📣Attention Members!

The Weekly Newsletter is for Lifetime, Active and Inactive Members and is sent because when you joined you signed up to receive emails from us. They are Informational and not Solicitous*. The Newsletter is filled with valuable info for all of us! We love to find out lots of new health and good-for-us scoop to pass on to you every week. Lifetime, Active and Inactive Members, please read on! 📣

Here's to your health!,

The WW Philadelphia

Newsletter Staff

*We will always offer past members the opportunity to come back at a special rate.

more to come in weeks leading up to this

open workshop event.

promise we won't let you forget!

gaining weight unexpectedly? watch!

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the 4 pillars of Weight Watchers

Every week we cover a new topic that fits under one of these categories: food, activity, mindset & sleep.

• foodLove it or leave it

• activity –Enjoy it or change it up

mindset –What's on your mind is as key as what's on your dish

sleep –Get your crucial 8 as well as the benefits of a good nap

This week's topic: why am I gaining?

Why are we gaining weight unexpectedly?

"You might assume that by eating healthy, you’ll automatically drop those extra pounds or won’t ever gain weight. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case. It can be frustrating because you may feel like you’re doing everything right but not seeing the results you expect. One major problem—that I see my patients struggle with all the time—is that so many healthy eating programs rarely address the healthier habits that need to accompany healthier food choices. Both aspects are important and work synergistically to not only help you lose weight and feel healthier but to also help you stick with it long-term." 

Dr. Ashley Jordan Ferira, Ph.D., RDN

there are lots of reasons for sudden weight gain

Poor sleep, sedentary activities, stress and eating too many processed or sugary foods are just some of the habits that may increase your risk of weight gain. Yet, a few simple steps — such as mindful eating, exercise, and focusing on your plan — can help you reach your weight loss goals and improve your overall health.

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*6 Months with Scale‡ Please note for the 6-Month Commitment plan: After your first six months at $49.95 monthly, your account will automatically renew at $54.95 monthly, until you cancel. While you may cancel your subscription at any time, cancellation will not go into effect until the end of your 6-month Commitment Plan. Thereafter, our standard cancellation policy applies.

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five snippets to help you start to lose again.

Just because your weight loss has stalled, don't revert to bad habits. These tips can help get you re-energized!

0/1 fluid retention

Unexplained rapid weight gain may be the result of fluid retention. This leads to fluid swelling, also known as edema, which can cause your limbs, hands, feet, face, or abdomen to look swollen. Fluid retention occurs when fluid isn't removed from the body tissues, including the skin. a few causes include the body's reaction to heat and hot weather, a high salt intake, eating processed food–(even when they say "diet" the sodium content is usually over the top), and the hormones associated with the menstrual cycle.

Talk to your Coach, but an immediate recommendation is drink more water to " flush" your system.

0/2 have we gotten into a sedentary lifestyle

Inactivity is a common contributor to weight gain and chronic diseases. Working a desk job, watching TV, driving, and using a computer or phone are all sedentary activities.

A study in 464 people with obesity and excess weight found that their average daily sitting time was 6.2 hours on working days and 6 hours on non-working days. Work-related tasks were the largest contributor, followed by watching TV Making a few simple lifestyle changes, such as exercising and sitting less, can make a big difference.

For example, a 3-month study in 317 workers found that replacing just 1 hour of sitting with 1 hour of standing during the workday reduced total fat mass and waist circumference while increasing lean muscle mass

Research has also shown that engaging in excessive screen time contributes significantly to unintentional weight gain

Even small adjustments, such as taking a walk after dinner instead of watching TV, working out or walking during your lunch break, investing in a standing or treadmill desk, or riding your bike to work, can counter weight gain.

0/3 are we resorting to diets for a quick fix?

Dieting refers to cycles of intentional weight loss followed by unintentional weight regain. Notably, this pattern is linked to an increased risk of weight gain over time.

In a study in 2,785 people, those who had dieted within the previous year had greater body weights and waist circumferences than those of non-dieters.

We've all experienced it! Here's the deal: Still didn't get the five pounds you put on at Christmas and you think you can get it off–no problem –and you're finding it is a problem! Fasting? Eating fewer points? Cutting out foods? Going back to your Workshop? (That's the right answer). DIETS DON'T WORK!

Other studies reveal that restrictive eating and dieting may lead to weight gain due to your body’s physiological responses to such behaviors, such as changes in hunger and fullness hormones

Plus, most people who lose weight through restrictive dieting gain back most or all of it within a year.

To keep weight off long term, you should join Weight Watchers which focuses on sustainable lifestyle changes which make up the new Weight Watchers program.

These are covered in the WW 4 Pillars.

