Easter Altar Flower Display
Glorious Bouquets arranged by the CHS Flower Guild
Joe+ and Gail+ during Easter Eucharist
Our Choir Quartet
Brian Ridgeway, Chris Crighton
Celia Calhoun, Diana Landau
Missing from Photo -
Joan Kirchner - Music Director
Production Manager, Videographer
Brenda Ridgeway
Alleluia Christ is Risen!
In the first days of reflection after the resurrection, it is so easy for us to get back to the other things in our life without taking much note of what has just happened. Maybe this year is a little bit different because there are not quite so many things tugging at our attention span. But the fact remains, it is difficult to keep our focus on a specific event, even if that event changes everything.
We must remember that Jesus didn’t just jump up from the tomb and come back to breakfast with the disciples. There is an important tension of not knowing for a time after the miracles of Easter day. The disciples were not all together, so not all of them hear the testimony of the women who see him at the tomb. We know that one pair of them are already out of the city, well on their way to Emmaus when the truth catches up to them. Who knows where Thomas was during these first days, but clearly he skeptically rejects the witness of others that Jesus has appeared to them.
Others seem to have already retreated to Galilee either in fear for their lives, out of their association with Jesus, or more likely, in despondence over what seemed like the whole failed experiment with this new “love-over-law” community. They are not city men. They are fishermen, and the pull of the familiar draws them back to the beaches where the whole journey began. Here they can be with things you can count on; the seasons of the year, the tides of the sea, the habitual way the schools of fish move from place to place beneath its surface. These are the things of repetition…these are the things they know. But what just happened in Jerusalem that they are not so sure about?
For us, there was an Easter Egg hunt with the kids, a contest for most flamboyant hat, and a large lunch made up of so many of the things we haven’t seen since before Ash Wednesday. For us all, these little things are reminders of the things we know happened in Jerusalem. But for the disciples there was no such cultural current that swept them along into a new way of living. They had to learn it bit by bit, and one by one, and moment by moment.
Maybe it was this time of not knowing that makes the news so undeniable once they hear it. Maybe it was their feeling of great loss in the absence of their friend and teacher. Or, maybe it was even their separation from one another as their community dissolves back into “life like it used to be.” But something causes them to look for answers, to look around themselves, to look within themselves for the meaning of all that just happened in their lives.
That is what the "Season of Easter" is all about. We feast for the next 50 days to remind ourselves that nothing is the same as before that first Easter. There is an excellent word in Greek that we don’t really have a parallel word for in English. The word is “Anamnesis.” The closest thing we have to it is “Remember,” but it means so much more than that.
Anamnesis is like when we are at communion and the language sounds like we are right in the upper room with Jesus. Anamnesis is like what the Father at a Passover table says as he gives the traditional answer to a child’s question, “Why do we eat the food standing up? Why these odd dishes? What makes this night different from every other night?” And the parent answers, “On this night our God delivered us from slavery and brought us through the Red Sea on dry land. And we became a people travelling to a land of promise.” Do you see, he does not say that this great thing happened to our ancestors centuries ago, he says “It happened to us!” And in that moment, the memory is brought to the present generation. That is “Anamnesis.”
We feast to re-tell the stories, to bring them to us and to bring us to them. We feast to wonder about the characters, to imagine what this time may have been like in that very first year. We feast to celebrate, to recall, to put-back-together ("re-member") every piece of the tradition that we will forget if we do not keep the feast.
This is why the whole season of Easter is important, not just its first great festival day, splendid as it is. Every one of these 50 days brings us a new opportunity to “re-member” something for ourselves and for others.
So knock yourself out! Dream up a new way to tell this old story. Send a card to someone you haven’t seen in years – just because it is Easter. Make a visit to a family member or a friend and take along a favorite Easter treat, (even if it is just a row of marshmallow Peeps), or your best Easter bread, or some delicacy that reminds you of spring, new birth, and a new chance at life. Children will not forget that you did this for them.
I remember a dear aunt who did this in so many ways for me. In the end, she had as much of a hand as anyone in making me into, well – me. What a gift and how much I still appreciate it even 20 years after her death. That probably doesn’t count as an Easter miracle, but I can tell you this. She is very much with me at every Easter, and the little things she said, the little gifts she gave, these are what I "re-member" and what gives me passion to teach others the importance of feasting, celebration, and witness.
