November 17, 2023 | ISSUE #189

Love. Share. Grow. Serve.

Bellefield family, 

"Are we there yet?"

That's the cliched cry which rises from the back seat during a family road trip. It's often answered with, "No. You'll know when we arrive."

"Are we there yet?" is also the deep yearning that rises from our hearts when we encounter biblical descriptions of the new creation. And I think the answer is the same: "No. You'll know when we arrive."

God's promise to redeem and restore this fallen world echoes throughout Scripture. Visions of the new heavens and new earth are found in the psalms and the prophets, though the most extensive and exciting ones are found at the end of the book of Revelation. 

Over the past few months, our study of Revelation has been full of visions of lampstands and locusts, dragons and diadems, bowls and beasts, and all kinds of other evocative imagery. We've gone through the book fairly quickly, exploring lengthy passages each week in an attempt to see the big picture and grasp the overall themes that it reveals. 

For the final two weeks of our sermon series, we're going to slow it down just a bit so that we can fully enjoy and appreciate the grand finale--which is really the grand beginning, in a way. John sees a vision of the new creation in all its splendor, where there is no longer any "mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore" because "death shall be no more" and God himself will dwell with his people (Revelation 21:3-4). Chapters 21 and 22 are bursting with beauty and wonder. They describe our true home; a place of deep delight, joyful rest, and fulfilled hope.

When we hear these promises and share in John's vision, then we may find ourselves asking how much longer will it be till we get there. We may not be able to answer that precisely, but we'll know when we arrive and we remember that Jesus has said, "Surely I am coming soon"--to which we reply, "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!" (Revelation 22:20)

Grace and peace,



Stewardship Campaign Kick-Off

Every area of life provides us with the opportunity to faithfully use the gifts that God has given us in ways that honor the Giver. This is stewardship, and one important aspect of that broad concept is financial stewardship.

To pursue faithful discipleship and service together as stewards of God's gifts, we are kicking off our 2024 Stewardship Campaign. This will run through December 17th, 2023, and is meant to be a time for us all to give prayerful consideration of how to cultivate our generosity as we plan for 2024. There are several resources which can help:

  • Our letter and pledge card introducing the 2024 Stewardship Campaign (these will also be available onsite and via mail)
  • A brief guide introducing the biblical concept of stewardship
  • Information about giving to Bellefield and links to online giving

If you have any questions, or would like help setting up online giving, please contact the Financial Support Team. Thank you!

PRISM Thanksgiving Hosting

Our partners in mission, PRISM, are looking for more volunteers to host students for Thanksgiving next week.

If you're interested you can sign up here.

Thank you for your willingness for someone to have a seat at your table! 

Revelation Resources

Revelation is a fascinating book which prompts a lot of questions. Our fall sermon series is attempting to give a big-picture view of things, addressing many of the common questions yet trying to not get lost in the details.

If you missed any of the sermons then you can find the audio or video formats on our website and catch up on what you missed.

We're also providing some basic supplemental resources to guide your own reading and to help you track along with our study. Be sure to check out:

You are always welcome to email Pastor Josh or Pastor Greg, and they'll be glad to respond.

Looking Ahead

Saturday, November 18th

  • Men's Group @ 7am, Email Ron for details-
  • Young Families Small Group @ 9:30am, Email Greg for details
  • TopGolf Outing @ 10am, Offsite
  • Women's Quilting Event @ 10:00am, Room B6
  • Women's Small Group @ 10:30am, Conference Room

Sunday, November 19th

  • Classic Worship Service @ 8:30am, Sanctuary
  • Sunday Classes @ 9:45am
  • Modern Worship Service @ 11:00am, Sanctuary
  • Worship Online, Livestream @ 11am
  • Young Adult Small Group @ 12:15pm, Room B6
  • Relaxed Worship Service @ 5pm, Fellowship Hall

Monday, November 20th

  • Women's Bible Study @ 9:30am, Conference Room & Online

Wednesday, November 22nd

  • Wednesday Youth Hangouts, Email Matthew for details

Thursday, November 23rd

  • Bellefield Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday

Friday, November 24th

  • Bellefield Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday

Sunday, November 26th

  • Classic Worship Service @ 8:30am, Sanctuary
  • Modern Worship Service @ 11:00am, Sanctuary
  • Worship Online, Livestream @ 11am
  • Relaxed Worship Service @ 5pm, Fellowship Hall
  • University Bible Study @ 7pm, Conference Room

To watch our worship service online after Sunday morning, head over to our YouTube page, click Videos and then Past Live Videos. On Tuesdays you can find the recorded live stream on the front page of our YouTube channel.

A reminder that to protect those who are vulnerable to illness, we have the option of watching worship online if you can't come in person and we reserve a section of seating in the Sanctuary for those who choose to wear masks during our 8:30am and 11:00am worship services.

Upcoming Events

Quilting Ministry

November 18th @ 10am-2pm

All Bellefield women and friends are invited. Bring your own lunch and stay as long or short as suits your schedule. If you don't sew, no worries! You can iron, cut fabric, coordinate colors for a quilt. You can also just come to mingle and meet new friends and connect with old friends.

The baby quilts are gifts to new babies in our congregation and are also shared with our ministry partners in Guatemala.

Advent Celebration

December 1st @ 6pm

Activities for All ages

Join us for a celebration of Advent! Dinner will be provided, and there will be crafts and activities for all ages to celebrate the season. If you play an instrument, you can sign up to play a Christmas song for us! Childcare is available upon request for infants and young toddlers. If you have questions, contact Barb Liberati at

RSVP in Realm by November 27th

Breakfast Connect Fundraiser

December 3rd @ 9:45am

Come on out for a special Breakfast Connect on December 3rd! We're supporting our University Students going to Jubilee this February.

A team of university students and staff will be providing breakfast casseroles. All donations welcome!

Community Care


If you are looking for ways to connect with our community, please reach out to us using this connect form. One of our staff or leaders would be happy to talk with you. 

Small Groups

If you would like to grow in your faith through joining a small group, there are a number of groups to choose from! Email Greg for more information.


Our Prayer Team will offer prayer after our morning service. Contact Greg if you need to talk or would like prayer during the week.


If you or your family have been experiencing spiritual, financial, or physical hardship during this time, please reach out to our Deacons who are here to help care for you.

Give Now
About Realm
Bellefield Presbyterian Church | 4001 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 | 412-687-3222
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