BELTRAIDE's National Call for Projects for its Belize Investment Portfolio 
Do you have a viable investment project in Belize?

As part of the Belize Investment Portfolio (BIP),  BelizeINVEST, a unit of  BELTRAIDE, held a National Call for Projects Event on March 26, 2020 via Webcast.

The  Belize Investment Portfolio Initiative was launched to foster targeted matchmaking of pre-packaged  #investment projects in supporting the private sector seeking financing or strategic investment partners via B ELTRAIDE's continued investment promotion efforts.

To learn more about the Belize Investment Portfolio Call for Projects Initiative, please click the link below to view a recording of the event:

Belize Investment Portfolio | National Call for Projects (March 2020)

Additionally, to find out more about the BIP, please contact our team at BelizeINVEST at or call +501- 613-0152.

Strengthening the Bilateral Trade and Investment Relationship Between Belize and the State of Florida

On March 3 - 4, 2020, the Belize Trade and Investment Development Service (BELTRAIDE), a statutory body under the Ministry of Economic Development, Petroleum, Investment, Trade and Commerce of the Government of Belize (GOB), was hosted at a two (2) day outbound Belize Business Mission in Tallahassee, the capital city of the state of Florida in the U.S. Belize and the state of Florida have long maintained bilateral commercial relationships in areas of trade, investment and enterprise development.

The mission was organized around the core objective of further assessing key points of partnership in trade and investment development with the state of Florida specifically, while promoting bilateral opportunities for market access and investment diversification. 
BELTRAIDE's COVID-19 Response #2: Implementation of Mobile Points of Contact to Service Clients Remotely

Stemming from the global COVID-19 outbreak, BELTRAIDE remains open for business and strongly encourages our clients and members of the public to contact us via mobile, email or other virtual means to ensure that the health of everyone is safeguarded. 

Our team at BelizeINVEST can be contacted via the following mobile lines respectively: +501-613-0152 (Generation) or +501-613-0148 (Aftercare). Rest assured that our team is fully equipped to provide the required services to fulfill your business needs virtually.

Please view the respective unit contact details in the above photograph. 

BELTRAIDE looks forward to continuing to provide our clients and the public quality service through virtual mediums at this time. 

COVID-19 ( Novel Coronavirus)  Facts and Tips 
COVID-19 Facts

Self-isolation Guide

To stay up-to-date with the latest developments on COVID-19 in Belize, follow the Ministry of Healthy's Facebook page @Belizehealth
Company Feature: Mama Belize 

Have you heard of or tasted Mama Belize's Chips?

Visit your local supporting grocery store today and taste the savory flavor of Mama Belize's Chips. 

For more information on their products and where to purchase them, follow Mama Belize's Facebook Page (linked in text).

Let's support our local businesses and products that are made in Belize. 
Project Opportunity: Majestic Seafood
Project Name:  Majestic Seafood
Sector: Fisheries and Aquaculture
Status:  Open
Location: Punta Gorda, Toledo  District, Belize

Project Summary
Majestic Seafood is a start - up company with a focus on exporting processed lobster and other seafood such as conch and fish (snapper, grouper and others) to targeted export markets mainly to the U.S market. Majestic Seafood Company proposes to purchase seafood, primarily lobster, from Belizean fishermen to then process and package seafood specifically for the export market. The company has secured multiple buyers in the U.S., and is currently registered with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Total Estimated Capital Investment Size:  USD $292,500
Estimated Return on Investment: 30 %
Preferred Mode of Investment:  Joint Venture / Angel Investor 



Visit the  Belize Investment Portfolio (BIP)  for More Opportunities!


Contact BelizeINVEST, a Unit of BELTRAIDE, for more details.
14 Orchid Garden Street
City of Belmopan, Belize
Phone: +501-822-3737 / 0175
Skype: belizeinvest