September 22, 2021
Being Together - Again!
A Stewardship Message from Joe+
Here is your first stewardship letter from me and before you read it, let me confess that I have a pretty straightforward personal attitude about stewardship and, more to your interest, a pretty straightforward way of talking about money and the church, so, with that warning, or warm-up, here goes….
I heard a conversation repeated just the other day in which a parishioner here told me that someone had said to him, something like, “Why do we need to give all this money and spend all this time on stewardship? We have money in the bank, the stock market is on a roll and we should be enjoying our investments.”
My response – “Well, that is somewhat true but, when it comes to stewardship, giving money toward the church’s survival misses the point entirely. Our whole theology of stewardship is very similar whether you find yourself in a church that requires financial aid from the diocese or one that is fat and happy financially. Because stewardship is not actually about your relationship with your parish. It is about your relationship with God and it involves a theology that goes back, way back into the early pages of the Old Testament.

Growing up in the Baptist church, I remember singing a special hymn during stewardship time (always aligned with harvest in the calendar), it was a rouser, a barn-storming tune with great lyrics and the title was “Bring Ye all the Tithes into the Storehouse.”
You see, God’s age old idea seems to have been that if each of us gives a percentage of what comes to us in a particular year, there will not only be enough to run the Temple, there will be enough to feed the poor, care for the sick and lonely, finance the great festivals of the faith, and pay the clergy, and those assigned to distribute the wealth so gathered.

I know you have seen pictures of the Temple mount in Jerusalem. Most people never notice what looks like a honeycomb of arches tucked all around the mountain under the Temple and courtyards that sit on top. This honeycomb was literally filled each year as harvests were brought in, in due season. A symbolic bowl-full from each farm was offered at the altar in the Temple while the proud donor watched, (there are chapters full of rules around this offering in the book of Leviticus) and the rest of it, measured in wagon-loads rather than bowls-full, was deposited in the storehouses of the temple, in that honeycomb of arches beneath the surface. From there the goods were distributed for God’s purposes throughout the land and some of it was sold on the market, converted into cash to pay the temple’s expenses.
In our more modern version of stewardship, what has changed is that here at the church we would prefer that you convert your offering to cash before you bring it in. We really don’t have a place to store harvested or manufactured goods, and we have lost that whole liturgy about offering a bowl of grain at the altar. So we provide an envelope and a pledge card for you to “Bring Ye all the Tithes…..” But there remains this point about percentages.

Many people don’t even think about a percentage of their income when they make their annual gift, and this is a shame because, if our gift is not significant enough to show up as a percentage of what we have, then who among us can feel that we are making a sacrificial gift to God’s work – here and beyond the church’s walls.
Now, let’s go back to the percentage idea for a moment.

I think that very few people today begin with the idea of a true Tithe which, according to the biblical standard is 10 percent. Today our secular tax system fills in a lot of the cultural cracks that the original tithe addressed through the Temple and I think it would be fair to say that easily, one half of the old standard can be erased on that account – so that brings us to 5 percent. What’s more, I’d be perfectly happy with that being 5% of net income instead of gross income, so five cents out of each dollar you actually receive. That’s what I think the modern expectation of Tithing actually entails – but, to reach that standard is a journey. It’s not done in just one step. I began in my twenties when I had a lot less to count and the math was easier. I set a path that I’ve been on since then which is to adjust my giving right along with my earning each year. I don’t think God expects us to give beyond reason when we are having a slim year, but I do think God expects us to be responsive to the needs of the church and others with our offerings.
Considering the average age in our congregation, it is probably a good idea to talk about fixed incomes. I once had a lady tell me she couldn’t afford to give to the church because she was on a fixed income. Being my nosey self, I asked “So, where is your income fixed?” She gave it some thought, scratched on a little piece of paper in her lap, and said, about $450,000 dollars a year. I almost fell off my chair and found my voice enough to respond, “I think we can find a comfortable way for you to give something to this church you love so much, without pinching you too badly, but you may have to give up your fear surrounding money.” She teared-up a little bit and said, “I would dearly love to give up that fear, if I can afford it.” And we designed a plan in which she gave three percent of her income in stewardship that year and committed to an increase of half a percent each year until she reached five percent. She said to me years later, “What a gift it was to learn about stewardship and giving. I’ve kept to that plan, and never really felt the cost of it. As a matter of fact, it seems like I have more income and I don’t know if that is a real miracle or just a new perspective on money.” Of course, I think that either of these would constitute a real miracle.
In the recent survey, communicants at Church of the Holy Spirit said that on average you give about 1.69 percent of your income. If you like comparisons, that puts us in the 25th percentile of the 2400 churches that have used this survey, which means that 75 percent of those churches give a higher percentage of income to the church’s ministry.
SO, think about this - If each of us made a plan to raise our giving to 2.5 percent (net) this year and then we commit to increasing that amount by half a percentage point each year until it reaches the goal of 5 percent over the next 5 years, we would have money to develop new programs, attract new members, and fund new outreach programs in our new rector’s tenure. We could add staff that are needed to move us toward our great priorities for the future, and we could reduce our worry about the financial health of our congregation. Given the average pledge, that would raise each family’s giving by about $500 dollar a year, enough to feel but not enough to hurt, in most cases.