0/4 we don't get enough sleep

Sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. Insufficient sleep may trigger weight gain, among other negative effects.

A study in 92 women demonstrated that those who slept fewer than 6 hours daily had the highest body mass index (BMI) and the highest levels of visfatin (a protein secreted by fat cells), compared with women who slept 6 hours or more per day.

In a 2-week study in 10 adults with excess weight following a low-calorie diet, those who slept 5.5 hours per night lost 55% less body fat and 60% more muscle mass than those who slept 8.5 hours per night. As such, increasing your sleep time may aid weight loss. Some evidence associates 7 or more hours of sleep per night with a 33% greater likelihood of weight loss, compared with sleeping fewer than 7 hours.

A recommendation: If you have poor sleep quality, you can try limiting screen time before bed, reducing your caffeine intake, and going to sleep at a consistent time.

0/5 we are stressed out

Chronic stress is a common problem that can affect your weight .

High levels of the stress hormone cortisol have been shown to increase hunger and your desire for highly palatable, calorie-dense foods, which can cause weight gain.

What’s more, studies indicate that people with obesity have higher cortisol levels than those without this condition.

Interestingly, stress management may promote weight loss.

In an 8-week study in 45 adults with obesity, those who engaged in relaxation techniques like deep breathing lost significantly more weight than those who only received standard dietary advice.

Our recommendation: To reduce stress, try incorporating evidence-based relaxation practices into your routine. These include yoga, spending time in nature, and meditation.

Allow time for you. You don't think it's there -but you'll find time and you'll be amazed what an hour a day does for the spirit!

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$49.95/month first 6/months

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*6 Months with Scale‡ Please note for the 6-Month Commitment plan: After your first six months at $49.95 monthly, your account will automatically renew at $54.95 monthly, until you cancel. While you may cancel your subscription at any time, cancellation will not go into effect until the end of your 6-month Commitment Plan. Thereafter, our standard cancellation policy applies.

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"The Weight Watchers Program

is for people who want to lose weight

No diet. No deprivation. No kidding!"


Dear WW Philadelphia Member,

The bumpy road of weight loss and weight maintenance can get the most ‘head on straight’ Member into moments of wanting to wave the white flag of surrender.


It took a long time for me to realize going to Weight Watchers and getting to goal was not a cure for being overweight. I grew up in a family consisting of Mom, Dad, one sister and four brothers. I am the only one who is calorically challenged. Everyone else is in the naturally at goal status. I thought I was joining the family club by losing the weight. But wait, is that really the case?


You see, when someone like me weighs themselves and the number is a little higher (1-2 pounds) above what I like to maintain, I tend to say to myself, “Self, you need to cut back a little.” But, when my sister weighs herself and sees she is 1-2 pounds heavier than her last weight, she says to herself, “Self, you need to cut back today and move a little more.


And then there's that group of friends, family, and acquaintances that we see eat so much we question their ‘super’ metabolism! They're the few and far between. Most of those people who are naturally at their goal weight work at it in ways that are as automatic to them as brushing their teeth!


They’re typically more in tune with their sense of just satisfied while eating. They’re not as likely to push to the point of feeling stuffed or at least their stuffed is a lower tolerance than my stuffed.


My lesson about this has been to stop envying them and start emulating them. So from now on I'm going to say to myself, “Self, slow down when you eat, truly taste, and enjoy every bite." And, "Self stop when you're just satisfied and leave food on your plate." And finally, "Self, set yourself up for success when and where you can and move on quickly when you have over-indulged."


It's all part of the ups and downs of the road to weight loss success! Give yourself a hug.

Have a great week,

Deb Wright

General Manager

Voice of Philadelphia

the WW 4 Pillars of weight loss success

WW Member, Naomi

healthier snacks may support your weight loss goals.

food: learn more >

WW Member, Kate

get the most out of your workout? of course you do!

activity: learn more>

WW Member, Martin

turn setbacks into success with bounce-back strategies.

mindset: learn more >

WW Member, Ginger

good quality slumber can support weight loss.

sleep: learn more >

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$49.95/month first 6/months

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*6 Months with Scale‡ Please note for the 6-Month Commitment plan: After your first six months at $49.95 monthly, your account will automatically renew at $54.95 monthly, until you cancel. While you may cancel your subscription at any time, cancellation will not go into effect until the end of your 6-month Commitment Plan. Thereafter, our standard cancellation policy applies.

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easy weeknight meals

zucchini, egg & tomatoes

buffalo chicken salad

salad pasta, vinaigrette

cheeseburger bowls

pork chops, beans, carrots

quick beef gyro

rotini with broccoli sauce

shrimp fried rice

spice-rubbed salmon

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