This has been an odd fall at Church of the Holy Spirit for several reasons. Of course, there are the ubiquitous issues of staying healthy during a pandemic when we are a community whose identity is in meeting together for worship and service. Then, we are not able to get back into our traditional worship space until the first Sunday in November (That’s real soon!)
We are trying a new start time for Church School which allows for our children to have more time in inter-generational worship. We are trying to keep as much of the normal seasonal schedule going as is possible within the framework of safety and health – so Christmas Bazaar and the Antique show are scheduled as usual. And OH! By the way, we are in the middle of a search for a new rector, led by a fine Search Committee who works with the vestry and clergy to gather data, publish a parish profile, gather applications, and choose a Rector for the future.
In the spirit of "more information is always better than less," it will likely be repetitive to pass these other key dates along to you:
November 7th - Big Review of the data gathered in the Congregational Assessment Tool, (the CAT survey) will be half an hour after church on November 7th in the parish Hall. This is an important meeting as you will learn what you reported as a congregation in the survey that will be the foundation of our parish profile.
November 21, (The Sunday before Thanksgiving) we will gather after church, in the Parish Hall for a time of listening to concerns and Issues in our history that have remained unresolved. Several of you have asked me about whether there will be a time to ask questions and to name issues from the past that need to be dealt with before we welcome a new rector. This is the time for that listening and story-telling.
- Our discussions will be facilitated by The Rev. Canon Kelly O’Connell, our Regional Canon and Sue Perkinson, our Diocesan Consultant. Please be a part of this meeting which may be a building block for our future as a church, and as a community of faith. These two events are woven into the fabric of the many other things that are happening just now so don’t lose them in the mix.
Additionally, on November 7th when we return to worship in the Church at 10:00 a.m.,
take time to notice the newly hung artwork around the church and the focused lighting to help us enjoy and appreciate our amazing collection. Art is a window to the soul and we are blessed at CHS with a wealth of local art that opens our hearts to God’s spirit and message.
Besides new lighting and new safety measures at our entrances, there are updates to the sound system for the organ and the spoken word that should allow everyone to hear better during worship. A system that connects the system to your hearing aids has been installed and, ushers will have information on how you can access that system.
Let’s enjoy our ability to be back in this treasured space by cooperating with the rules, markers, and ropes that welcome us to worship while establishing social distance. We all long for the day when the need for distance relaxes, but for now, be helpful and responsible not just for yourself, but for the good of others.
It would be great if everything goes perfectly on that day, but we may experience a hiccup here and there. Be patient and prayerful with yourselves and others as we learn to be back in this space we love and cherish.
Join Us In Worship
All Saint’s Day Celebration
Sunday November 7- 10:00 a.m.
In Our Renovated Church
Don’t forget to turn your clocks back
on Saturday night.
Worship in the Parish Hall will continue through Sunday October 31st.
We are excited to announce the return of worship
in our renovated Church on
Sunday November 7 at 10:00 a.m.
The renovations require some logistical changes we want to share.
The North, East, and West Transept Entrances will be open.
The South (Monument Road) Entrance will not be open.
The North and West Entrances are Handicap Accessible.
Refinished wooden pews are in the North and West Transepts.
Chairs in the East Transept can also be reached from
the Reception Room using new wider stairs into the transept.
The South Transept seating is reserved for our choir.
Take time to view the Reception Room display of artwork by Joe + and Gail+.
Covid-19 precautions will be observed including masks and social distancing.
Ushers will help you with seating.
Zoom and livestreaming options will continue.
. A Zoom invitation will continue to go out on Fridays.
10:00 A.M.
Please join Gail Smith+ for our
powerful healing service.
A Zoom Meeting invitation email is
sent Mondays at Noon.
Your Vestry met on October 21, with a very full agenda reflecting the fact that there is a lot going on this fall at the Church of the Holy Spirit.
After a meditation led by John Harter and approval of previous minutes, Chris Crighton gave us his monthly Treasurer’s Report which shows us on track or slightly positive to our assumptions when the budget was presented in the spring. Investment results from the Diocesan Investment Trust were somewhat negative in the third quarter, the first time in a while, but are still positive year to date.
Chris then introduced a discussion about a very generous unrestricted bequest recently received from our former parishioner, June Blackmore Glover. Although we don’t yet know the exact amount, it is clear that it will be one of the larger donations we have received. Without making a specific recommendation, Chris reported some ideas that had been discussed in the Finance Committee but we all agreed that the Vestry should take some time and think through some options for its best use in a subsequent meeting. We continue to be blessed by the generosity of members of our parish who remember CHS in their estate planning.
