Volume 19| December 2, 2020
Being Together - Apart
Last Sunday, November 29th, was the First Sunday of Advent and the beginning of a new liturgical year and began "Year: B" of the scripture lectionary. We also celebrated the lighting of the Advent Wreath and our first Eucharist together in many months.

When we begin a "new calendar year," many of us make a list of resolutions and things we want to change or do in the new year. Well, that is true for the start of our New Church Year. One change that has happened in this "new year" is the Friday "Worship Weekly" newsletters will not continue.

These weekly publications started in May to provide the tools for personal worship when we realized the inability to worship together was going to continue for the foreseeable future. Now with our Zoom Sunday Services and recently added YouTube live streaming, we are able to worship weekly in community. So, the separate "Worship Weekly" communication is no longer needed but, we will continue some features in our other communications.
On Fridays, you will still receive the weekly "Sunday Morning Service" email with the Zoom invitation, YouTube link, Service Bulletin and will now include Announcements.
"Being Together-Apart" newsletters will still be sent the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month. These will now include Ruth Campbell's wonderful Spirit Story videos and from time-to-time music features created by our Music Director, Joan Kirchner.

Once our new Transitional Priest-In-Charge starts, we will revisit all the ways we communicate with you.

In the meantime, we will do everything possible to keep you informed of church happenings. Please continue to send me material that could be shared with our parish family in the "Being Together -Apart" editions at newsletters@chsorleans.org If you have an Announcement for the Sunday Service communication, send that to the Parish Office/ Debbi Manning by Tuesday, Noon.

I truly enjoy being the Editor of all our newsletters as it makes me pay attention to things I hear, see or read that you might enjoy....and your many "thank-you comments" validate I must be doing something right! I have frequently shared something I read in Maria Shriver's Sunday Paper blog. This past Sunday included the following that is a great way to think about our "new liturgical year"...

Where you are is where you are meant to be. All of us have been changed by the pandemic in ways big and small. Our lives have been forever changed and our hearts have been asked to widen. Our hearts have stood witness to our neighbors' pain and to our own. They are calling upon us to live life differently. Each of us can make room for the difference that this season has brought.

This message also reinforces something Gail+ said in her November 29th sermon about how, during this pandemic, we have found a way to live in a "Fellowship of Mutual Care." Let's continue to reach out to each other or those who you have not "seen" at a Sunday service. Make this a special and magical Advent season as we wait together for Jesus' birth and pray 2021 will bring us back together "in person."

at 10:00 a.m.
A Zoom Meeting invitation email is sent
Fridays at Noon.

It includes links to the Zoom service, Sunday Bulletin, and now,
CHS Announcements.
You can also live stream or watch the recorded services using the
CHS YouTube Channel.
10:00 A.M.
Please join Gail Smith+ for our powerful healing service.
A Zoom Meeting invitation email is
sent Mondays at Noon.
To date, 117 pledges for 2021 have been received, totaling $278,697. We are slowly making progress but still have a way to go reach last year's total of 131 pledges for over $300,000. If you plan to make a pledge for 2021, please return your pledge card.
We are completing our 2021 budget. Receiving your pledge is a critical part of the process. If you need a pledge card, call the parish office. One will be mailed to you.
Due to your incredible generosity, Church of the Holy Spirit will be able to donate $3,000 in gift cards to the Homeless Prevention Council's Adopt a Family program and families at the Safe Harbor Domestic Violence Shelter.

The need is always present, but even more so this year during the pandemic. HPC's case load has increased over 70% at times and the shelters are full. Your continued support is needed...not just at Christmas. If you want to make a donation directly to these organizations, please go to their websites:

Thank you so much. Merry Christmas. Brook Eaton-Skea and Robin McLaughlin.
Each December, Christmas Offering envelopes have been placed in the pews to be used for a special Christmas offering or a donation towards the Christmas Altar flowers. Since the envelopes won't be available this year, here are ways you can still make a Christmas offering.

By Check - You can drop off your offering in the outside black mail box by the office door or mail it to the parish address at the bottom of this newsletter. Please indicate its a "Christmas Offering" and/or for "Flowers." If you are making a "Flowers" memorial offering, please include a list of the names that should appear in the Christmas Eve Service Bulletin.

Online - click here to get to CHS's online "Give Now" web-page. When you make your online offering, select "Flowers" and/or "Christmas Offering" in the "Fund Option" drop down box. Email names for a "Flowers" memorial offering to office@chsorleans.org

Since the pandemic continues to prevent us from worshiping and celebrating together, we planned special activities to begin the new church year and the wonderful Season of Advent.

