Celebrations, Remembrances and Prayers
Upcoming dates to give you time to send a note, card, or call.
Deborah Meguerdichian 7 21
Amy Corcoran 7 22 Brian Ridgeway 7 23 Ernest LaFrance 7 24
Jack Gentile 7 25 Ralph Holcomb 7 25 Jeff Nickerson 7 25
Bonnie Snow 7 25 Daniel Corcoran 7 26 Caroline Keeffe-Jones 7 27
Norman Proctor 7 29 Tom Murray 7 30
Keb Hutchings-McMahon 8.05 Ella Chase 8.08 Brenda Ridgeway 8.08
Steve Anderson 8.09 Todd Ash 8.09 Ellen Snyder 8.09
Lizzie Idman 8.11 Steven Koehler 8.11 Camden O’Brien 8.11
Janet Roberts 8.12 Margaret Anne Heuss 8.14 John Kilpatrick 8.14
Alice Funnell 8.17 John Gale 8.17 Evie Ellison 8.19
Kathy Udall 8.19 Susan Hammatt 8.20 Gerald Foley 8.22
Jude Hutchings-McMahon 8.23 Ann Anderson 8.24
Dick Koeppen 8.25 Ruth Montgomery 8.26 Natalie Magliozzi 8.27
Bryan Gass 8.28 Phil Marshall 8.28 .35 Louie Benner 8.29
Susan Barrett 8.30 Page McMahan 8.30 Don Usher 8.30
Ephraim and Jane McLean 7.31.65
Charlie and Diane Deaton 8.02.14
Wayne and Marilyn Gass 8.05.61
Norman and Joan Proctor 8.18.56
Bill and Nancy Ranscht 8.18.56
Robert and Christine LaBranche 8.21.93
Rick Paris and Ann Pike Paris 8.21.71
The Rev. Ken and Ruth Campbell 8.26.67
The Rev. Herb and Peg Skelly 8.26.61
Bruce and The Rev. Sue Lederhouse 8.29.87
Joan Howe 7.21.19
Andrew Kalinick 7.21.12 Barbara Shaw Churchill 7.22.12
Betty Dibble 7.23.05 Herbert Frederick 7.24.99
Jeffrey Karlson 7.28.18 Laura Ellen White 7.29.98
Lucy Chandler 8.02.16 Phyllis M. Myers 8.02.15
Dottie Stevens 8.02.02 Peter Kuntz 8.03.01
Paul Jones 8.05.00 T. Will Joy 8.05.13
Frank Wiedeman 8.06.05 Mary Bunker 8.09.15
Frederick H. Burr 8.09.97 Claire Lockwood 8.10.96
Marion Grube 8.12.03 Abner Pratt 8.12.12
Suzan M. Deaton 8.13.10 Myles Mahoney 8.13.02
Mary Morgan 8.15.04 Sabin Hutchings 8.16.75
Ralph Mayo 8.17.86 Mary Wilcox 8.17.03
Robert Groves 8.18.00 Ruth Evans 8.19.99
Edith Houghton 8.22.89 Marion Kachadorian 8.22.07
Constance LoParto 8.22.13 Raymond Price 8.25.01
Frank Pike 8.26.06 William Ridgeway, Priest 8.26.84
V. Janet Seale 8.27.12 Irma Smith 8.27.97
Erick T. Miller 8.29.13 Sue Rightmire 8.30.06
Frank Joy 8.31.07
We pray especially for: Milt Barnes Jr., Arlene Barrett, Elizabeth Beattie, Robert Blanchet, Beverly Chace, Dorothy Cross, Betty Daiute, Ali Funnell, Marcia Galazzi,
Mary Beth Guiliano, Ruth Evans Jones, Bill Kirkby, Leo Liatsos, Joe Manson, T
yler Marshall, Ed Mason, Bill Nemitz, Callie O’Brian, Dianna Oliveira, Jennifer Peters, Linda Staab, Don Usher, Bill Wahlquist, Jack, Lauren, Mike.
For all our service women and men.
We pray for those affected by COVID 19, especially those on the front lines: Dr. Susan Cornell, Kristin Crighton, Dr. Donald Dupuis, Liberty Jane Dupuis, Steven Isner,
Carol LaBranche, Kristian Kurtzke, Jenn Marlin, Dr. David Meguerdichian,
Dr. Nadia Huancuhuari, Dr. Michael Meguerdichian, Joy, Danielle Pensa,
Meg Nemitz, Kelly Crossland, Justin Tavano, Holly Tavano, Kimberly Topping,
Mike Topping, Peter Vogt
Watch over thy children, O'Lord, as their days increase.
Bless and guide them wherever they may be, keeping them unspotted
from the world. Strengthen them when they stand;
comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall;
And in their hearts, may thy peace, which passes all understanding,
Abide all the days of their lives; Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.