The Lord is Risen Indeed, Alleluia!
Dear Parishioners,
Springtime greetings to all of you! We hope this edition of the newsletter finds you all well and enjoying the slowly warming weather on Cape Cod.
We hope that you were all able to join one or more of our many Holy Week services via Zoom or YouTube. Thank you to Joe+ and Gail+ for their inspired leadership and to Joan and her choir (Diana, Celia, Chris, and Brian) for their lovely gift of music. It was wonderful to hear from so many regular and new readers from the comfort of their homes. Finally, thanks to all of the assistants who helped make these beautiful services possible.
The business of the parish goes on, of course, and at our March meeting, the Vestry met with our Transitional Consultants Douglas Harper, Sue Perkinson, and The Reverend Kelly O'Connell. During a lively discussion, the consultants outlined the process the Vestry and the Search Committee will follow in the coming months as well as addressing our questions and concerns.
We hope to have the Search Committee in place by the end of April. Following a combined Vestry-Search Committee Retreat led by our consultants, one of the first tasks the Search Committee will tackle will be the creation of a Parish Profile to give prospective candidates insight into our parish. The Search Committee will also be conducting an anonymous survey, or Congregation Assessment Tool, of all parishioners later this spring to help guide our decisions regarding our future.
We continue to receive questions about resuming in-person worship together as a community. Even as the number of parishioners who are vaccinated increases, so do concerns about the new variants appearing in local communities. Again, we will continue to monitor events and will resume in-person worship only when we feel it is safe for our parishioners.
Steve and Brenda
Message from Sue: As your newsletter editor, I was aware of all of the special services being planned for Holy Week. And having "attended" most of them, I believe I can speak on behalf of our parish that, despite the pandemic and the second year we were unable to worship in person for Holy Week and Easter, this was a VERY special and spiritual week!
If you were unable to join us for any of these services, you can watch them on the CHS YouTube Channel - Click Here
Remember, if you chose to do the Mite Box Lenten practice, you can send your accumulated donation to the church marked "Mite Box" or make an online payment using our "Give" option on the CHS website and selecting "Mite Box" in the funds drop down box. Our Outreach Committee will select the organization to receive these funds.
Alleluia - Alleluia! Sue
at 10:00 a.m.
A Zoom Meeting invitation email is sent
Fridays at Noon.
It includes links to the Zoom service,
Sunday Bulletin, and CHS Announcements.
If you don't use Zoom, you can now join us via live stream or, later,
watch the recorded services using the CHS YouTube Channel. Click Here
10:00 A.M.
Please join Gail Smith+ for our
powerful healing service.
A Zoom Meeting invitation email is
sent Mondays at Noon.
The beautiful Altar Flower arrangements for Easter were wonderful and created by the CHS Altar Flower Guild. Going forward, each week, the flower arrangements for the Sunday Eucharist will continue to be created by the dedicated Altar Flower Guild. Each member signs up for several weekends a year. If you would like to join us, please contact Marty Williams. You will be partnered with a current member for a while until your are ready to "go solo."
We also welcome donations to cover the cost of the flowers. Donations can be made online through the CHS website or by check payable to CHS and noted "Flowers." Also please indicate if your donation is in memory of someone and/or for a specific week.
Nauset Schools Needs Volunteers
To Help Prepare Grab-And-Go Meals
The economic pressure on families is not going away - food insecurity is higher than ever. Food 4 Kids has offered to help find volunteers. To learn more about this and other Food 4 Kids activities, click here: https://conta.cc/39euGrJ
Want to jump right in and sign up? Go to our SignUpGenius page here:
And if you would like to keep up-to-date on volunteer opportunities with Food 4 Kids, let Brenda and Anne know at info@food4kidscapecod.org.
Our first Garden Party on April 1st was postponed due to inclement weather. Not a very nice "April Fools' prank" from Mother Nature! But a few hardy folk on Monday April 5th began our spring clean up along the front yard by Monument Road.
We discovered a number of "memorial stones" buried under accumulated garden debris. We assume they are for members who passed a long time ago. We will do research, but if any one has any information about these memorial stones, please let Ann Pike-Paris know.