Thanks to the generosity of one of our Church School Families, Jeff Scott and his daughter Taliah, we built a wonderful outdoor Advent Wreath under the Church Sign on the corner of Monument Road and Route 28. Taliah and her Dad "lit" the first candle on Sunday, November 29th. The "flames" are solar lights donated by Harwich Paint and Decorating. Each Saturday at 3:00, another Church School family will light the next candle. Click here for the lighting ceremony and prayers and come see this special wreath that will spread the magic of Advent to all who drive by.

There will also be special Advent experiences during our Zoom Sunday Services and Advent Calendars have been sent to all our families with children.
May this season remind you
of the hope, joy, love and peace found in Christ.
Health Ministry - Ann Pike-Paris

Sadly, as we head into an even higher rate of the Covid 19 cases this holiday season, with more people traveling and families getting together, the need to be vigilant about the virus is still important. We thought it might be useful to ease concerns about what is true or false about this virus from a couple trusted sources, John Hopkins and Mayo Clinic. Please stay smart, safe and healthy.

Johns Hopkins - SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH EXPERT INSIGHTS COVID-19 Myths vs. Realities - click here

Mayo Clinic - Debunking COVID-19 (coronavirus) myths - click here
Brought to you by
Ruth Campbell and
Joe Simons
This week's videographer is
Caroline Keeffe-Jones

Click Here  to hear
Ruth read this week's story.
Other readings for weeks without a
Being Together-Apart newsletter are available. Please contact Ruth.

This Week's Story is
"B is for Bethlehem"
by Isabel Wilner
Illustrator Elisa Klen
Many of the Buildings and Grounds projects that were on hold for months have finally been started and some even finished. Thank you to Brian and Brenda Ridgeway and the Building & Grounds Committee for all the time and talent they have given to CHS to shepherd these critical and key projects through the maze of planning, approval and execution. We are all beneficiaries of their dedication!
While it doesn't look like much yet, the solar contractor began laying wiring and the foundation supports for the solar panels on the cleared hill at the back of the church and all should be installed by December 6, 2020. After testing and acceptance by Eversource, we should be online by December 20, 2020.
The restoration work has finally started using the initial funding awarded by the Orleans Community Preservation Committee. A 2nd grant for the final funding has been submitted and we hope it too will be awarded later in 2021 so the full restoration can be completed for the Grand Opening of the community Galley West Art Gallery on October 16, 2021.

Heating and Cooling Systems. Thanks to Dave Blanchett over the last year, all of the HVAC units have been inspected. The furnaces, coils and AC condenser for the East/West section of the church Sacristy have been replaced. Dave will evaluate and recommend 2021 HVAC Projects including the CHS office area.

The Parish Gardens were laid to rest but the Garden Party Team is still working. Earlier this fall, five members of the Garden Party team performed a "full-grounds assessment" including the rectory. They are prioritizing what areas need the most attention and will create an ongoing plan for improvements and maintenance. The goals are to simplify tasks required to manage our very large campus landscape. New members of the Garden Team are always welcome to join in. Look for announcements in the spring.
In anticipation of the Transitional Priest-In-Charge(TPIC) starting soon, we have had the wood floors professionally refinished, installed a new 50-gallon water heater and Tony Johnson has painted the walls and ceilings throughout the house. Then after a whole house cleaning and furniture placement, the house will be ready for the TPIC's arrival.
Until CHS can resume hosting, the Monday and Thursday Centering Prayer gatherings will be held at 4:30 at the Orleans Federated Church. Wearing a mask, ring the bell and enter through the door on the East side of the building. Sign in, and look for us at the end of the hall to your right. Sometimes the group will meet in the Sanctuary upstairs.

Let's join forces and compile a list to share of our favorite books, TV shows, movies, and documentaries, or other things to do to help us through the winter months? I will add the brief descriptions using online resources.

BY DECEMBER 16TH - Send your recommendations and I will compile the list and publish it in the January 6th edition of Being Together-Apart. Let's encourage our youth to send recommendations too. I'll include them in a separate genre section.

Please include the following information
+BOOKS - Title and Author
Include Network (PBS, CBS, etc.) or which "app" it is available; Netflix, Prime, etc.

You can also sign up for local library Wowbrary newsletters with all kinds of information about new books, DVD's, etc. to keep you entertained during the winter. Click Here to sign up using your zip code.
Celebrations, Remembrances and Prayers
Upcoming dates to give you time to send a note, card, or call.

