Volume 33 / July 21, 2021
Being Together - Again!
Jesus invited his disciples to “come away with him to a deserted place to rest.” Our lives are busy and full. We all need to take the time to rest. When Jesus went off he spent time praying, spent time with God to replenish himself. We are all called to ministry, called to serve God. We are also called to pray, to take the time to intentionally be with God

I would like to share the quotes from Henri Nouwen and Presiding Bishop Curry’s Way of Love Practices from my Sunday June 18th sermon. They are an invitation to find your own ways to balance a life of prayer and action in your own lives. Blessings, Gail

Henri Nouwen wrote,
Prayer and action . . . can never be seen as contradictory or mutually exclusive. Prayer without action grows powerless pietism, and action without prayer degenerates into questionable manipulation. If prayer leads us to deeper unity with the compassionate Christ, it will give rise to concrete acts of service. And if concrete acts of service do indeed lead us to a deeper solidarity with the poor, the hungry, the sick, the dying, and the oppressed, they will always give rise to prayer. In prayer we meet Christ, and in him all human suffering. In service we meet people, and in them the suffering Christ.

In "Way of Love Practices", our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry wrote,
Turn: pause, listen and choose to follow Jesus. Learn: read on scripture each day, especially on Jesus’ life and teachings. Pray: Dwell intentionally with God each day.  Worship: Gather in community weekly to thank, praise and dwell with God. Bless: Share faith and unselfishly give and serve. Go: Cross boundaries, listen deeply and live like Jesus. Rest: Receive the gift of God’s grace, peace and restoration. 
On July 15th, the Vestry met in person for their monthly meeting for the first time since March 2020. Although we have recently met in person for workshops with the Search Committee and other purposes, it was great to meet for our official monthly meeting in person once again. Your Vestry meets the third Thursday of each month in the Fireplace Room.

As part of his monthly report, our Treasurer, Chris Crighton, led us through a review of the non-operating funds invested at the Diocese Investment Trust, to remind us of their background and purpose. This will help us make proper spending decisions in the future.

John Harter, Sanctuary Enhancement Committee Convener, and Gail+ took the Vestry on a tour of the Sanctuary which is currently under construction. As of last Thursday evening, the new platform for the altar has been constructed, and many of the pews have been re-sized and moved into place. The moving and adjustment of the Rodgers Organ has been scheduled with the company. A new altar will be built, incorporating materials from our existing altar, and a removable altar rail has been designed and will be constructed. The original cushions will be resized to fit the altered pews. All lighting will be replaced, and new LED bulbs will be installed as part of Cape Light Compact Program at no cost to the church. Depending upon the effects of Covid and the advice we receive from the Diocese, we expect to worship again in the Sanctuary this fall.

Thank you to all who completed the Holy Cow Survey online or on paper. The Vestry, the Wardens, the Clergy, and the Search Committee will meet with The Rev. Dr. Richard M. Simpson, Cannon to the Ordinary of the Diocese of Western Massachusetts, on Saturday, July 24, to review the results of the survey. The Search Committee will then continue their work in developing the Parish Profile, one of the early steps in preparing to call a new rector. They will carefully consider your responses in this process.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. We welcome your comments and questions by phone, email, or in person.

Sincerely, Brenda and Steve
10:00 a.m.

In person worship has resumed
in the CHS Parish Hall.
Please enter through the front doors and, for now, continue to wear a mask.
If you are unable to join us in person,
a Zoom Meeting invitation email is sent Fridays at Noon.
It includes links to the Zoom service, Sunday Bulletin, and CHS Announcements

You can also watch the service live or later on our YouTube channel
10:00 A.M.
Please join Gail Smith+ for our
powerful healing service.
A Zoom Meeting invitation email is
sent Mondays at Noon.

Enjoy Ruth's introduction that explains how this book has a special meaning for her.

"Every Child - A Song"

By Nicola Davies
Illustrated by Marc Martin

Click here to listen.

Hello Church School/ Youth Group- Friends and Family!!
We miss you and are excited to invite you all to a B.Y.O.P ! 😊

What is that you might ask… It is a Bring Your Own Picnic Event!

ON Saturday July 31st at 5:00 PM We will host a picnic event for Church School Families and extended families as well as friends!

