Winter Wisdom Circles
Join a winter Wisdom Circle and benefit from the shared wisdom of others.
A Wisdom Circle is a group of 8-12 people who gather to learn, tell stories, listen and pray about a particular subject. Within the safety of the circle, we practice a way of being that connects us in spirit,
drawing us within for a deeper experience.

Being Sanctuary
February 22 - March 8
7:30-9:00pm, via Zoom
With a deep breath I ask: in our noisy world, where is sanctuary? How can I bring the healing of sanctuary into these times—in my home, my work and my community?

Join in this mid-winter pause as we anticipate beginning again in our world. In this Wisdom Circle, we will share in holy listening, and invite a space to hear the sacred rumblings that we each bring. Then, we will shape a blessing of going forth, a Celtic practice when moving from one place to another. 

Our circle will offer the refreshment of listening and reflection inspired by the voices of Brother Lawrence, a 17c. cook and Carmelite lay brother, Macrina Wiederkehr, beloved poet and monastic, and Howard Thurman, philosopher and theologian.

Seeing the Word: Women of the Bible
Mondays, March 1-22
6:30-7:30 pm, via Zoom
This Wisdom Circle is a contemplative prayer practice using illuminations from the St John’s Bible. These beautiful images bring to life passages from Scripture, helping us to engage with the Word, encounter the Divine, and enact the Message in our daily lives.

Journey with us through the Lenten season and explore the often-overlooked women of the Bible. We will get to see their faith, hope, courage, and love highlighted in the St John’s Bible.

Click here to register online.
Click here to see the flyer.

Follow us!
We are regularly sharing what is happening in our community
and would love to hear from you!

Day's End
Evening Meditation
Weekdays 5:15 - 5:45 p.m.

Listen, breathe, be still.
A peaceful way
to move into your evening.

Feel free to log in to hear a beautiful prayer or poem followed by just the right amount of quiet meditation time.

Zoom link
Meeting ID: 212 677 840
Password: 944568
Call in/audio only: 301 715 8592
Hermitage Overnights
Do you have a deep longing to get away and rest for a time? Consider a hermitage stay at The Retreat House where you can be still and enjoy quiet solitude.
A Hermitage at the Retreat House is very special -- a place where one can experience the peaceful connection of nature and spirit. The grounds include a Chartres-style labyrinth, a historic cemetery and church, and many beautiful trees. The small town of Hillsboro, bordering the Tuckahoe River, is friendly and very walkable. 
The Retreat House offers comfortable, safe, and private accommodations for one or two people. Contact us at [email protected] or call (410) 364-7069 to make a reservation. 
Winter Calendar
Thursdays, January 21-February 18
Wisdom Circle: Creative Spirit,
with Heather Hall, via Zoom
(Registration Closed)

Mondays, February 22 - March 8
Being Sanctuary, with Heather Strang, via Zoom

Mondays, March 1-22
Seeing the Word: Women of the Bible, with Heather Hall, via Zoom

Thursday, March 25
9:30am - 1:00pm
Seasonal Quiet Day
with Julia Morris Myers, via Zoom

PLEASE NOTE: All AA meetings will be online only for the foreseeable future. Click here to attend AA meetings through Zoom.
Fridays: 7:30 pm, AA Big Book
Saturdays: 7:00 pm, AA Women's Candlelight
Sundays: 5:30 pm, AA Step 
The Retreat House gates are always open.
Please visit us soon!
All are welcome at The Retreat House to take quiet walks among the beautiful old trees, to visit historic St. Paul's Cemetery, or enjoy a labyrinth meditation. At this time, we are not hosting indoor gatherings. Thank you for observing safety protocols while you are here, by wearing masks and maintaining social distance. Please stay safe and be well!