Joe+ and Gail+ provided their updates on the very active month just past, including the launch of an exciting new adult education series, final preparations for the November 7 celebration of our renewed sanctuary, and continued progress with our search committee highlighted by their plans for a session on November 7 after the morning service to review the Holy Cow Congregation Assessment Tool and to receive feedback on that process. The Search Committee is beginning to draft our Parish Profile, a key next step in the search process.
After some discussion, the Vestry approved the creation of a new ad hoc task force to review opportunities to solve three areas of need that have become apparent in our facility: a very well stocked library which is rarely used because it is located in such a hidden location, a choir room where robes and music are stored that is physically separated from the building where they practice and participate in worship services, and a need for more storage for our new Galley West Art Galley. Steve will work with Joe+, Joan Kirchner, Sue Sasso, Hanna Schneider and others interested once we have taken a breath from all the work on the sanctuary.
As we raced the clock to a late adjournment, the Vestry also heard liaison reports from the Nominating Committee, the Sanctuary Renewal team, the Search Committee, Galley West, the Church School, and Buildings & Grounds. All in all, a very good meeting with active and positive participation by all.
Brenda and Steve
The Vestry has formed the Nominating Committee and has given its charge in preparation for the Church of the Holy Spirit’s next Annual Meeting, to be held in February 2022. Members of the Committee are Jack Gentile, Melissa Keeffe, Kate Paradise, Michelle Puzo, and Jack Sasso.
While several of the current Officers and Vestry Members are eligible for re-nomination, the parish will need to elect one Warden for a two-year term, a Treasurer and Clerk, each for a one-year term, and four Vestry-at-large members for two-year terms. The parish will also elect one Convention Delegate/Deanery Assembly Representative and an Alternate Convention Delegate/Deanery Assembly Representative , each for a two-year term.
Anyone interested in making suggestions for the open 2022 positions is encouraged to contact Jack Gentile, Nominating Committee Chair.
This theme was adopted by the Stewardship Team for the 2022 season. And, as any and all of us can see, those words were absolutely on the mark.
The Church of the Holy Spirit is back; with in person worship, the search for our next rector is ready to report the survey results to the congregation, the sanctuary refurbishing nears completion and reopening for in person worship on All Saints Sunday, November 7th.
Church School is back in session, the Galley West Gallery is open, two Adult Ed Programs are offered, pastoral care continues, the Bazaar, Antiques Show and First Fruits are on our calendars for the next months.
In short, our parish has stayed the course during the challenge of the Covid19 pandemic and is poised to step into its future. That future needs our continued support of our time and treasure. It needs all of us to step up with our pledges for 2022.
We are well on our way and it looks promising. For those who have made a pledge we say “thanks”. For those who have yet to pledge, we encourage you to prayerfully consider your being a steward of CHS’s future and make a pledge.
If we all pitch in we can celebrate a bright future for this parish we love and cherish as it continues its work and witness of the Gospel, the Galilean Vision of Christ for the world.
If you need a pledge card, please contact the parish office.
With each pledge received…OUR FUTURE BEGINS!
The Stewardship Team:
Georgia Schneider, Kate Paradise, Steve Koehler, Chris Crighton, Doug Fromm
The Search Committee invites you to join them for a special presentation in the Parish Hall after the November 7 All Saint’s Sunday service. Details coming soon to your inbox!
A Call for Techies
Covid has brought about many changes in our lives-- some of them positive!
Here at the Church of the Holy Spirit, we have had to rapidly acquire the equipment and learn how to conduct our worship services via Zoom and YouTube in the sanctuary and in the Parish Hall. Now, we are also able to conduct hybrid meetings, including members at home and those in the Fireplace Room or Parish Hall.
If you attended church services lately, you've probably noticed the very intimidating looking camera and other equipment and the small group of volunteers who operate these devices each week. We too were all very overwhelmed when we started. However, what we've discovered is, with a little training on using the equipment, it is an enjoyable way to contribute to this important ministry at CHS.
We would love to welcome new members to our team! If you are adept at operating a computer, we offer on-the-job training. Please let one of us know if you are interested in joining us.