Weather permitting we will be outside! 
The church school will provide: some frisbees and a dessert treat.
(based on the day's heat index 😊 ) 
Following this we will have a Compline Service outside led by Father Joe. 
If you don’t know what this is, come and find out!!

So, come, bring a blanket, a picnic dinner and reconnect with us! 

Don’t forget to look for news of our August get together date!
We hope to see many of you in the fall when we return to Church School!   

Blessings… Joan, Ruth, Matt, Richard, and Hanna

Summer 2021
Food 4 Kids returns to CHS
Thank you to all who have volunteered! 

We are preparing 550-600+ lunches a day for the children in our 8 towns on the lower/outer Cape. With our recreation program partners we are meeting the needs of very active, happy and hungry children this summer. Things may not be fully back to normal, but what we are seeing feels good!

More than 125 people have signed up to help prepare, pack and deliver meals to our sites!

If you have not had a chance to sign up, or you signed up for one or two days and would like to do more, there are a number of openings:

CLICK HERE for full details of this wonderful program and other volunteer sign up opportunities.

  • To volunteer to help prepare and/or pack meals, check out our Prep/Pack Volunteer sign up at Prepare/Pack Meals. There are open spots across the next 5 weeks just waiting to be filled. We are sure you can find a few that fit nicely with your schedule.
  •  We need a substitute driver to Provincetown for Monday, August 16. You can find that sign up at Drive to Provincetown.
  •  Nauset Schools is continuing to provide grab-and-go meals out of Nauset Middle School through the summer. If you would like to volunteer to help prepare those meals, sign up at Help Nauset Grab and Go.

Childhood hunger is a hidden reality on Cape Cod, now more than ever. If you would like to help make a difference, support Food 4 Kids by volunteering your time.

Last month we announced that we will resume our annual CHS Holiday Bazaar on Saturday November 6th from 9:00 - 2:00.

We have had a great response from the 2019 CHS teams for the various parish led parts of the bazaar but do have a few openings for volunteer signup:

  • USED BOOKS LEADER - this sale will be set up in the Fireplace Room; Donations will be accepted starting Wednesday November 3rd through Noon Friday November 5th; books are sorted and set up on various tables by category. We will help recruit volunteers to help with the pre- sorting and actual day selling.

  • COMMUNICATIONS AND ADVERTISING  - Are you willing to be a part of this critically important team getting ads in newspapers, putting up posters and setting out lawn signs? Many helpers make these important tasks easy.


  • FOOD DONATIONS -  do you make jams and jellies or can vegetables from your garden? Consider setting aside some of your items to donate to the food table.

  • COOKIES - instead of a traditional cookie walk the day of the event, we plan to make up packages of homemade cookies to sell at the food table. In the coming weeks/months, think about making a few batches of holiday favorites and freeze them. We will announce when to bring them to the church.

More volunteer sign-up needs will be announced in September's newsletter. Our bazaar is considered "The Best in Town" so, think about how you can help us keep that reputation.

If you are willing to help and be a part of this event, contact Nancy Boccia. (Note: her telephone number listed in the directory is wrong - it's xxx-875-xxxx)
The July 17th Garden Party was quite productive. Converted the Rectory back yard from a jungle to a cleared space; mowed the Rectory lawn; weeded the walk way from parking lot to Rectory, the playground, the Route 28 corner garden, and the memorial garden beds; repaired the koi pond pump; cleared a space by Monument Road where the new Galley West sign will be installed next month. We also hired Ryan Karber to mow under and around the solar panels. Thank you to all who helped. Dave Blanchett, Nancy Boccia, Ike Cole, Chris Crighton, Chuck Dow, Ann Pike-Paris, Sue Sasso, Brian Skea
Rectory Back Yard - Before picture
Rectory Back Yard - After picture.
PLEASE - Come Join Our Garden Parties -
Every helping hand is important and appreciated.

Join us 8:30 - 11:30
Dates are weather dependent

 August: 5th (Thursday) 14th (Saturday)
 September:  2nd (Thursday) 18th (Saturday)

Even if you can't join us on one of our planned work days, give Ann Pike-Paris a call and she can tell you what needs to be done and you can do it when convenient for you. 
Many hands will make our campus work light.  Thank you. Ann
Last week you received a separate email notice about the Galley West Art Gallery and the announcement of our new website https://galleywestartgallery.com

The website includes all the information about how the new gallery will function and how artists can enter one or more of the shows.