Now, only you know your abilities and financial needs, but my hope is to give you a few simple tools to make a cogent decision about what you give back to God through the church. I don’t know about you, but giving in this way has made me more grateful, more generous, more active in the work of the church, and more connected to God’s work in the world, and that’s a pretty good value for my investment. It certainly seems to be worth $500 in today’s economy.
The only thing that can stand in the way of God’s will for this parish is our own intentions and the limit of our dreams. What if our dreams are only that the church survived another decade or two? Or, what if we just aren’t interested in investing in a life the church might have beyond our own? Wouldn’t that be a sad commentary on our faith in a God that hung the heavens and hollowed out the seas? But you know, God’s work among us will never exceed our dreams. We are the only people with the power to limit God’s reach right here in our own little world.
When we truly discover the spiritual joy of giving, when we experience the freedom of finding a plan for our stewardship and sticking to it, whether it is at the level I am touting in this letter or half of that, what I know is that God will use our generosity to improve the lives of people we care about and people we have yet to meet.

And beyond that, the second miracle of stewardship is that it will change our hearts to become more grateful, more laced into community, and more available to the touch of a loving God and a thriving community.
Blessings and peace in this season of harvest,


OUR FUTURE BEGINS is more than a slogan for the stewardship campaign – it is real!

Thank you Joe+ for your Stewardship Message above. In prior communications to all of you, we have shared stewardship messages and our plans for our future. One other significant aspect of this year's campaign was hearing a witness from three parishioners who have deep ties to CHS... Rich Weeks, Sharyn Laughton, and Nancy Boccia. During recent Sunday services, each shared their personal, heartfelt, and inspiring faith journey and relationship with CHS

Since you may not have attended each of these services, or would like to listen to their witness again, we have created the following YouTube versions.

We pray these stewardship messages make our campaign personal and real to you and have given you "food for thought" as you consider your 2022 pledge to CHS.

Our pledge period continues for a few more weeks. If not already submitted, please complete your pledge for 2022. Our Finance Committee is preparing the 2022 budget and knowing everyone's pledge is a key part of this process.

If you need another pledge card, please contact the parish office.

With each pledge received…OUR FUTURE BEGINS!  

The Stewardship Team: 
Georgia Schneider, Kate Paradise, Steve Koehler, Chris Crighton, Doug Fromm
Greetings to you as our days shorten and become a bit cooler each passing week. The Vestry met via Zoom September 16th and although it wasn't a long meeting, it was dark by the time we closed with prayer. A few highlights....

Chris Crighton, our Treasurer, reported that during each of the past several months, we have received payments from EverSource for the electricity generated by the solar field. We will need to continue to track this source of revenue for a full year before we know exactly what we can expect annually, but this is great news. We can be proud of the parishioners at CHS for taking this step in protecting our environment and helping our planet.

In his report to the Vestry, Joe+ mentioned his work with the church school group and its preparation for the year ahead. He announced that Church School will begin at 9:30 this fall to allow children to regularly be a part of the community's worship experience.

The process of enhancing our worship space is moving along well, and we hope to begin occupying that space on All Saints' Day, November 7.

Your Search Committee continues to work behind the scenes, meeting several times each month with Doug Harper, our Search Consultant, Joe+, and the wardens. Their tasks at hand focus on analyzing the Holy Cow survey to share the results with the congregation and preparing the Parish Profile.

Finally, we have plans to welcome back some of our traditional events here at Church of the Holy Spirit later this fall --the Holiday Bazaar, the Antiques Sale, and First Fruits.  We will need to adhere to the Covid protocols adopted by our Health care group, but we look forward to these occasions nonetheless.

