Celebrations, Remembrances and Prayers
Upcoming dates to give you time to send a note, card, or call.
Ragnhild Bjerke 1.21 Katie Bragdon 1.21 Bill Gardiner 1.23
Jacob La Branche 1.24 Thomas Graham 1.25 Nils Idman 1.26
Douglas Fromm 1.28 Bill Ranscht 1.28 Jacob LaBranche 1.29
Joan McFadden 1.30 Conner Pike 1.31 Ragnhild Bjerke 1.21
Katherine Bragdon 1.21 William Gardiner 1.23
Thomas G Graham 1.25 Nils Norman Idman 1.26
The Rev. Douglas Fromm 1.28 William Ranscht 1.28
Jacob LaBranche 1.29 Joan McFadden 1.30
William Wahlquist 2.1 David Smith 2.2 Patricia Carroll 2.5
Deborah Kimball 2.5 Chase Thomas Tavano 2. 5
Dana L Hammatt 2.6 Elizabeth P. Daiute 2.8
Brooke Eaton-Skea 2.8 Jaden Ellison 2.8 Benjamin Chung 2.9
Philip Sousa 2.10 Jack Sasso 2.13 Hannah Chung 2.15
David Gass 2.5 Davis Keeffe-Jones 2.15
Joan Kirkby 2.6
Bob and Kathy Hubby 2.01.86
Arthur and Ellen Snyder 2.05.44
Dick and Ann Anderson 2.07.60
Bill and Judy Gardiner 2.14.70
Gardy Bridge 1.23.13 Jane Lough 1.23.10 Barbara MacArthur 1.23.17
John Anderson 1.27.04 M. Egerton “Jim” Gray, Jr. 1.27.08
Harry Preston 1.28.85 Anne Swift 1.29.03 Elisabeth Meyer 1.30.16
George Wallace Ruckert, Jr. 1.30.97
Elizabeth C. Houghton 2.01.08 Sara Joy 2.01.09
Helene Barrington 2.02.15 Charles Boulton 2.02.89
Muriel Maguire 2.03.06 James Boyd 2.04.15 Edward Gombos 2.04.91
Florence E. Idman 2.04.15 Richard H. Jones 2.04.08
Helen Enochs 2.09.01 Shirley Felsenthal 2.09.98 Ruth Fish 2.09.05
Gladys Pearston 2.09.07 Robert Affleck 2.10.81 Philip Drew 2.10.98
John Seale 2.10.86 Alfred Chandler 2.11.80 Edrie Dalton 2.11.97
Fay Olwig 2.11.02 Gertrude Cuthbert 2.14.99
Anne Hagenbuckle 2.15.75 Mary Varga 2.16.92
John (Jack) Nixon 1.18.2021
Milt Barnes Jr., Elizabeth Beattie, Robert Blanchet, Kate Carroll, Beverly Chace,
Dorothy Cross, Betty Daiute, Noah Evans, Cassie Fariello, Ali Funnell, Ernest Gordon, Mary Beth Guiliano, Adelaide Hubler, Ruth Evans Jones, Bill Kirkby, Joe Manson,
Ed Mason, Bill Nemitz, Dianna Oliveira, Jennifer Peters, Joan Proctor, The Bayuk Family, Linda Stabb, Jared, Bill Wahlquist For all our service women and men.
Those on the front lines Dr. Susan Cornell, Kristin Crighton, Dr. Donald Dupuis,
Liberty Jane Dupuis, Steven Isner, Carol LaBranche, Kristian Kurtzke, Jenn Marlin,
Dr. David Meguerdichian, Dr. Michael Meguerdichian, Dr. Nadia Huancuhuari,
Joy, Danielle Pensa, Meg Nemitz, Kelly Crossland, Justin Tavano, Holly Tavano,
Kimberly Topping, Mike Topping, Peter Vogt
Watch over thy children, O'Lord, as their days increase.
Bless and guide them wherever they may be, keeping them unspotted
from the world. Strengthen them when they stand;
comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall;
And in their hearts, may thy peace, which passes all understanding,
Abide all the days of their lives; Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.