It also provides links to sign up for the gallery communications (we need to create our own mailing list) as well as volunteer and donation forms with ways to support the gallery.

The Gallery Grand Opening will be Saturday October 16.... mark your calendars.
Did you know one little word change can improve your mood instantly? (Excerpt from Health Magazine)

You might say that you really try not to complain—you meditate, you think positive, you always try to find the good. But, when was the last time you said that you have to do something? Maybe you have to go grocery shopping. Or you have to work out or have to go to a meeting or work. Maybe you have to weed your garden. Are these really forms of complaining?

Saying you have to do something is an easy trap we all fall into and it's one that can make our perspectives on life a little more blue, and also negatively impact brain chemistry.

Fortunately, a tiny language tweak can help:

Instead of saying "I have to," say, "I get to." It's something that companies like Life Is Good encourage their employees and customers to do.

Here's why it works. Our brain responds very powerfully to the way we use language when we talk and the way we use language in our thoughts.

"I have to" sounds like a burden. "I get to" is an opportunity.

Try it! What do you have to lose...you just may GET to do something great and improve your whole day!
Our current book selection for Sunday discussions is:
Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John and the Praying Imagination
by Eugene Peterson.


For those unable to join us in person, we will have the same zoom link but it will be from 11:15 - 12:45 (Debbi wasn't able to get us on at 11) and Gail generously offered us her computer. Thanks, Gail! If you wish to join the discussion via Zoom, please notify Brian or Brooke Skea and they will send you the zoom invitation.
We’re so glad and grateful to start to be together again in person!  While we gradually reopen, in the event they are needed, we are listing the locations of the 7 First Aid Kits on the Church campus,

Don’t hesitate to email Meg Nemitz or let the parish office know if you notice any supplies are running low.

1)    Kitchen - in well labelled lower cabinet. Burn Kit is on the wall to the right of stove.
2)    Parish Office - upper shelf.
3)    Izzy’s Alley - it’s AED. Second AED located in Parish Hall outside of men’s bathroom.
4)    Flower prep counter & sink, outside of sacristy.

Downstairs Parish Hall:
5)    Sexton Workshop
6)    Church School Office
7)    Nursery
Thanks everyone! Have a safe and healthy summer!
Other resources:
Barnstable County Human Services:  www.bchumanservices.net (Comprehensive website
       with multiple resources on the Cape)                 
Councils on Aging
Orleans: 508-255-6333Brewster: 508-896-2737 Chatham: 508-945-5190  Eastham: 508-255-6164Harwich7: 508-430-7530Wellfleet: 508-349-0319
Yarmouth: 508-398-9866Truro: 508-487-2462
VNAs of Cape Cod
Hyannis: 508-957-7400Falmouth: 508-495-5716So. Dennis: 508-957-7400
Cape Cod Hospital Social Services Department
Cape Cod Healthcare Newsletter: Go to this link:   https://www.capecodhealth.org/
         First page has a free sign up.
We have returned to one newsletter edition per month.

Our Vestry meets the 3rd Thursday of each month. To include timely Vestry updates,
the newsletter will be published the following Wednesday.

We will continue to include our usual articles and ministry updates and keep
a few fun and human interest items as well.

This means contributors for the newsletter need to plan what they want to report.

nclude current month reports as well as look towards the events and
news in the coming month that the parish should know about.

The next edition of Being Together-Apart is
Wednesday August 23, 2021
Deadline to send items to be included to Sue Sasso 
Monday August 21, 2021 by 4:00 p.m.

Subsequent issues will be released on:
September 22 - Deadline Monday September 20
October 27 - Deadline Monday October 25
November 24 - Deadline Monday November 22
December 22 - Deadline Monday December 20


Send your articles to Sue Sasso's personal email or to:

Based on a survey by Barnstable County Health and Human Services and Matthew Aronson Consulting in 2019, every night there are at least 30 youth and young adults (YYA) who are on the street, in shelters or staying in places not meant for human habitation, and as many as 2,400 YYA experiencing homelessness in the course of a year on the Cape and Islands. 