Praying that each one of you is enjoying this glorious autumn weather.
Brenda and Steve
The Search Committee continues to meet every other Monday night. Interpreting the results of the CAT survey has required a great deal of thought and discussion. We have confidence that it will help us figure out things like where we want to go and what we need to do to get there.
Each committee member has taken responsibility for researching information for different sections of the profile we must create. The profile will describe the Church of the Holy Spirit and it will be an important part of how we will attract candidates to apply for the position of rector.
This process is slow and deliberative and there is no fast forward button.  Aren’t we fortunate to have Joe+ and Gail+ in the meantime! As always, we are grateful for your prayers and support.
Ike Cole, Cynthia Murray, Celia Calhoun, Brooke Eaton-Skea, Doug Fromm, Bob Hubby, Priscilla Isner, Sharyn Laughton, Jen Marlin, Meg Nemitz, Rich Weeks
10:00 a.m.

In person worship has resumed
in the CHS Parish Hall with Covid safety protocols for seating and masks.
Please enter through the front doors and, for now, continue to wear a mask.
If you are unable to join us in person,
a Zoom Meeting invitation email is sent Fridays at Noon.
It includes links to the Zoom service, Sunday Bulletin, and CHS Announcements

You can also watch the service live or later on our YouTube channel
Bringing the CHS Sunday Service to
The Terraces, a Continuing Care Community in Orleans
Temporary Sunday Service Coverage Needed 
Did you know that since Covid prevented in-person worship at CHS, many residents of The Terraces have worshiped with us every Sunday via Zoom?
CHS has a new, Covid-inspired ministry for the independent residents at The Terraces in Orleans.  When our CHS members who live there could no longer attend services, we decided to take the services to them via Zoom. This ministry has been managed by Nancy Ludewig, and Sue Stevens kindly hosted us this past year. Our current hostess is Janet Winter.
Because Nancy will be unavailable for six upcoming Sundays (9/26, 10/4, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24 and 10/31), we are looking for CHS members who would be willing to cover one or two Sundays during that time.  All you need to do is show up with your laptop!
Bringing the service to our CHS friends and some of their fellow residents, has been an extremely rewarding ministry. Covering one or two Sundays would be a good opportunity to see if you might want to take an occasional Sunday in the future.
If you have been fully vaccinated, have a laptop, and would enjoy sharing our Sunday service by Zoom with our friends, please call the office (508-255-0433) or Celia Calhoun.
 We hope to hear from you!
Blessing of the Animals - Sunday October 3rd at 10:00 a.m.  

You are invited to celebrate the Feast of St. Francis with us on Sunday, October 3rd at the 10:00 a.m. service.

As some of our animal companions may be susceptible to COVID-19, please ONLY bring a picture of your pet for the blessing. Leave your pet safely at home.
10:00 A.M.
Please join Gail Smith+ for our
powerful healing service.
A Zoom Meeting invitation email is
sent Mondays at Noon.
In lieu of a Spirit Story reading this month, Ruth Campbell has written the following heartfelt "Spirit Story" of her own... Thank you Ruth!


The Church of The Holy Spirit is woven through the life of our family. The art and architecture of the interior of the church are deeply carved into our memories. Before the North Transept existed, our first child, Matthew, was baptized here on the Feast of St. Matthew on the 21st of September 1969.  

My husband, Ken, was ordained a priest and celebrated his first Eucharist on the 26th of May 1970. He may be the only person whose ordination to priesthood ceremony was held at Holy Spirit. At that time, the dove hung over the center of the altar and was used as a repository for the Reserved Sacrament. In the early l950’s, Ken remembers during the summer occasionally coming to the Eucharist at Holy Spirit as a child and being deeply drawn to the intimacy and beauty of the liturgy and the liturgical arts in the sanctuary. 

On Sunday the 4th of July 1971 our son Joshua was baptized and I was received into the Episcopal Church from the Roman Catholic Church. I had begun teaching Church School in 1969 and worked a shift in the Galley West Shop. When Ken became CHS's Assistant Rector, the church built the house next door to CHS on Monument Road (now for sale) for us. So I had only a 1 minute walk to CHS! Ken was called to be a Rector in the fall of 1972 and so we bid farewell to Cape Cod and CHS and traveled to St. Anne’s, North Billerica and later to Church of the Epiphany in Wilbraham. We visited Holy Spirit when we vacationed and sometimes for special events or anniversaries. 

Finally, in 2004, upon Ken’s retirement we came home to Cape Cod and to Holy Spirit in to find a beautiful North Transept and an amazing new Parish Hall, a perfect kitchen and lots of classroom space for our children.