The CHS Audio Visual Team
Gail+, Brenda Ridgeway, Nancy Boccia, Kate Paradise, Brian Ridgeway
The CHS ART GALLERY, (not Galley West Art Gallery) located in the Church Reception Room, returns on Sunday November 7, 2021. The featured artists for the month of November are Gail Smith+ and Joe Robinson+.
After the memorable and monumental November 7th church service, take some time to view their creative works of art.
2022 CHS Reception Room Gallery Schedule
Calling all CHS artists, crafters, quilters, woodworkers, photographers, rug hookers, knitters, sewers, poets.... all media.... Please consider signing up to show your work in the CHS Reception Room Gallery for a month. You can display items for sale...or you can also create an exhibit of your favorite creations that you would like to share for "viewing pleasure only" and not for sale.
The 2022 sign up poster is located on a shelf by the gallery door.
The Show Must Go On! Questions? Call Sharyn Laughton 508-255-7277
Do you enjoy listening to Ruth's Sprit Story videos? Alas, her two teenaged videographers have become very involved with their school work and are unavailable to continue their recording sessions.
Ruth has many more wonderful stories to share and hopes someone will step forward to help her continue this ministry. Youth and adults are encouraged to learn this fun skill... then you can also make your own videos to share with family and friends!
We can arrange training to record and create a YouTube video. All you need is an iPad and a joy-filled hour each month with Ruth. Please contact Ruth if you are willing to help.
For this month's newsletter and in anticipation of our joyful return to worship in our renovated sanctuary, Ruth had chosen to record a reading of...
Words by Amanda Gorman - Poet Laureate,
Illustrator - Lauren Long
Amanda Gorman is the youngest inaugural poet in U.S. history who read her moving poem, The Hill We Climb, at the 2021 inauguration ceremony.
Written as a children’s anthem, Change Sings reminds the newest generation that they have the power to shape the word with their actions and voices.
Peace, Ruth
All church school families are welcome! (come masked up!)
Jeff Scott has joined our team as an adult helper in the
middle and high school group. WELCOME JEFF!!!
- Every Sunday Church School starts at 9:30 in the classrooms under the Parish Hall
Nursery children (4 and under) Child Care in the Nursery is provided from 9:30 - 11:30 every Sunday. Children may be picked up by a parent at any time to join the service.
Snacks: Wrapped snacks and 100% boxed fruit juices will be available for everyone.
It has been wonderful to see the returning faces of the youth at Church. We are still working to get into a new rhythm and welcome input from both adults and youth alike.
- An evening drumming session in December or January. We will coordinate the date that works best for the families.
- Matt has handed out pumpkins for Church families to decorate and then place on one on the bales of hay "Pumpkin Patch" at our sign on the corner of Route 28 and Monument Road
Beach Cleanup day - We had so much fun with our beach clean up in September, that we may try another in November. Look for news on the date.
- Look for Advent Wreath Making dates in the November Together.
Hoping to see more of you in the upcoming Months!
The Church School Team !!
WE DID IT! After a Ribbon Cutting ceremony and Thank You reception on Friday evening October 15th, the Galley West Art Gallery opened to the public on Saturday, October 16th.
During his remarks on Friday evening, Orleans Select Board Member, Kevin Galligan shared that the term "Galley West" is a somewhat archaic expression meaning "cockeyed and lopsided".... both apt descriptions of our 1800's historic building that has been wonderfully restored...still retaining some of its lopsided and cockeyed nature!
If you were unable to tour the gallery on Sunday October 17th and see the amazing restoration including the Vernon Smith Mural, visit us during our regular gallery hours Tuesday - Saturday, 10:00 - 4:00.
Greg DeLory, the curator for our first show In The Beginning... has created a wonderful display of local art that has received rave reviews (and sales) during our first weeks of business. The show will run through Saturday November 13th.
Our second show, Holiday-Winter-Wonder, will open Saturday, November 20th and will be curated by Gail Binney-Sterne. This show will run through Thursday, December 23rd.
Our 2022 Show Schedule is under review - stay tuned for updates
Please check out our website, "Like Us" on Facebook and Instagram.... and spread the word that our new gallery is open.
Want to volunteer in the gallery? Complete the Volunteer sign up on our website or contact Sue Sasso or Sharyn Laughton.
We are just days away from the 2021 Holiday Bazaar! We hope to see you on Saturday, November 6th from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm in the Parish Hall!
