Your Campers Can Build their own BEIS HAMIKDOSH MODEL
Children age 9 and up can have fun assembling their own paper model of the Beis HaMikdosh.
The model is easy to build and is designed according to the Rambam in Hilchos Beis HaBechirah.
There are two versions of the Heichal: One is easy and another more detailed and more accurate. Choose the one appropriate for your audience.
To receive more FREE OFFERS, send feedback, photos and videos of your model builders at work to
For Private Use Only - Not for Resale
Copyright ©
- Tzivos Hashem Crafts Workshops
Any sales of this model in any format is against halacho and constitutes a violation of copyright laws. The purpose of this offer is to gather feedback and field test our product before publication. If you know of offering for sale of this model whether printed, die cut, pre-cut or electronic media, please contact
- Download Click here to download the zip file containing the file.
Email for a password. In order to maintain the exclusivity of this project, the file is password protected.
- Assembly Instructions
 Download Instruction Guide for Model Beis HaMikdosh.
- Print Print in COLOR on 11x17 CARDSTOCK, (Kinko's, Staples or any print house).
11x17 color printer that can print on card (60-85 pound paper).
- Tools
The model needs lots of cutting and folding; prepare the following: - Pairs of sharp scissors for detailing - Tacky Glue or the like - Counselors to help
- Study the Beis HaMikdosh
- The floor plan of the second Beis HaMikdosh to explain the model.