We again experienced Holy Spirit, even with all its changes in the buildings, as a place in which the love of Christ Jesus was present in the people and in the very fiber of this consecrated place reaching out to the wider Cape Cod community.  

I remember Marge Colwell inviting me to help in the kitchen for some of our hospitality and outreach events. There was something about this radically changed kitchen that made my heart leap with imagination for helping hungry children in the wider community… and so Food4Kids was born.

In March 2005, our grandson Zachary was baptized at the Easter Even Vigil by Ken and Fr. David Angelica. Another CHS generation! 

Recently, I approached the front door of the Church with much trepidation to see the radical changes that were in process. It was a “God incident!” My heart was filled with joy and unbounded excitement for all the new possibilities for worship and new community memories for our parish family and all who visited with us.

To all those whose vision prayerfully led to these changes in our sanctuary I say, “Thank you very much!”  The Church of the Holy Spirit is truly filled with the “Spirit” of change.
I look forward to all liturgies of life from baptism, confirmation and Eucharist to marriage and funeral liturgies in this changed and newly blessed space. 
Ruth Campbell

God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.
Genesis 1:31a

Creation Event
Friday, September 24 ,2021  
Nauset Beach (South End)
5 pm
Following the Diocesan led creation month, our children and friends will join all Diocesan children in praying and taking action to save our planet earth, God’s creation. Suzy Gray and Richard O’Hara will lead the cleanup of the beach while Joe+ will talk with the children by listening to their input: hopes, ideas and thoughts about what they would like our new Rector to be!


Welcome Back to Church School
All church school families (large and small and masked up!)
Everyone is invited to join us!
Sunday October 3, 2021
9:30 am  Parish Hall *
The Church School Team working with Joe+ and Gail+ have created this year`s Church School Program. 

*The year will start with a Godly Play Story on Sunday October 3 at 9:30 in the Parish Hall and continue there for the Eucharist. All are welcome to come early and join us.

Then, on every Sunday thereafter, Church School will be as follows:
  • 9:30 - all children will gather in the classrooms under the Parish Hall and then join the congregation for the Eucharist at 10:15 a.m.
  • Nursery children (4 and under) Child Care in the Nursery is provided from 9:30 - 11:30 every Sunday. Children may be picked up by a parent at any time to join the service.
  • Grades K-5: meet in the large classroom under the Parish Hall. They will use the “Godly Play” Curriculum.
  • Grades 6-12: meet in another classroom downstairs from the Parish Hall. They will use a “New” curriculum using readings, tapes, movies and books with art and conversation and snacks partly driven by their topics.
  • Snacks: Wrapped snacks and 100% boxed fruit juices will be available for everyone. 

If you are interested in helping out our Church School team some Sundays, please contact one of the Church School Team members: Hanna Schneider, Joan McFadden, Ruth Campbell, Matt Thompson
WE ARE ALMOST THERE! Grand Opening of the Galley West Art Gallery will be October 16, 2021.

You are all invited to visit the gallery on Sunday October 17 after the service. It has truly been transformed into a space Florence Kimball and Vernon Smith would have been proud of. We will be sure to maintain Covid safety protocols and require masks.

Twenty-five artists submitted entries for our first show, In The Beginning. Curator Greg DeLory had the challenge of selecting the work for our limited space gallery.

We are now seeking entries through October 20 for our second show, Holiday-Winter-Wonder. This show will open Saturday, November 13. Artists can enter using the online Entry Form found on our website under the Call For Art tab. Gail Binney-Sterne will be the curator for this show.
Please check out our website We also need volunteers to help in the gallery. Please complete the Volunteer from under the "Support Tab" of the website.
Remember.......E.ART.H without ART is just... EH!
The Church of the Holy Spirit will host the Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, November 6, 2021 from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. We are excited to bring this event back and look forward to seeing many of you there. We have a full roster of artists and vendors and expect this to be a great success.

The only change this year, based on Covid restrictions, is that we will not serve lunch. 

How can you be involved? There are so many ways you can help- we need your time, your treasures and your talents to make this a success.

Used Books: If you have gently used, clean books with no tears or odors we'd love to have them! Please bring to the Parish Hall any Sunday October 3-31st, or drop off Tuesday, November 2-Friday November 5th. If you need additional information contact Elizabeth Merritt.