The CHS Food Table is a highlight of the bazaar and we hope you will donate cookies, breads, cakes, pies, candy or your personal specialty to the table. Drop off your goodies November 3-5th to the church kitchen. All items should be wrapped or jarred and clearly labeled (also note if items have nuts). Cookies can be in larger bags. We will make up bags of cookies to sell, so no need to pre-package those unless you want to.
Donate your gently used books November 3rd - 5th in the Fireplace Room.
This is a great opportunity to shop for the holidays and enjoy the incredible talent of our church and local community.
Don't miss out on the delicious goodies, Cabot cheese, jewelry, pottery, quilts, cards and more! Masks required.
Thank you all for you help in making this a great success!!
If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Boccia.
Friday November 26th 10-4;Saturday November 27th 10-3
The 43rd Annual Antiques Show and Sale will be held in the CHS Parish Hall on Friday, November 26th, from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. and Saturday, November 27th, from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
If you can volunteer for a few hours on either day to collect the Entry Fee (table set up in the Parish Hall Foyer),
please contact Debbie Meguerdichian (contact info below)
There will be 25 dealers from the New England area offering you a wide range of choice antiques to choose from, including 18th and 19th century furniture, nautical items, quilts, Staffordshire china, ironstone, early American pattern glass, jewelry, Americana, brass candlesticks, vintage post cards, chocolate and ice cream moulds, primitives, textiles, folk and fine art. We have begun our advertising for this wonderful show.
Monies raised at this annual event are used to support our parish programs. You have received a letter asking for your support of this longstanding fundraiser for our parish. We hope that you will be a PATRON of this show that has been such a tradition here at the Church of the Holy Spirit.
Please join us and help to make this 43rd year the best yet! If you have any questions or wish to volunteer to help make this show a success, please contact me at
(508) 255-8819. Thank you for your support! Debbie Meguerdichian, Chair
The new grass has filled out beautifully, the trees are beginning to turn, the Memorial Garden is still in bloom, all in all, it’s been a productive season of growth.
The small but mighty crew has continued with monthly garden parties as well as other days donated to the efforts of maintenance. We would welcome your time in the coming year, please consider coming and joining the fun.
As the season winds down, we will clean and trim back what needs to be ‘put to bed’ for the winter. We will likely have one more work day in November to tackle leaves and final tasks.
And a reminder to all: please, please send me any time you put in doing grounds work! To date, we have spent 300+ hours as a group, but I KNOW it's much more than that, so please send me your best estimates if you haven't done so.
Ann Pike-Paris
Veterans' Day Thoughts from Ann
As we approach Veterans' Day on November 11, I’d like to add one more thought.
Last spring we uncovered the burial stone of a World War I veteran on our church grounds near Monument Road,
PFC William Young.
As we remember all our veterans this Veterans' Day, November 11, I will thank PFC Young for his service. We don’t know his history or connection to CHS, but he shall be remembered. (Does anyone know who he was and his connection to Holy Spirit?)
President Harry S. Truman said in an address to the Armed Forces in 1945,
“Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can
never be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude.”
Those words ring as true today as they did when he said them 75 years ago.
Saturday, December 4, 9am-5pm
First Fruits will be creating our very popular, fresh greens centerpiece arrangements, swags and mantel boughs. We don’t think you’ll find better bargains anywhere else for the beauty and quality of our decorations. So, invite your friends and mark your calendars!
AND PINE SHRUBS until after Thanksgiving?
NO HOLLY PLEASE - does not last in arrangements
Bring your donations to the Parish Hall starting Monday November 29th
Leave them on side porch (ADA entrance to the Parish Hall)
If you have an artistic bent, a knack for arranging, and enjoy working with fresh greens and holiday decorations, we could use a few more people to help us this year.
Arranging starts on Tuesday afternoon, November 30 and continues to December 4. Come any time from 9am - 5pm. You do not have to commit to every day, but some people just can’t tear themselves away! You can bring your own tools - i.e. clippers, scissors, any decorative holiday things that could work well with the arrangements...but we have all the other supplies you need to get creative.
All proceeds from the First Fruits Holiday Sale will go to charities. This is a great way to decorate your house and do something good for someone else. In the past these have included Habitat for Humanity, Food 4 Kids, Lower Cape Outreach, the Transitional Home for Veterans, Postage for Servicemen's Christmas package mailings, Homeless Prevention Council, and Independence House, Inc.
If you would like to participate in this activity, please call the office at 508-255-0433 or call Dotty Walsh or Arlene Barrett.