Come Join Our Garden Parties - As warmer days begin, our CHS campus gardens are coming to life. We have many more beds to clean out, bushes to trim, mulch to lay down...
As seasons change, so will tasks, but there are always weeds to pull!
If you are interested in helping out even a couple of hours, call or send Ann Pike-Paris an email and she will include you on her team updates and work day schedules and task lists. Sometimes our best planning for scheduled workdays are spoiled by Mother Nature. However, please mark your calendar for the scheduled Garden Parties listed below.
Garden Party Schedule for 2021
Dates are weather dependent
April: 5th (Monday) 17th (Saturday)
May: 6th (Thursday) 22nd (Saturday)
June: 3rd (Thursday) 19th (Saturday)
July: 1st (Thursday) 17th (Saturday)
August: 5th (Thursday) 14th (Saturday)
September: 2nd (Thursday) 18th (Saturday)
Even if you can't join us on one of our planned work days, give Ann a call and she can tell you what needs to be done and you can do it when convenient. Many hands will make our campus work light. Thank you. Ann
Remember: We are still observing all Covid restrictions:
Bring your own tools: rake, shovel, clippers, a basket, tarp or plastic bag for debrided material.
Masks required when within 6 feet of others
Restrooms will be available
Bring your own coffee or water, no snacks provided yet!
QUESTIONS? Contact Ann Pike-Paris
YOH (Youth Outreach and Hospitality), is co sponsoring an entertaining and educational virtual event on Saturday April 10th at 6 pm to raise awareness and money for transgender youth and young adults in need. YOH is an action team of the Nauset Interfaith Association. NIA is the fiscal sponsor of the Cape and Islands Transgender Resource Fund.
Ann Pike-Paris and Meg Nemitz, co-chairs
This all deserves REPEATING.....The recent CDC interim guidelines for fully vaccinated people regarding visiting, quarantining and testing are encouraging. Please continue, however, to take all precautions in public with social distancing, masking and avoiding medium and large in-person gatherings. And if experiencing COVID symptoms, get tested.
Here again are a few helpful links to stay up to date on COVID vaccinations. We hope you are having some success receiving your shot(s), and that the process improves as more vaccine becomes available to MA and the Cape as promised.
Consider preregistration at VaccineSignUp.mass.gov no matter what Phase you are in, to be notified when it is your turn to schedule an appointment at one of the 7 mass vaccination locations if possible (Fenway, Gillette etc.)
The Church of the Holy Spirit has a scholarship program open to all CHS seniors that go on to higher learning. We had two seniors who applied for the scholarship of $1,000; Margaret (Maggie) Bragdon and Natalie Sweeny. They both have finished their first semesters at Dickenson in Carlisle PA and Cornell in Ithaca NY respectively and their transcripts show that, even in this pandemic, it is possible to do outstanding work.
- Margaret writes “I would like to thank you again for choosing me as one of the recipients of the CHS scholarship. Although we are unable to physically see each other at this time, I am reminded of the support and love my church family continues to give me. I hope to gather with you all very soon.”
- Natalie writes “ Cornell was able to keep everyone safe and I was able to enjoy my time on campus. This semester I took Human Development Intro to Infancy and Childhood, a requirement for my major of Human Development and my love of and interest in how children learn and grow was reaffirmed. I hope you are all well at Church of the Holy Spirit! Thank you again.”
UNITED PEOPLE FOR KIDS - Good Friday Walk Fundraiser
Rich Weeks
While we were unable to honor Jesus's sacrifice with our Good Friday walk again this year, we can still honor his legacy of love and service to those in our community who need our help with your tax deductible donation to United People for Kids
You can send your check payable to United People for Kids (or U.P. for Kids), PO Box 297, Yarmouth Port, Ma.02675.
Check out their Facebook page to see how your donations help our families in true need.
Thank you and God bless you all!! See you soon, I hope. Rich Weeks
Our current book is The God We Never Knew by Marcus Borg.
Books are available through your local bookstore, Amazon and on Kindle. We meet on Sundays via Zoom from 12:30 - 1:30 pm. ALL ARE WELCOME! If you wish to join us, please notify Brian or Brooke Skea.
Be Kind and...