Jewelry: If you would like to donate some of your nicer costume or better jewelry, please bring to the church by Sunday, October 8th. Or we can arragne to pick up if it is easier for you. Please call Nancy Boccia 617-875-6462 to arrange.

Food Table: Start your canning, baking, freezing now! We'll accept donations at the church from Wednesday, November 3 - Friday, November 5th from 8:30 am - 3:00 pm. Let's fill the table with jams, jellies, pies, cakes, breads, and more! For additional questions contact Chris Harter or Cynthia Murray.

Volunteers: We need you! Don't miss out on the fun. Sign up begins October 3rd and you can sign up at church (there will be a sheet in the back) or contact Nancy Boccia 617-875-6462 with your availability to work at the bazaar on November 6th ( 2 hour shifts from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm) and/or helping with outdoor sign installation on Sunday October 31st! 

Thank you all for you help in making this a great success!!
Friday November 26th 10-4;Saturday November 27th 10-3
It is hard to believe that our plans are underway for the 43rd Annual Antiques Show and Sale to be held on Friday, November 26th, from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. and on Saturday, November 27th, from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the Parish Center.

There will be 25 dealers from the New England area offering you a wide range of choice antiques to choose from, including 18th and 19th century furniture, nautical items, quilts, Staffordshire china, ironstone, early American pattern glass, jewelry, Americana, brass candlesticks, vintage post cards, chocolate and ice cream moulds, primitives, textiles, folk and fine art. We have begun our advertising for this wonderful show.

You have received a letter asking for your support of this longstanding fundraiser for our parish. We hope that you will be a PATRON of this show that has been such a tradition here at the Church of the Holy Spirit. Monies raised at this annual event are used to support our parish programs.

Please join us and help to make this 43rd year the best yet! If you have any questions or wish to volunteer to help make this show a success, please contact me at
(508) 255-8819. Thank you for your support! Debbie Meguerdichian, Chair
SATURDAY - SEPTEMBER 18th....We came, we weeded, dug, planted, sawed limbs, trimmed, and to add to it all, unlucky Norm stumbled into a yellow jacket hornet nest on the stairs to the rectory. He says he's okay, but please take care, Norm!

The new Hinoki tree is in at the rectory, along with the storm drain being cleared, low limbs over the garage trimmed, sidewalks weeded, and 6 bags of mulch spread around the new tree.

Chris Crighton brought his chain saw and limbed up 2 cedars along the stairway to the rectory, while Diana weeded at the front of the north transept.

Norm weeded, dug and cut back invasive growth at the rectory and along the stairs.
Dave B. has been weeding in the solar field and trimming hedges this month. Nancy B. has tended the sign garden and picked up and delivered the new Hinoki. Fay & Ike continue to keep the courtyard weeded and the fish pond working, along with other areas.

And I know there are others who come in at other times to keep the grounds looking great, so if I've missed you, thank you!

And a reminder to all: please, please send me any time you put in doing grounds work! To date, we have spent 300+ hours as a group, but I KNOW it's much more than that, so please send me your best estimates if you haven't done so.

Enjoy the pictures...couldn't resist the "early morning help" aka, 3 turkeys at the rectory, doing their best to dig up bugs!

Ann Pike-Paris
Some new Volunteers!
Walkway before trimming.
Walkway after trimming.
Old Hinoki tree.
New Hinoki Tree
This little light of mine..... let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

“Give us a reverence for the earth as your own creation, that we may use its resources rightly in the service of others and to your honor and glory.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer. “

This has been the guiding mission of the Building & Grounds Committee and its “Green Team” effort at reducing our carbon footprint at CHS. At a recent meeting this summer the committee authorized engaging with Cape Light Compact and its electrical engineering team at Rise Engineering to replace all lights both fluorescent and incandescent on the entire campus to LED extended bulbs. This was an opportune time as the sanctuary is under remodeling and some lights were considered a safety hazard.

The light bulbs were exchanged in early September with the following potential results:
[No Cost to CHS!]

Admin Offices & Parish Hall



$ 5,803

$ 8,997

The holidays are fast approaching and happily, once again, First Fruits is making plans to create our very popular, fresh greens centerpiece arrangements, swags and mantel boughs. We don’t think you’ll find better bargains anywhere else for the beauty and quality of our decorations. So, invite your friends and mark your calendars!

Saturday, December 4, 9am-5pm

We would like to remind you that all proceeds from the First Fruits Holiday Sale will go to charities that have included Habitat for Humanity, Food 4 Kids, Lower Cape Outreach, the Transitional Home for Veterans, Postage for Servicemen's Christmas package mailings, Homeless Prevention Council, and Independence House, Inc. This is a great way to decorate your house and do something good for someone else.