There is still time to sign up for this adventure happening January 13, 2022 - January 25, 2022
See God’s creation in the savannah, visit the schools Holy Spirit supports, worship together with our Tanzanian brothers and sisters in Christ, and experience a safari of a lifetime.
All necessary Covid precautions have been met. Our drivers have been vaccinated along with personnel at the lodges and tented camps at the insistence of the president of Tanzania. Please contact Cheryl Kyle, 949-375-1660 for a detailed itinerary
Did you ever wonder what the Cape Cod Council of Churches does?
Click here for their website and learn about all the amazing things they do to help so many people through A Baby Center, Hope Pantry, Faith Family Kitchen, and countless hours of time donated to making this all happen. Check out how you can help.
CHS contributed $4,500 this year (2021) to the ongoing ministries of the Cape Cod Council of Churches through our Outreach Committee. Thank you! -
And, thanks to you who recently donated diapers and baby wipes to A Baby Center,
one of the 7 programs of the Council. The need continues.
You can bring baby items and put them in the wooden bassinet in the Parish Hall foyer.
Do you enjoy the arrangements that enhance our Sunday Worship Service? Did you know they are made by members of the parish?
It's really quite easy to do and they add such color and beauty to our worship experience. But the team needs a couple more volunteers.
If you would like to learn how to make these arrangements and sign up to create the them for a couple of Sundays a year, please contact Marty Williams or Cynthia Murray.
Also, if you have any small vases or glass jars, please leave them on the sink counter by the side entrance to the sacristy. We use them to make small bouquets from the Sunday flowers and deliver to members who could use a "pick me up - thinking about you" from their parish family.
Summer 2021
Food 4 Kids returns to CHS
The Funding Partners Who Make It All Possible
A brief funding lesson: The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is federally funded through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and administered here by the Massachusetts Department of Early and Secondary Education (DESE). Food 4 Kids has been an SFSP Sponsor serving the lower/outer Cape since the summer of 2013. Each summer we are reimbursed a fixed amount for each meal a child receives. The reimbursement rate/meal is set by the USDA and is the same across all 50 states, regardless of variations in the cost to prepare and deliver these meals.
This year the federal funding will cover about 60% of our expenses. Who covers the rest?
Thank you to those organizations that provide critical financial support
Total Grant Funding: $64,067
State-wide Organizations
DESE – Annual EATS Grant
Project Bread/CNOP
Local Funding Organizations
Cape & Islands United Way
Cape Cod 5
Cape Cod Foundation – Carol Fund
Cape Cod Foundation – Donald C. McGraw Foundation Family Fund
Cape Cod Foundation – Summersgill Family Fund
Nauset Newcomers
Seamen’s Bank
Local Community Human Services Grants
Faith-Based Organizations
Church of the Holy Spirit
Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts
Federated Church – Orleans
St. Peter’s Lutheran – Harwich
St. Vincent DePaul – Orleans
Our current selection is the New York Times bestseller, The Book of Joy by the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, and Douglas Abrams. We meet after the Sunday Service in the Fireplace Room from 11:15 - 12:30. If you wish to attend via zoom, notify Brook or Brian Skea and they will send you the zoom link. We look forward to you joining us.
United People for Kids - 6 Month Retrospective
I dropped off a check to a young mother not long ago. Her daughter has a very profound illness called SMA Type II. The Doctors told her that only 1 in 20 children with this disease live past their 1st year. Not accepting this, this young mother left a lucrative job, trained in nursing for intensive care, and cared for her child 24/7 365. Her little girl is going to turn 15 in April and though immobile, has learned to speak through eye motion. Her first words were "my spirit is strong.”
The young mother texted me later saying “thank you so much for bringing sunshine to my family.”
Sometime later, U.P. for Kids received a check from the CHS outreach committee. For many years, CHS has supported U.P. for kids.. Holy Spirit’s generous donations have covered the bulk of our operating costs, so that 100% of your donations go to needy families.
These two instances led me to an epiphany concerning stewardship, pledging, and donations. My Pledge and yours go beyond just supporting the operation of our church, they also “bring Sunshine” into the lives of needy families.
Thank you and God Bless you all for your continue support for “U.P. for kids” and “the Good Friday Walk” and your generosity in these difficult times.
We hope to push the reset button and hold our annual Good Friday Walk in 2022!!!
