• Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you. Psalm 143:8
Believer vs. Doer

In Scripture, we are identified as “believers,” not “doers” for a reason. This doesn’t imply believers are passive or their faith inactive. It means our identity comes from who we believe in, not what we do. This way, Jesus gets all the glory. We don’t take any credit for what He does.

What believers “do” or how they live has a direct connection to what they believe. This is why Paul taught that obedience to God is a matter of faith. We obey because we believe. Faith pleases God. Our actions don’t activate our faith as some teach. Our faith is activated when we believe God’s Word. Our actions are simply the evidence of what we believe.

“By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went” (Hebrews 11:8).

Abraham’s obedience was rooted in his faith or what he believed about God. The same should be true for believers today. Sadly, many ministers neglect the importance of persuading people about God’s faithfulness and love for them. Instead, they harp on being obedient to God. 

Obedience or faithfulness is a fruit of the Spirit. A farmer can’t force a tree or vine to produce fruit; all he can do is help create the environment that brings forth fruit. Therefore, he plants at a time when the sun is most effective. He prepares the ground, removes rocks, weeds, and so forth at the best times. After planting, he waters. When the conditions are right, with confidence, he expects a harvest.

The same is true for our lives, we can’t force fruit to grow, but we can create the right conditions or environment for a bountiful harvest. Many believers fail to obey because they aren’t in an environment that helps fruit grow. A planted seed needs good ground; it needs water and sun to nourish it so it will bring forth fruit. Jesus taught these principles in Mark 4; the sower sows the Word.

How can you trust someone you don’t know? You can’t! Yet, believers are expected to live in perfect obedience to a God they don’t know. Could this be why Jesus said, “When you see me you see the Father?” I believe it is. Jesus knew if people don’t understand the character of God, they will find it difficult to trust Him or desire to know Him. 

I believe Jesus was successful in unveiling God’s heart to us. We see the fruit. In fact, Jesus said to many people who came to Him for healing or on behalf of others that their faith was great or He mentioned why they were healed. They put their trust in the character of Jesus and that’s why faith was birthed in their hearts. Abraham obeyed God by faith, as well. Old Abe simply trusted and obeyed God whom he believed was good.

“He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform” (Romans 4:20-21).

When your heart is persuaded as Abe’s was, you won’t stagger and your faith will be strong.

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