"Host Homes" is a nationwide program the goal of which is to end youth homelessness. Host Homes leverages existing housing resources in a community based environment to support youth and young adults. The Youth Outreach and Hospitality Action Team of the Nauset Interfaith Association is promoting Host Homes in an effort to provide much-needed housing options for YYA in our community. Homeless Prevention Council will provide case management for the youth who are housed on the Lower and Outer Cape. Host Homes is being used successfully in several states including California, Nebraska, Maryland, Washington, Ohio, Minnesota and Kentucky

The attached flyer has some basic information on the program. We encourage you to take a look at the testimonials by youth who have been through this program at 

NIA's Refugee Support Action Team is helping many families. In 2019 they established the Pearl Fund to help support the precious asylum N'Tumba/Sifa family who came here without any monetary resources but with much love, faith and hope, for making a new life here on Cape Cod in the USA. Recent medical bills for Joelle and funding towards citizenship would benefit from your donations. Click here to learn about the "Pearl Fund" and how you can make a donation.

For texts or voice messages please call Joe+ at
You can also call the parish office and
leave a message for Joe with the answering service.
Make sure your message includes how Joe+ can respond to your call.
CHS WEB SITE UPDATE: To live stream or watch recorded services later, please go to our web site holyspiritorleans.org and click on “VIEW ONLINE”. To download the Sunday Service Bulletin, select “CLICK HERE FOR SUNDAY SERVICE BULLETIN”

2021-2022 SPACE USAGE FORMS: PLEASE CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE by phone or email:  office@chsorlean.org with respect to signing up your group’s schedule for the 2021-2022 program year as soon as possible. Most groups are off for the summer, but will start up again in the Fall for the Sept 2021 to June 2022 year. The earlier you get in your space usage request, the better the chance you will get the specifics you want. 
SUNDAY'S GLIMPSE OF THE GOSPEL: The Gospel speaks to us today personally and as a community. Join us Sundays at 8:45 am to delve into the Gospel and pray for one another. We meet now will meet in the Fireplace Room and via Zoom. Please contact Gail+ for the Zoom link.
CENTERING PRAYER: We have returned to meeting at CHS on Mondays (except on holidays) at 4:30 pm in the Memorial Garden (weather permitting) or the Reception Room.  The group will continue to meet at the Federated Church Labyrinth on Thursdays at 4:30. Please join us!
WEDNESDAY MORNING PRAYER GROUP: The CHS Morning Prayer Group prays on Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. from the comfort of their own homes. Contact Richard O'Hara and he will send you the coming month's scripture readings for Wednesdays.
508-255-2678 or 508 - 241-0357

FEELING PINCHED AND STRUGGLING TO MAKE ENDS MEET because of the pandemic's impact on your life? Please contact Gail Smith+. Funds are available through the Discretionary Fund.

FORWARD DAY BY DAY: Copies of the November, December and January book are now available. Contact Debbi in the Parish Office. She will mail it to you.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please call the office with your prayer requests at 508-255-0433 and leave a message. They will remain on the CHS Public Prayer List for 4 weeks. If you need them to be on the list for a longer period, please let us know.

PRIVATE INTERCESSORY PRAYER: The CHS Intercessors is a small group of CHS members who are committed to pray regularly for your concerns. If you need private prayer for any reason, please call the Parish Office. Someone will contact you. ALL requests will be held in confidence. 

PARISH DIRECTORY: We no longer include member's personal contact information in our communications. Call the Parish Office and we will email you an electronic copy or snail-mail you a hard copy of the current Parish Directory so you can "stay in touch."
Celebrations, Remembrances and Prayers
Upcoming dates to give you time to send a note, card, or call.

Deborah Meguerdichian 7 21
Amy Corcoran 7 22 Brian Ridgeway 7 23 Ernest LaFrance 7 24
Jack Gentile 7 25 Ralph Holcomb 7 25 Jeff Nickerson 7 25
Bonnie Snow 7 25 Daniel Corcoran 7 26 Caroline Keeffe-Jones 7 27
Norman Proctor 7 29 Tom Murray 7 30
Keb Hutchings-McMahon 8.05 Ella Chase 8.08 Brenda Ridgeway 8.08
Steve Anderson 8.09 Todd Ash 8.09 Ellen Snyder 8.09
Lizzie Idman 8.11 Steven Koehler 8.11 Camden O’Brien 8.11
Janet Roberts 8.12 Margaret Anne Heuss 8.14 John Kilpatrick 8.14
Alice Funnell 8.17 John Gale 8.17 Evie Ellison 8.19
Kathy Udall 8.19 Susan Hammatt 8.20 Gerald Foley 8.22
Jude Hutchings-McMahon 8.23 Ann Anderson 8.24
Dick Koeppen 8.25 Ruth Montgomery 8.26 Natalie Magliozzi 8.27
Bryan Gass 8.28 Phil Marshall 8.28 .35 Louie Benner 8.29
Susan Barrett 8.30 Page McMahan 8.30 Don Usher 8.30