Rich Weeks
Chairman - U.P. for Kids
After a year of online services and events, the Nauset Interfaith Association was able to have an in-person observance of the 20th anniversary of 9-11-01 at the Orleans United Methodist Church. Pastor Kai Chur officiated as host and special guests and speakers included our local police and fire chiefs.
We hope many of you will be able to attend our in-person Interfaith Thanksgiving Service; “Coming Together in Faith, Hope, Love and Repentance” on Sunday, November 21st at 3 PM at Our Lady of Lourdes Roman Catholic Church on route 6 in Wellfleet. The Church is large so there is plenty of room for generous spacing in seating. The church has a new pastor, Fr. Phil Hamel, a very friendly priest with whom I had breakfast recently to welcome him to Cape Cod and Nauset Interfaith Association.
There will be a joint Wampanoag/Nauset Interfaith observance at First Encounter Beach in Eastham at 7 am on Wednesday, December 8th. More information next month!
The new Holy Spirit layperson representative to the Board of Directors of NIA is Nancy Ludewig. Nancy succeeds Page McMahan and Meg Nemitz for served in recent years. Also, on the board are Brooke Eaton Skea and myself.
The Martin Luther King Action Team of NIA is planning, once again, to have the annual MLK Breakfast online unless the space restrictions set by the diocese are rescinded by January. If the restrictions are lifted the event will go back to its historical site of Holy Spirit’s Parish Hall. Details on the event will be available next month.
The Refugee Support Action Team of NIA will be providing some support to Afghan refugees coming to our state and possibly on Cape Cod. Also, they are continuing support to the Ntumba family ( from the Democratic Republic of Congo ) in the Pearl Fund and the Kumeh children whose mother died of covid last year. The family stayed at the home of Nancy Ludewig during the summer prior to the mother’s death. Donations to either of those funds should be made out to Nauset Interfaith with memo, Pearl or Kumeh children, and mailed to me at Box 306, South Orleans, Ma. 02662
Finally, I have attached the public statement of Nauset Interfaith recently published in the Cape Codder on the proposed automatic weapon gun range on Cape Cod. It appears that the gun range will be located off Cape because of the widespread opposition, on environmental grounds, to having it on the Cape. + Fr. Ken Campbell
Science is virtually unanimous in warning us that the earth, our island home, is moving rapidly toward total irreversible degradation because of environmental abuse by humans. Cape Cod is on the front line of this overwhelming danger because we are virtually surrounded by the ocean and because our human population of 220,000 year- round, and well over 500,000 during the summer, strains our sole source aquifer. Most of our communities on the Cape are working hard to restore and protect our water, our wildlife and our natural landscapes as we seek to become carbon neutral.
One of the most important ways we can prevent further environmental abuse of our fragile island home is by protecting our drinking water supply and wildlife habitat particularly on the largest area of protected land on Cape Cod, the 15,000 acres that make up the Joint Base Cape Cod on the upper cape.
The proposed establishment of an automatic weapons firing range on this land at the cost of 11.5 million dollars to tax payers would:
· Be above the sole source aquifer for Bourne, Sandwich, Mashpee, Falmouth and much of the mid-Cape.
· Require the cutting down of 170 acres of mature trees.
· Disturb 199 acres of state-owned conservation land.
· Create a 5000 acre “ Surface Danger Zone” where discharged bullets, grenades and other ammunition would land. (Note: we are talking about tons of such ammunition discharge )
· Cause noise pollution to adjacent residents, including an elementary school, prison and cemetery as late as after midnight.
Combined, these impacts threaten our public water supply, endanger significant habitats and rare species, and also adversely impact regional carbon sequestration efforts.
Please note that there are approximately 700 military sites in the USA where the environment has been adversely effected by ‘ forever chemicals.’ Please note also that there are firing ranges at Fort Devens, Massachusetts (much more centrally located ) as well as at Fort Ethan Allen in Vermont.
Consequently, the Nauset Interfaith Association, representing twenty-three faith communities from Provincetown to Hyannis, has voted unanimously to join the many organizational and individual voices on Cape Cod in asking the Environmental Management Commission of Massachusetts and Governor Baker to prevent this proposal from taking place on Cape Cod. We encourage others to consider joining us in this endeavor.