If you have an artistic bent, a knack for arranging, and enjoy working with fresh greens and holiday decorations, we could use a few more people to help us this year.

Arranging starts on Tuesday afternoon, November 30 and continues to December 4. Come any time from 9am - 5pm. You do not have to commit to every day, but some people just can’t tear themselves away! If you would like to participate in this activity, please call the office at 508-255-0433 or call Dotty Walsh or Arlene Barrett.

We will send reminders for donations of pine, other evergreens or prunings from your shrubs that can be converted into lovely arrangements..... so hold off with those pruning sheers... we will be looking for donations after Thanksgiving!
January 13, 2022 - January 25, 2022
See God’s creation in the savannah, visit the schools Holy Spirit supports, worship together with our Tanzanian brothers and sisters in Christ, and experience a safari of a lifetime. All necessary Covid precautions have been met. 
Our drivers have been vaccinated along with personnel at the lodges and tented camps at the insistence of the president of Tanzania.  
Please contact Cheryl Kyle, 949-375-1660 for a detailed itinerary
The Cape and Islands Deanery will be meeting REMOTELY on Thursday, September 23. You can still attend: for the zoom info please contact the office, Gail+, Celia Calhoun or Kate Paradise, Deanery Diocesan Reps. This gathering is an opportunity to hear Deanery as well as Diocesan reports and updates.
Virtual conference with Independence House on the
 Prevention of Sexual/Domestic Violence.  
This conference features a special track for faith communities. While the full event spans from 9:30 - 3:30 on Friday, October 1, people are welcome to join in for any part(s) of the day.  

Use this link to the website. You will find a full description of the day's events, including the faith-based track.  
Do you enjoy the arrangements that enhance our Sunday Worship Service? Did you know they are made by members of the parish? It's really quite easy to do and they add such color and beauty to our worship experience. We need a couple more volunteers.

If you would like to learn how to make these arrangements and sign up to create the them for a couple of Sundays a year, please contact Marty Williams or Cynthia Murray.

Also, if you have any small vases or glass jars, please leave them on the sink counter by the side entrance to the sacristy. We use them to make small bouquets from the Sunday flowers and deliver to members who could use a "pick me up - thinking about you" from their parish family.
Our current selection is the New York Times bestseller, The Book of Joy by the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, and Douglas Abrams. We meet after the Sunday Service in the Fireplace Room from 11:15 - 12:30. If you wish to attend via zoom, notify Brook or Brian Skea and they will send you the zoom link. We look forward to you joining us.
LADIES LUNCHEON While we wait for Covid to start behaving again... again, we want to let you know our hopes are to resume our monthly luncheons at some point. This past winter, Jean Collins suggested we all make some quilt squares that could be worked on at the luncheons and become a quilt to be raffled off with proceeds to a charity.

So just as a reminder.... there is still time to "get squaring" so to speak. Stay tuned for luncheon news hopefully later this fall.
Some more fascinating CHS History...
Did you know that the first CHS chapel, designed by Vernon Smith and dedicated in 1935 was built using timbers from the Wellfleet Chequesset Inn, destroyed in a harsh winter storm in 1934. As we prepare for our return to worship in our reconfigured sanctuary, look at the older timbers of the South section (Monument Road side) and think about how those were hauled all the way from Wellfleet to Orleans in 1935 and became our chapel.

Click here to read an article that recently appeared in about the fascinating history of the Legendary Resort - Chequessett Inn.
Summer 2021
Food 4 Kids returns to CHS
The Community Partners Who Make It All Possible

 It takes a village … or more accurately... It takes all 8 villages … to meet the needs of the children and their families on the lower/outer Cape.  

