Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Remembrances
Upcoming dates to give you time to send a note, card, or call.
Seamus Whitcomb 8-30-2020
Held in the CHS Memorial Garden
Cynthia Murray 9.02 Ashley Chung 9.04
.Patricia McLeod 9.11 Kate O’Brien 9.12 Susan Sasso 9.13
Gail Binney-Sterne 9.14 Matt Jones 9.16
Dilys Smith 9.16 .30 Tom Laughton 9.20 Barbara Hoffman 9.21
Meredith Perkins 9.21 Lucas LaBranche 9.24 Lilian Kuo 9.25
Charles Spiegel 9.25
Don and Elaine Usher 9.01.56
Bill and Barbara Wahlquist 9.04.54 Jack and Karen Gentile 9.06.86
Dick and Barbara Koeppen 9.08.63 Robert and Pam Brimmer 9.09.00
Frank and Donna Tavano 9.09.77 Chuck and Marge Farrell 9.11.50
Brian and Brenda Ridgeway 9.13.14 Wes and Bev Dreher 9.18.93
John and Gail Sterne 9.21.02 Matthew and Jamie Thompson 9.23.00
Piero and Bryony Venturini 9.23.00
Edward Warren Schultze 9.01.08
Charles Evans, Priest 9.01.83 Katherine Jones 9.01.98
Harry D. Felsenthal 9.02.09 Vernon Smith 9.02.69
Gwendolyn Heller Hobbs 9.03.11
Harry Hill Carey 9.04.97 James Graham 9.04.99
Vivian Foy Stacey 9.05.16 Walter Bell, Jr., Priest 9.06.90
Nathalie Johnson 9.07.14 Donna White 9.08.15
Ken Gardiner 9.09.18 Eugene Gieringer 9.09.97
Constance Grosvenor 9.09.10 Patricia Husson 9.10.04
Dorothy Benner 9.11.04 William Calhoun 9.11.06
Hope M. Ford 9.12.02 Janet Skadden 9.12.14
James Townsend, Jr. 9.12.99
Watch over thy children, O'Lord, as their days increase.
Bless and guide them wherever they may be
keeping them unspotted from the world.
Strengthen them when they stand;
comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall;
And in their hearts, may thy peace, which passes all understanding,
Abide all the days of their lives;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.