Jane MacAfee, Harwich and Fr. Ken Campbell, Orleans
Environment Justice Action Team
Madalyn Hillis-Dineen, Orleans and The Rev. Charles Nichols, Provincetown, Co-Presidents, Nauset Interfaith Association, Box 306, South Orleans, Ma. 02662
SAFE HARBORS: A Ministry of Welcome on Cape Cod
The Safe Harbors team at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Harwich is planning to host/sponsor a family seeking refuge in the US while their application for asylum is being considered.
Members of St. Peter’s congregation have been gathering information and collaborating with faith-based organizations at the border and nationally to prayerfully consider becoming sponsors of a migrant family who does not have family in the US eligible to sponsor them.
Refugees are vetted and approved for entry prior to arrival in the US where they are granted a work permit, SSN and supported by a number of government-supported refugee agencies. Asylum seekers apply either upon arrival at the border, or after crossing, and if felt to have a ‘credible fear’ case may apply for asylum and remain in the US while their case is being processed. Families have no income or work permit during the first 6-12 months of their process.
St Peter’s will be financially responsible for their housing, accompaniment and other expenses for 1-2 years. They have raised enough funds for the first year and have secured a suitable 3-bedroom house for year-round rental. The family move in this month.
They will stay there until the processing of their case is completed through Immigration Court. The estimated cost to support a family while their case is processed is $50,000.00 per year.
St. Peters’ has begun assembling and orienting a volunteer team or “village” to provide support and accompaniment to the guest family, and looks forward to expanding the reach of this important ministry to other concerned individuals and faith communities. They are currently working with other faith communities in Harwich, Brewster, Orleans, Chatham and Dennis.
More information, their mission statement and a volunteer form can be found on the church’s website, Volunteers will assist the family with grocery shopping, access to transportation, insurance, education, childcare, ESL and interpretation services, medical and mental health treatment, and legal support. You may also send a donation via the website. Thank you.
Brooke Eaton-Skea, Safe Harbors Ministry of Welcome volunteer
The next edition of Being Together-Apart is
Wednesday November 24th
Deadline to send items to be included to Sue Sasso
Monday November 22, 2021 by 4:00 p.m.
Subsequent issues will be released on:
December 22, 2021 - Deadline Monday December 20
January 26, 2022 - Deadline Monday January 24
Send your articles to Sue Sasso's personal email or to:
For texts or voice messages please call Joe+ at
You can also call the parish office and
leave a message for Joe with the answering service.
Make sure your message includes how Joe+ can respond to your call.
FORWARD DAY BY DAY: Copies of the November, December and January book are now available. Contact Debbi in the Parish Office. She will mail it to you.
CHS WEB SITE UPDATE: To live stream or watch recorded services later, please go to our web site and click on “VIEW ONLINE”. To download the Sunday Service Bulletin, select “CLICK HERE FOR SUNDAY SERVICE BULLETIN”
2021-2022 SPACE USAGE FORMS: PLEASE CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE by phone or email: with respect to signing up your group’s schedule for the 2021-2022 program year as soon as possible. Most groups are off for the summer, but will start up again in the Fall for the Sept 2021 to June 2022 year. The earlier you get in your space usage request, the better the chance you will get the specifics you want.
SUNDAY'S GLIMPSE OF THE GOSPEL: The Gospel speaks to us today personally and as a community. Join us Sundays at 8:45 am to delve into the Gospel and pray for one another. We meet now will meet in the Fireplace Room and via Zoom. Please contact Gail+ for the Zoom link.
CENTERING PRAYER: We have returned to meeting at CHS on Mondays (except on holidays) at 4:30 pm in the Memorial Garden (weather permitting) or the Reception Room. The group will continue to meet at the Federated Church Labyrinth on Thursdays at 4:30. Please join us!
WEDNESDAY MORNING PRAYER GROUP: The CHS Morning Prayer Group prays on Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. from the comfort of their own homes. Contact Richard O'Hara and he will send you the coming month's scripture readings for Wednesdays.
508-255-2678 or 508 - 241-0357
FEELING PINCHED AND STRUGGLING TO MAKE ENDS MEET because of the pandemic's impact on your life? Please contact Gail Smith+. Funds are available through the Discretionary Fund.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please call the office with your prayer requests at 508-255-0433 and leave a message. They will remain on the CHS Public Prayer List for 4 weeks. If you need them to be on the list for a longer period, please let us know.
PRIVATE INTERCESSORY PRAYER: The CHS Intercessors is a small group of CHS members who are committed to pray regularly for your concerns. If you need private prayer for any reason, please call the Parish Office. Someone will contact you. ALL requests will be held in confidence.