Ephraim and Jane McLean 7.31.65
Charlie and Diane Deaton  8.02.14
Wayne and Marilyn Gass     8.05.61
Norman and Joan Proctor 8.18.56
Bill and Nancy Ranscht     8.18.56
Robert and Christine LaBranche  8.21.93
Rick Paris and Ann Pike Paris 8.21.71
The Rev. Ken and Ruth Campbell 8.26.67
The Rev. Herb and Peg Skelly 8.26.61
Bruce and The Rev. Sue Lederhouse 8.29.87


Joan Howe 7.21.19
Andrew Kalinick 7.21.12 Barbara Shaw Churchill 7.22.12
Betty Dibble 7.23.05 Herbert Frederick 7.24.99
Jeffrey Karlson 7.28.18 Laura Ellen White 7.29.98
Lucy Chandler 8.02.16 Phyllis M. Myers 8.02.15
Dottie Stevens 8.02.02 Peter Kuntz 8.03.01
Paul Jones 8.05.00 T. Will Joy 8.05.13
Frank Wiedeman 8.06.05 Mary Bunker 8.09.15
Frederick H. Burr 8.09.97 Claire Lockwood 8.10.96
Marion Grube 8.12.03 Abner Pratt 8.12.12
Suzan M. Deaton 8.13.10 Myles Mahoney 8.13.02
Mary Morgan 8.15.04 Sabin Hutchings 8.16.75
Ralph Mayo 8.17.86 Mary Wilcox 8.17.03
Robert Groves 8.18.00 Ruth Evans 8.19.99
Edith Houghton 8.22.89 Marion Kachadorian 8.22.07
Constance LoParto 8.22.13 Raymond Price 8.25.01
Frank Pike 8.26.06 William Ridgeway, Priest 8.26.84
V. Janet Seale 8.27.12 Irma Smith 8.27.97
Erick T. Miller 8.29.13 Sue Rightmire 8.30.06
Frank Joy 8.31.07

We pray especially for:  Milt Barnes Jr., Arlene Barrett, Elizabeth Beattie, Robert Blanchet, Beverly Chace, Dorothy Cross, Betty Daiute, Ali Funnell, Marcia Galazzi,
Mary Beth Guiliano, Ruth Evans Jones, Bill Kirkby, Leo Liatsos, Joe Manson, T
yler Marshall, Ed Mason, Bill Nemitz, Callie O’Brian, Dianna Oliveira, Jennifer Peters, Linda Staab, Don Usher, Bill Wahlquist, Jack, Lauren, Mike. 
For all our service women and men.
We pray for those affected by COVID 19, especially those on the front lines: Dr. Susan Cornell, Kristin Crighton, Dr. Donald Dupuis, Liberty Jane Dupuis, Steven Isner,
Carol LaBranche, Kristian Kurtzke, Jenn Marlin, Dr. David Meguerdichian,
 Dr. Nadia Huancuhuari, Dr. Michael Meguerdichian, Joy, Danielle Pensa,
Meg Nemitz, Kelly Crossland, Justin Tavano, Holly Tavano, Kimberly Topping,
Mike Topping, Peter Vogt
Watch over thy children, O'Lord, as their days increase.
Bless and guide them wherever they may be, keeping them unspotted
from the world. Strengthen them when they stand;
comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall;
And in their hearts, may thy peace, which passes all understanding,
Abide all the days of their lives; Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
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Stay current on happenings at CHS.

Check out our Website at https://holyspiritorleans.org
"Like Us" on Facebook at The Church of the Holy Spirit

Editor - Sue Sasso newsletters@chsorleans.org