Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Remembrances
Upcoming dates to give you time to send a note, card, or cal
Meta Hutchings 7.01 Richard O’Hara 7.02 Ginnie Clarendon7.03
Kimberly McLaughlin 7.03 Callie O’Brien 7.03
Mary McDermott 7.05 Shane Howe 7.07 Scott Daniels 7.08
Marilyn Gass 7.09 Marion Thorley 7.10 Marjorie O’Reilly 7.13
Sarah Pike 7.13 Kathy Goddard 7.15 Sally Corley 7.17
Sheila Holcomb 7.20 Joan Taylor 7.20 Amy Corcoran 7.21
Debbie Meguerdichian 7.21 Amy Spiegel 7.22 Brian Ridgeway 7.23
Ernest LaFrance 7.24 Jack Gentile 7.25 Ralph Holcomb 7.25
Jeff Nickerson 7.25 Bonnie Snow 7.25 Dan Corcoran 7.26
Caroline Keefe-Jones 7.29 Norman Proctor 7.29 Thomas Murray 7.30
Tom and Susanna Graham Pye 7.14.90
Don and Mary Anne Bragdon 7.18.92
Ephraim and Jane McLean 7.31.65
Marjory Colwell 7.01.12 William Swift 7.01.07
Lester Myers 7.02.86 Robert Hersey Taylor 7.02.16
Paul Blackburn 7.03.01 Elaine Frances Dewing 7.05.10
Herb Wieboldt7.05.19 Marion Louise Young 7.07.99
Harold D. Fox 7.09.09 Louise Donham 7.12.00 John Pike 7.12.80
Donald E. Smith 7.12.08 Judith Erickson 7.14.16 Deans R. Folsom 7.14.15
Ruth Hayes 7.14.19 Mildred Hedley Affleck 7.15.95 William Hammatt 7.15.13
The Rev. Robert Wardrop 7.15.94 Aram Zarookian 7.15.09
Eileen Dougherty 7.18.06 Elinor Felt 7.19.12 Samuel Hall 7.19.12
Sue Daniels 7.20.15 Joan Howe 7.21.19 Andrew Kalinick 7.21.12
Barbara Shaw Churchill 7.22.12 Betty Dibble 7.23.05
Herbert Frederick 7.24.99 Jeffrey Karlson 7.28.18
Laura Ellen White 7.29.98
Watch over thy children, O'Lord, as their days increase.
Bless and guide them wherever they may be
keeping them unspotted from the world.
Strengthen them when they stand;
comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall;
And in their hearts, may thy peace, which passes all understanding,
Abide all the days of their lives;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.