Celebrations, Remembrances and Prayers
Upcoming dates to give you time to send a note, card, or call.
Ruth Evans Jones 12.04 .Linda Payne Mason 12.04 Frank Tavano 12.05 .
Thomas Graham 12.08 Johanna Schneider 12.09 Maeve Shortt 12.09
Charlotte LaBranche 12.11 Jackie Gallagher 12.12 Susanna Graham Pye 12.14
Derek Smith 12.15 Annika Kalinick 12.16 Fin LaBranche 12.16 Sue Stevens 12.16
Hanna Sweeney 12.16 Barbara Koeppen 12.17 Beverly Chace 12.18
Francis Hoffman 12.18 Fay Cole 12.19 Don Bragdon 12.21 Betsie Lind 12.23
Joan Payne 12.23 Bruce Lederhouse 12.24 Kathy Hubby 12.25 Tom Lennox 12.26
Barbara Sousa 12.28 Natalie Sweeney 12.28 Marjorie Farrell 12.29 Cai McLaughlin12.29
Lily Johnson 12.30 Carol Bernhardt 12.31 Peter Blank 12.31 Jane Nixon 12.31 .
The Reverend Anne Koehler 12.13.03 The Reverend Herbert Skelly 12.16.61
The Reverend Sue Lederhouse 12.17.05 The Rev. Dr. William Heuss 12.21.68
Gladys Gombos 12.01.11 Florence Adams 12.01.13 Gerald Downs 12.04.03
Jay Duvanier Lucil 12.05.00 Douglas N. MacArthur 2.05.10 Pete Miller 12.05.09
August Yearing 12.05.98 Pearle C.S.Richards12.06.10 Richard Wagner 12.06.13
John Brigham 12.07.02 Gustav A. Karlson12.07.07 Francis Patrick Ames 12.08.11
Eliza Jackson Ewing 12.10.13 Vera Richards 12.10.05 Florence Adams 12.11.13
Laryssa Lambros 12.12.19 George Stierwald 12.12.03 Hedwig K. O’Hara 12.14.10
John Enochs 12.15.02 Stephanie Gray 12.15.18 Elizabeth Hicks 12.18.99
James Woodburn, Sr. 12.18.99 DD Sillcocks 12.19.02 Gerald Gilmore 12.20.14
Elizabeth Clarendon 12.21.78 Wallace Ruckert 12.21.03 Christian Gironda 12.22.92
Selwyn Miles 12.22.93 Elizabeth Ruckert 12.23.88 Betty Yearing 12.23.19
Harold Foley 12.25.03 Mac MacDonald 12.25.03 Charles Wood 12.26.19
Norman Adams 12.28.14 Karen Blank 12.29.01 Nat Goddard 12.30.19
Muriel Helen Scully 12.30.11
Barbara Grant Nov 23, 1927 – Nov 19, 2020
Milt Barnes Jr., Elizabeth Beattie, Robert Blanchet, Kate Carroll, Beverly Chace,
Dan Corcoran, Dorothy Cross, Betty Daiute, Noah Evans, Ali Funnell, Ernest Gordon, Mary Beth Guiliano, Adelaide Hubler, Ruth Evans Jones, Bill Kirkby, Debra Kissinger,
Joe Manson, Ed Mason, Bill Nemitz, Dianna Oliveira, Jennifer Peters, Joan Proctor,
The Bayuk Family, Linda Stabb, Jared. For all our service women and men.
Those on the front lines: Dr. Susan Cornell, Kristin Crighton, Dr. Donald Dupuis,
Liberty Jane Dupuis, Steven Isner, Stefanie Krieger, Carol LaBranche, Kristian Kurtzke,
Jenn Marlin, Dr. David Meguerdichian, Dr. Nadia Huancuhuari,
Dr. Michael Meguerdichian, Joy, Danielle Pensa, Meg Nemitz, Kelly Crossland,
Justin Tavano, Holly Tavano, Kimberly Topping, Mike Topping, Peter Vogt
Watch over thy children, O'Lord, as their days increase.
Bless and guide them wherever they may be, keeping them unspotted
from the world. Strengthen them when they stand;
comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall;
And in their hearts, may thy peace, which passes all understanding,
Abide all the days of their lives; Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.