Kindness Will Follow You
Click Here to listen to a video of how one man's act of kindness lead to getting a call years later that
changed his life forever!
Dance of the Flowers
Have you always wanted to watch flowers open up from bud to full bloom? Well, you would need to sit there for at least two days.... or...
Click here to see an amazing video of these wonderful blooms coming to splendid life.
Share A
Silver Lining
Shared personal stories from you!.
If you have a story or "silver lining" to share from your personal experiences during the past year, please send it to me. Think of it as a chance to share what you might say at a coffee hour. Please indicate if you want your contribution to be published anonymously. Sue
Here's a little CHS Easter Tradition.
Each year, the church school staff would help their students decorate plastic Easter eggs that were then hung on the tree behind the parish offices at the back parking lot of CHS. This year, the teachers did a Zoom egg decorating session and the results of our youth's artful eggs can be seen hanging from the tree.
For texts or voice messages please call Joe+ at
You can also call the parish office and
leave a message for Joe with the answering service.
Make sure your message includes how Joe can respond to your call.
CHS WEB SITE UPDATE: To live stream or watch recorded services later, please go to our web site holyspiritorleans.org and click on “VIEW ONLINE”. To download the Sunday Service Bulletin, select “CLICK HERE FOR SUNDAY SERVICE BULLETIN”
IN PERSON-MEETINGS: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have suspended in-person meetings on our church campus. If you need access, please call the office and someone will call you back. If you need to drop something off, please use the black mailbox that is outside the office door. To reach the clergy for emergencies or other church related business please call the church office and press 0 or email Gail+ gsmith at chsorleans.org
SUNDAY'S GLIMPSE OF THE GOSPEL: The Gospel speaks to us today personally and as a community. Join us Sundays at 8:45 a.m. to delve into the Gospel and pray for one another. Contact Gail Smith+ for the Zoom link.
CENTERING PRAYER: Until CHS can resume hosting, the Monday and Thursday Centering Prayer gatherings will be held at 4:30 at the Orleans Federated Church. Wearing a mask, ring the bell and enter through the door on the East side of the building. Sign in, and look for us at the end of the hall to your right. Sometimes we meet in the Sanctuary upstairs.
WEDNESDAY MORNING PRAYER GROUP: The CHS Morning Prayer Group prays on Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. from the comfort of their own homes. Contact Richard O'Hara and he will send you the coming month's scripture readings for Wednesdays. His email and phone numbers are in the Parish Directory.
FEELING PINCHED AND STRUGGLING TO MAKE ENDS MEET because of the pandemic's impact on your life? Please contact Gail Smith+. Funds are available through the Discretionary Fund.
FORWARD DAY BY DAY: Copies of the November, December and January book are now available. Contact Debbi in the Parish Office. She will mail it to you.
SET UP ONLINE GIVING One great benefit of our online giving platform is that you can make periodic donations for special events or giving as well as set up recurring payments for the year on whatever schedule works best for you (weekly, monthly, quarterly) and then sit back and relax.
Click here to open the CHS website "Give Now" page that provides the links to online giving. To set up recurring payments toward your 2021 Pledge, simply choose "2021 General Giving & Pledges" from the drop-down menu, check the box "Make this gift recurring," and fill in the details. If you would like to pre-pay your 2021 Pledge this year, for tax purposes for example, choose the same category, "2021 General Giving & Pledges," when making your online donation this month. Any questions, please contact the church office.
For "one- time" specific donations, select the fund in the drop down box, fill in the amount and any special instructions.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please call the office with your prayer requests at 508-255-0433 and leave a message. They will remain on the CHS Public Prayer List for 4 weeks. If you need them to be on the list for a longer period, please let us know.
PRIVATE INTERCESSORY PRAYER: The CHS Intercessors is a small group of CHS members who are committed to pray regularly for your concerns. If you need private prayer for any reason, please call the Parish Office. Someone will contact you. ALL requests will be held in confidence.
PARISH DIRECTORY: We no longer include member's personal contact information in our communications. Call the Parish Office and we will email you an electronic copy or snail-mail you a hard copy of the current Parish Directory so you can "stay in touch."
Celebrations, Remembrances and Prayers
Upcoming dates to give you time to send a note, card, or call.