PARISH DIRECTORY: We no longer include member's personal contact information in our communications. Call the Parish Office and we will email you an electronic copy or snail-mail you a hard copy of the current Parish Directory so you can "stay in touch."
Celebrations, Remembrances and Prayers
Upcoming dates to give you time to send a note, card, or call.
Jacob Arsenault 10.28 Wes Dreher 10.28
Sarah Kimball 10.28 Lauren Gentile 10.29
Elizabeth Suraci 10.30 Barbara Wahlquist 10.30
Olivia Evans 11.01 Sarah-Jane Pike 11.02
Geoffrey Smith 11.03 Karen Gentile 11.08
Oris Folsom 11.09 Barbara Mahoney 11.11
Gay Wheeler 11.13 Stan Snow 11.13
Brian Skea 11.14 Diana Crighton 11.17
Dick Anderson 11.20 Herbert Skelly 1.20
Patty Pike 11.21 Dan Kimball 11.22
Karen Sweeney 11.23 Tom Graham 11.24
Suzanna Gray 11.24 Celia Calhoun 11.25
Joy Louyi Pye 11.26 Donna Tavano 11.26
Rob LaBranche, Jr. 11.30 Joe Tavano 11.30
Raymond Thompson 11.30 Karen Gardner 11.30
Douglas and Dianne Fromm 10.27.84
Tom and Sharyn Laughton 11.01.97
Jack and Susan Sasso 11.03.84
Francis and Barbara Hoffman 11.21.51
The Rev. Dr. Bill and Margaret Anne Heuss 11.21.09
Robert Wagner 10.25.17 Frederick C. Heller 10.28.08
Elinor Rust 10.28.11 Mary Webbere 10.28.14
Clyde Bruce MacKenzie 10.29.16 Beatrix Gardiner 10.31.69
Anne Wardrop 11.01.17 Rosemary Von Schleg 1.02.06
The Rev. G. David White 11.04.09 Frank Gawle 11.05.07
Philip Stevens, Sr. 11.05.90 Mac Kirkwood 11.06.07
William L. Beattie 11.07.10 Barbara Nelson 11.07.03
Frederick W. Thomas 11.07.13 Walter Morgan, Jr. 11.08.80
Connie Purdy 11.10.03 J. Howard Glover 11.13.10
Charles Chandler 11.14.85 Ruth Smith 11.14.81
Judith Bernhardt 11.15.97 Herbert Fuller, Sr. 11.15.68
Richard C. Butterworth 11.17.12 Frances Nickerson 11.17.10
Chester McLeod 11.18.06 The Rt. Rev. George Rath 11.18.95
Thomas Frend Carey 11.19.98 Pete Miller 11.20.09
Agnes Delano 11.21.95 Elizabeth Mason 11.22.01
William Lester Udall 11.22.98 Keith F. Miller 11.23.14
Christine Miller 11.25.05 John Hallstead 11.26.08
Samuel M. Nickerson, III 11.26.72 Charlie Puzo 11.26.17
Russell Ford 11.27.11 Herbert Fuller 11.27.96
Virginia Thompson 11.27.92 Myrtle Haynie 11.28.07
Robert A. LaBranche, Sr. 11.28.19 Adrienne Smith 11.29.05
Donald Clifton 11.29.08 David Moore 11.29.15
Marcia Galazzi - 9.28
Grace Price - 10.22
For the special needs and concerns, including, especially
Robert Blanchet, Harry Pike, Donna, Jack, John, Lauren, Mike, Veronica.
We pray for those affected by COVID 19, especially those on the front lines:
Dr. Susan Cornell, Kristin Crighton, Dr. Donald Dupuis, Liberty Jane Dupuis, Steven Isner,
Carol LaBranche, Kristian Kurtzke, Jenn Marlin, Dr. David Meguerdichian,
Dr. Nadia Huancuhuari, Dr. Michael Meguerdichian, Joy, Danielle Pensa,
Meg Nemitz, Kelly Crossland, Justin Tavano, Holly Tavano, Kimberly Topping,
Mike Topping, Peter Vogt
Watch over thy children, O'Lord, as their days increase.
Bless and guide them wherever they may be, keeping them unspotted
from the world. Strengthen them when they stand;
comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall;
And in their hearts, may thy peace, which passes all understanding,
Abide all the days of their lives; Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
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