Nine weeks. It’s not a terribly long time on the calendar, but it can be a very long time for families concerned with feeding their children when schools are out for the summer. It’s also a long time to have your children at home when you finally have the ability to return to work after months of COVID lockdown. Fortunately this summer most of our community recreation programs were able to return, and we added a few new ones. Working together we were able to provide fun, safe, and affordable places for children to gather and free meals.
Thank you to our community summer programs
Together these 13 programs served 27,972 meals (not counting seconds): 1,365 breakfasts, 11,892 snacks, and 14,715 lunches. We were serving lunch to 447 children, on average, each day in July when all programs were running. 
Harwich Recreation Program – a new partner this summer
Brewster Recreation Program – a new partner this summer
Brewster Day Camp – a partner since 2014
Chatham Recreation Program – a partner since 2013
Orleans Recreation Program – a partner since 2014
Orleans Just Try It Program – a partner since 2014
Nauset School’s Sunburst Program – a new partner this summer
Nauset School’s Extended School Year Program – a new partner this summer
Eastham Recreation – a partner since 2013
Wellfleet Recreation – a partner since 2014
Truro Recreation – a partner since 2013
Truro Library – a partner since 2016
Provincetown Recreation – a partner since 2014
And a special thanks to their staffs, who engaged the children, handed out each meal, and who carefully followed all guidelines and completed all paperwork that only a government funded program would require!
Sadly, the lingering impact of COVID-19 prevented several long-time partners from joining us this summer: Monomoy Community Services (Chatham), 1st Congregational Church/St. Christopher’s 1-week Vacation Bible School (Chatham), and The Cape Cod Theatre Company (Harwich Junior Theatre). We hope to partner with them next summer!
We also saw the shift of an important Harwich program to another Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) provider. The Monomoy Cooperative Learning Program closed after the 2019 summer. The YMCA-Cape Cod, a long time SFSP sponsor based in Hyannis, now runs the summer program at Harwich Elementary School (along with the regular after-school program) and so is well positioned to provide free meals.
A special THANK YOU to Nauset Schools’ Summer Grab-and-Go Meal Program
Who knew our partnership with Nauset Schools would span 18 continuous months! At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, March 2020, we began providing the administrative link that helped Nauset Schools provide free breakfasts and lunches to all students in Brewster, Orleans, Eastham and Wellfleet through that June. Nauset then stepped up and provided all the meals we needed to serve all 8 towns on the lower/outer Cape for 9 weeks last summer. And with the start of the next school year, we returned to our previous administrative arrangement as Nauset turned to a hybrid of in-school and grab-and-go meals. And last, but not least, our partnership continued as Nauset extended their grab-and-go meal offering through August, distributing more than 10,000 free breakfasts and 10,000 free lunches from Nauset Middle School on Wednesdays this summer. This helped fill the need our recreation program partnerships alone could not meet.
The next edition of Being Together-Apart is
Wednesday October 27th
Deadline to send items to be included to Sue Sasso 
Monday October 25, 2021 by 4:00 p.m.

Subsequent issues will be released on:
November 24 - Deadline Monday November 22
December 22 - Deadline Monday December 20


Send your articles to Sue Sasso's personal email or to:

For texts or voice messages please call Joe+ at
You can also call the parish office and
leave a message for Joe with the answering service.
Make sure your message includes how Joe+ can respond to your call.
FORWARD DAY BY DAY: Copies of the November, December and January book are now available. Contact Debbi in the Parish Office. She will mail it to you.

CHS WEB SITE UPDATE: To live stream or watch recorded services later, please go to our web site and click on “VIEW ONLINE”. To download the Sunday Service Bulletin, select “CLICK HERE FOR SUNDAY SERVICE BULLETIN”

2021-2022 SPACE USAGE FORMS: PLEASE CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE by phone or email: with respect to signing up your group’s schedule for the 2021-2022 program year as soon as possible. Most groups are off for the summer, but will start up again in the Fall for the Sept 2021 to June 2022 year. The earlier you get in your space usage request, the better the chance you will get the specifics you want. 
SUNDAY'S GLIMPSE OF THE GOSPEL: The Gospel speaks to us today personally and as a community. Join us Sundays at 8:45 am to delve into the Gospel and pray for one another. We meet now will meet in the Fireplace Room and via Zoom. Please contact Gail+ for the Zoom link.
CENTERING PRAYER: We have returned to meeting at CHS on Mondays (except on holidays) at 4:30 pm in the Memorial Garden (weather permitting) or the Reception Room.  The group will continue to meet at the Federated Church Labyrinth on Thursdays at 4:30. Please join us!
WEDNESDAY MORNING PRAYER GROUP: The CHS Morning Prayer Group prays on Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. from the comfort of their own homes. Contact Richard O'Hara and he will send you the coming month's scripture readings for Wednesdays.
508-255-2678 or 508 - 241-0357

FEELING PINCHED AND STRUGGLING TO MAKE ENDS MEET because of the pandemic's impact on your life? Please contact Gail Smith+. Funds are available through the Discretionary Fund.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please call the office with your prayer requests at 508-255-0433 and leave a message. They will remain on the CHS Public Prayer List for 4 weeks. If you need them to be on the list for a longer period, please let us know.

