child! These boxes are shipped all over the world to help brighten the holidays for children in need.

More details, photos, and a special thank you →
Upcoming SIMS Trips
  • Brazil, March 2016
  • China, June 2016
  • Peru, June 2016
  • Honduras PAHS, December 2016
  • ...and more added all the time!
Details and trip registration information →
Book Recommendations

This issue's recommendations come from Counseling & Family Sciences students Alkenia Blackmon, Moosgar Borieux, and Sarah Samman!

Read and comment on their choices →
  LLU School of Behavioral Health | llualumni.sbh@llu.edu | sbh.llu.edu

Our mission is to provide graduate level education that prepares competent, ethical, and compassionate professionals in behavioral health.