Ruth Evans Jones 12.04  .Linda Payne Mason  12.04     Frank Tavano 12.05    .
Thomas Graham   12.08   Johanna Schneider    12.09     Maeve Shortt   12.09   
Charlotte LaBranche 12.11  Jackie Gallagher 12.12 Susanna Graham Pye 12.14  
Derek Smith   12.15   Annika Kalinick 12.16 Fin LaBranche 12.16 Sue Stevens  12.16    
Hanna Sweeney  12.16  Barbara Koeppen 12.17 Beverly Chace 12.18
Francis Hoffman 12.18  Fay Cole  12.19   Don Bragdon  12.21 Betsie Lind   12.23 
Joan Payne 12.23 Bruce Lederhouse  12.24 Kathy Hubby 12.25  Tom Lennox 12.26 
Barbara Sousa 12.28 Natalie Sweeney 12.28 Marjorie Farrell 12.29 Cai McLaughlin12.29
 Lily Johnson 12.30 Carol Bernhardt  12.31 Peter Blank 12.31 Jane Nixon 12.31    . 


The Reverend Anne Koehler 12.13.03 The Reverend Herbert Skelly 12.16.61
         The Reverend Sue Lederhouse 12.17.05 The Rev. Dr. William Heuss 12.21.68

Gladys Gombos  12.01.11   Florence Adams  12.01.13 Gerald Downs   12.04.03   
Jay Duvanier Lucil 12.05.00 Douglas N. MacArthur  2.05.10   Pete Miller   12.05.09
August Yearing 12.05.98 Pearle C.S.Richards12.06.10 Richard Wagner 12.06.13
John Brigham  12.07.02 Gustav A. Karlson12.07.07   Francis Patrick Ames    12.08.11
Eliza Jackson Ewing  12.10.13   Vera Richards  12.10.05 Florence Adams  12.11.13  
Laryssa Lambros 12.12.19 George Stierwald 12.12.03   Hedwig K. O’Hara 12.14.10
John Enochs  12.15.02   Stephanie Gray  12.15.18 Elizabeth Hicks 12.18.99  
James Woodburn, Sr.  12.18.99 DD Sillcocks 12.19.02  Gerald Gilmore  12.20.14
Elizabeth Clarendon 12.21.78  Wallace Ruckert 12.21.03 Christian Gironda 12.22.92  
Selwyn Miles 12.22.93 Elizabeth Ruckert 12.23.88  Betty Yearing 12.23.19
Harold Foley   12.25.03  Mac MacDonald  12.25.03 Charles Wood 12.26.19 
Norman Adams  12.28.14 Karen Blank 12.29.01   Nat Goddard  12.30.19
Muriel Helen Scully 12.30.11  
Barbara Grant Nov 23, 1927 – Nov 19, 2020


Milt Barnes Jr., Elizabeth Beattie, Robert Blanchet, Kate Carroll, Beverly Chace,
Dan Corcoran, Dorothy Cross, Betty Daiute, Noah Evans, Ali Funnell, Ernest Gordon, Mary Beth Guiliano, Adelaide Hubler, Ruth Evans Jones, Bill Kirkby, Debra Kissinger, 
Joe Manson, Ed Mason, Bill Nemitz, Dianna Oliveira, Jennifer Peters, Joan Proctor,
The Bayuk Family, Linda Stabb, Jared. For all our service women and men.

Those on the front lines: Dr. Susan Cornell, Kristin Crighton, Dr. Donald Dupuis,
Liberty Jane Dupuis, Steven Isner, Stefanie Krieger, Carol LaBranche, Kristian Kurtzke,
Jenn Marlin, Dr. David Meguerdichian, Dr. Nadia Huancuhuari,
Dr. Michael Meguerdichian, Joy, Danielle Pensa, Meg Nemitz, Kelly Crossland,
Justin Tavano, Holly Tavano, Kimberly Topping, Mike Topping, Peter Vogt

Watch over thy children, O'Lord, as their days increase.
Bless and guide them wherever they may be, keeping them unspotted
from the world. Strengthen them when they stand;
comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall;
And in their hearts, may thy peace, which passes all understanding,
Abide all the days of their lives; Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Stay informed and connected to the Episcopal Diocese of MA
Sign up to receive our diocesan communications,
including the monthly E-news. (www.diomass.org)
The next edition of Being Together-Apart is Wednesday December 16, 2020.

Send items to be included to Sue Sasso by Monday morning December 14th.
To stay current on happenings at CHS,

Check out our Website at https://holyspiritorleans.org

"Like Us" on Facebook at The Church of the Holy Spirit

Editor - Sue Sasso newsletters@chsorleans.org