PRIVATE INTERCESSORY PRAYER: The CHS Intercessors is a small group of CHS members who are committed to pray regularly for your concerns. If you need private prayer for any reason, please call the Parish Office. Someone will contact you. ALL requests will be held in confidence. 

PARISH DIRECTORY: We no longer include member's personal contact information in our communications. Call the Parish Office and we will email you an electronic copy or snail-mail you a hard copy of the current Parish Directory so you can "stay in touch."
Celebrations, Remembrances and Prayers
Upcoming dates to give you time to send a note, card, or call.

Lucas LaBranche 9.24 Charles Spiegel 9.25 Lilian Kuo 9.26
Ike Cole 10.01 Arline Consiglio 10.05 Ros Dunford 10.05
Christina Graham 10.06 Carrie Hansson 10.09
Douglas Delano 10.11 Tom Dewing 10.11 Diane J. Mincieli 10.11
Joan Proctor 10.11 Sally Dewing 10.13 Sean Chung 10.16
Suzy Crawford 10.18 Terese Brown 10.20 Charlie Deaton 10.21
Lily Buhler 10.26 Jacob Arsenault 10.28 Wes Dreher 10.28
Sarah Kimball 10.28 Lauren Gentile 10.29
Elizabeth Suraci 10.30 Barbara Wahlquist 10.30

Matthew and Jamie Thompson 9.23.00
Piero and Bryony Venturini 9.23.00
Mike and Carole Evans Davis   10.01.88
Thomas and Christina Graham 10.06.95
Cregg and Karen Sweeney 10.06.96
Stan and Bonnie Snow 10.11.59
Tom and Sally Dewing 10.12.78
David and Megan Shortt 10.12.02
Richard and Tracy Weeks 10.13.00
Douglas and Dianne Fromm 10.27.84


Jackson Sillcocks 9.22.01 Mary Tindall 9.22.05 Lawrence Bernhardt 9.24.17
Marian Gray 9.24.09 Lucy Goddard 9.26.96 Ellen Williams 9.26.03
Stephen Erickson 9.27.12 Nancy Heller 9.27.17 Eldora Stevens 9.27.70
Helen Vancil 9.27.99 Jean Hammond 9.28.15 Patricia Bell 9.29.02
Bernie Hutchens 9.29.19 Walter Wilcox 9.29.15
Clyde Hicks  10.02.07 George Bickell  10.04.87 Ann S. Pike  10.04.15
Jean Smit  10.04.15 Frederick Smith  10.05.87 Cindy Hughes  10.06.17
Joan Chilson 10.07.07 Mildred Young Rogers 10.07.95
Martha Eldredge 10.11.02 Dorothy Boulton10.12.06
Florence Kimball 10.12.58 Isabel S. Hutton 10.12.08 Frank C. Smith 10.12.10
Edith Hart 10.16.17 Frank Varga, Jr. 10.16.97  (Donated CHS Library)
Nancy Bickell 10.20.02 Eleanor Bragdon 10.22.03
Barbara McDowell 10.22.04 Nora K. Hersey 10.24.13 Robert Wagner 10.25.17
Frederick C. Heller 10.28.08 Elinor Rust 10.28.11 Mary Webbere 10.28.14
Clyde Bruce MacKenzie 10.29.16 Beatrix Gardiner 10.31.69

Justine Kirkwood 8.20.21

For the special needs and concerns, including, especially Robert Blanchet, Marcia Galazzi, Harry Pike, Donna, Jack, John, Lauren, Mike, Veronica, Tracy Weeks.
We pray for those affected by COVID 19, especially those on the front lines: Dr. Susan Cornell, Kristin Crighton, Dr. Donald Dupuis, Liberty Jane Dupuis, Steven Isner,
Carol LaBranche, Kristian Kurtzke, Jenn Marlin, Dr. David Meguerdichian,
 Dr. Nadia Huancuhuari, Dr. Michael Meguerdichian, Joy, Danielle Pensa,
Meg Nemitz, Kelly Crossland, Justin Tavano, Holly Tavano, Kimberly Topping,
Mike Topping, Peter Vogt
Watch over thy children, O'Lord, as their days increase.
Bless and guide them wherever they may be, keeping them unspotted
from the world. Strengthen them when they stand;
comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall;
And in their hearts, may thy peace, which passes all understanding,
Abide all the days of their lives; Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
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Editor - Sue Sasso