Bill Brown 4.01 Wayne Currey 4.02 Nancy Miller 4.03
Laura Morris 4.03 Sandy Marshall 4.05 Brendan Sweeney 4.06
Tom Pye 4.07 Lizzie Thompson 4.09 Jeff Perkins 4.10
Cregg Sweeney 4.12 Nancy Ranscht 4.13 Janet Baxter 4.15
Benjamin La Branche 4.15 Nancy Ludwig 4.15
Peg Skelly 4.15 Ruth Campbell 4.17 James Britton 4.18
The Rev. Anne Koehler 4.19 David Price 4.22
Ginny Lucil 4.23 Ian McLaughlin 4.24 Bob Hubby 4.26
Tom and Cynthia Murray 4.01.78 Ralph and Sheila Holcomb 4.06.74
Jim and Sally Corley 4.14.79 Phillip and Barbara Sousa 4.16.54
James and Susan Gillespie 4.18.70 Geoffrey and Jayme Smith 4.23.94
Chris and Diana Crighton 4.30.77
Frank Hutchings 4.02.03 Jack Potter 4.02.14
Elizabeth Gorczyca 4.02.15 David Clarendon 4.03.20
Deirdre Ellen Maguire 4.04.11 Elizabeth Simmons 4.04.15
Sally Casale 4.05.17 Murray Rust 4.06.10
Robert Pearston 4.07.91 Bob Winter 4.07.19
Margaret Goyette 4.09.07 Joyce Johnson 4.09.14
Patricia Beatrice Gray Becker 4.11.09
George Webbere 4.11.14
Margaret Lovis Williams 4.11.96 William Felt 4.13.99
Margaret Bell 4.14.77 Edward Brown 4.14.04
George Leistensnider 4.15.03 Merton Stevens, Sr. 4.15.75
Agnes Rogers 4.15.98 Ed Racely 4.16.19
Marilyn J. Hampton 4.20.08 Donald E. Pelrine 4.20.19
Christopher White 4.21.10 William Brewster Nickerson 4.22.64
Robert Burrill, Jr. 4.23.15 Donald F. Vecchione 4.24.15
Ruth Costa 4.25.04 Richard Powell 4.25.06
Jean Trimble 4.25.19 Hope Kelley Fox 4.27.20
Helen Jones 4.27.16 Enis G. Smith 4.28.16
Katharine Howard 4.30.03 Derek W. Oakes 4.30.13
Sally H. Fasick 4.30.15
Nancy Aucoin - 3.15.2021
Patricia Nickerson-Flor 3.30.2021
Milt Barnes Jr., Elizabeth Beattie, Robert Blanchet, Kate Carroll, Beverly Chace,
Dorothy Cross, Betty Daiute, Noah Evans, Cassie Fariello, Ali Funnell, Ernest Gordon, Mary Beth Guiliano, Adelaide Hubler, Ruth Evans Jones, Bill Kirkby, Joe Manson,
Tyler Marshall , Ed Mason, Bill Nemitz, Dianna Oliveira, Jennifer Peters, Joan Proctor,
The Bayuk Family, Linda Stabb, Jared, Mike, Bill Wahlquist, John, Margaret Young
For all our service women and men.
Those on the front lines Dr. Susan Cornell, Kristin Crighton, Dr. Donald Dupuis,
Liberty Jane Dupuis, Steven Isner, Carol LaBranche, Kristian Kurtzke, Jenn Marlin,
Dr. David Meguerdichian, Dr. Michael Meguerdichian, Dr. Nadia Huancuhuari,
Joy, Danielle Pensa, Meg Nemitz, Kelly Crossland, Justin Tavano, Holly Tavano,
Kimberly Topping, Mike Topping, Peter Vogt
Watch over thy children, O'Lord, as their days increase.
Bless and guide them wherever they may be, keeping them unspotted
from the world. Strengthen them when they stand;
comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall;
And in their hearts, may thy peace, which passes all understanding,
Abide all the days of their lives; Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Stay informed and connected to the Episcopal Diocese of MA
Sign up to receive our diocesan communications,
The next edition of Being Together-Apart is
Wednesday April 21, 2021.
Send items to be included to Sue Sasso by
Monday end of day April 19th.
Stay current on happenings at CHS.