Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Remembrances
Upcoming dates to give you time to send a note, card, or call.
Olivia Evans 11.01 Geoffrey Smith 11.03 Libby Hall 11.07
Karen Gentile 11.08 Oris Folsom 11.09 Barbara Mahoney 11.11
Gay Wheeler 11.13 Stan Snow 11.13 Brian Skea 11.14
Dick Anderson 11.20 Jack Nixon 11.20 Herbert Skelly 11.20
Patty Pike 11.21 Dan Kimball 11.22 Karen Sweeney 11.23
Tom Graham 11.24 Suzanna Gray 11.24 Celia Calhoun 11.25
Joy Louyi Pye 11.26 Donna Tavano 11.26 Rob LaBranche, Jr. 11.30
Joe Tavano 11.30 Raymond Thompson 11.30 Karen Gardner 11.30
Tom and Sharyn Laughton 11.01.97
Jack and Susan Sasso 11.03.84
Francis and Barbara Hoffman 11.21.51
Rev. Bill and Margaret Anne Heuss 11.21.09
Anne Wardrop 11.01.17 Rosemary Von Schlegell 11.02.06
The Rev. G. David White 11.04.09
Frank Gawle 11.05.07 Philip Stevens, Sr. 11.05.90
Mac Kirkwood 11.06.07 William L. Beattie 11.07.10
Barbara Nelson 11.07.03 Frederick W. Thomas 11.07.13
Walter Morgan, Jr. 11.08.80 Connie Purdy 11.10.03
J. Howard Glover 11.13.10 Charles Chandler 11.14.85
Ruth Smith 11.14.81 Judith Bernhardt 11.15.97
Herbert Fuller, Sr. 11.15.68 Richard C. Butterworth11.17.12
Frances Nickerson 11.17.10 Chester McLeod 11.18.06
The Rt. Rev. George Rath 11.18.95 Thomas Frend Carey 11.19.98
Pete Miller 11.20.09 Agnes Delano 11.21.95
Elizabeth Mason 11.22.01 William Lester Udall 11.22.98
Keith F. Miller 11.23.14 Christine Miller 11.25.05
John Hallstead 11.26.08 Samuel M. Nickerson, III 11.26.72
Charlie Puzo 11.26.17 Russell Ford 11.27.11
Herbert Fuller 11.27.96 Virginia Thompson 11.27.92
Myrtle Haynie 11.28.07 Robert A. LaBranche, Sr. 11.28.19
Adrienne Smith 11.29.05 Donald Clifton 11.29.08
David Moore 11.29.15
Watch over thy children, O'Lord, as their days increase.
Bless and guide them wherever they may be
keeping them unspotted from the world.
Strengthen them when they stand;
comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall;
And in their hearts, may thy peace, which passes all understanding,
Abide all the days of their lives;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.