Church Picnic This Sunday, September 17th | |
September 15, 2023 | ISSUE #180 | |
Love. Share. Grow. Serve. | |
Bellefield family,
Each Thursday afternoon, I confer with the office staff before we finalize all of our weekend communications (i.e. this newsletter, social media posts, Sunday bulletins, etc.). As we were doing that last week, we kept checking weather forecasts for the weekend to see how they might affect our plans to have the church picnic that Sunday. At the time, all the Sunday forecast models we saw were predicting an 80-90% chance of rain through the late morning and early afternoon--so we made the decision to postpone the picnic. Of course, we all know what happened: Sunday came, and it didn't rain at all.
Unnecessarily rescheduling a picnic really isn't a big deal in the grand scheme, but it does provide just one more reminder that we "do not know what tomorrow will bring" (James 4:14) and that "many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand" (Proverbs 19:21).
The passage we'll explore this Sunday in the book of Revelation touches on these themes in a profound way. In fact, if we understand what it is saying then we'll find it to be one of the most powerful and comforting passages of Scripture there is.
Chapters 4-5 in Revelation give us a glimpse of the heavenly throne, where the Lord sits in glory, rightly receiving praise because of what he has done to create and redeem. It also shows us that Jesus holds the scroll of history, that all things will work together for his purposes, that he will protect his people in times of trial, and that he will make all things new in the end. God's "forecast", if you will, is going to happen exactly as he intends.
It's a stunning portrait, and it's meant to encourage and equip the Church in every age to remain faithful. We may not know how things are going to go, but we do know in whose hands they rest. Your day--or your life--may not unfold the way you expect, yet knowing that the risen Jesus has conquered sin and death and that nothing can separate us from him (Romans 8:37-39), allows us to add our voices to the chorus of the ages and of the angels when they say,
"To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!" (Revelation 5:13)
Grace and peace,
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Small Groups
There are few substitutes for being involved in a healthy, committed small group. It allows us to know and be known by others, united underneath the Word of God.
Small groups offer the potential for great spiritual growth if we are willing to commit ourselves to one another and what Scripture teaches. So at the start of each academic semester, we try to make it as simple as possible to join a small group.
Check out our listing and sign up here
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Great Race
September 24th, 2023
Please allow yourself some extra time to get to Oakland on Sunday the 24th. Some streets around the church will be closed, you can take a look at the course map below.
See the course here
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This Sunday: New Testament Overview
This week in our survey of the New Testament, we will be continuing to look at the intertestamental period, the 400 years between the end of the Old Testament and beginning of the New Testament. We will be focusing on understanding the origins and beliefs of different groups of people that Jesus and his disciples interact with: the Pharisees and Sadducees, the Samaritans and Roman officials, along with other important groups like the Zealots and the Essenes. As we understand who these people were, we will be able to understand the interactions Jesus and his disciples have with them in the gospels. Join us!
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Saturday, September 16th
- Men's Group @ 7am, Contact Ron for details
- Young Families Small Group @ 9:30am, Email Greg for details
- Women's Small Group @ 10:30am, Conference Room
Sunday, September 17th
- Classic Worship Service @ 8:30am, Sanctuary
- Sunday Classes for all ages @ 9:45am
- Modern Worship Service @ 11:00am, Sanctuary
- Worship Online, Livestream @ 11am
- Church Picnic following 11am worship
- Young Adult Small Group @ 12:45pm, Student Lounge
- Relaxed Worship Service @ 5pm, Fellowship Hall
- University Bible Study @ 7pm, Conference Room
Monday, September 18th
- Women's Bible Study @ 9:30am, Conference Room & Online
- Youth Group, Email Matthew for details
Wednesday, September 20th
- Wednesday Youth Hangouts, Email Matthew for details
- Cornerstone University Fellowship @ 8:40pm, Fellowship Hall
Thursday, September 21st
- Chatham Christian Fellowship @ 7pm, Chatham Campus
- Freshman Bible Study @ 7pm, Student Lounge
- Young Adult Small Group @ 7pm, room B6
Saturday, September 23rd
- Men's Group @ 7am, Contact Ron for details
- Young Families Small Group @ 9:30am, Email Greg for details
Sunday, September 24th
- Classic Worship Service @ 8:30am, Sanctuary
- Sunday Classes for all ages @ 9:45am
- Modern Worship Service @ 11:00am, Sanctuary
- Worship Online, Livestream @ 11am
- University Undergraduate Luncheon @ 12:15am, Fellowship Hall
- Young Adult Small Group @ 12:45pm, Student Lounge
- Red Cross Training @ 1:00pm, Conference Room
- Relaxed Worship Service @ 5pm, Fellowship Hall
- University Bible Study @ 7pm, Conference Room
To watch our worship service online after Sunday morning, head over to our YouTube page, click Videos and then Past Live Videos. On Tuesdays you can find the recorded live stream on the front page of our YouTube channel.
A reminder that as a new school year begins we want to all work together to protect those who are vulnerable to illness. Please remember that we have the option of watching worship online if you can't come in person and we reserve a section of seating in the Sanctuary for those who choose to wear masks during our 8:30am and 11:00am worship services.
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Church Picnic - Schedule Change
This Sunday the 17th @ 12:30pm
Join us on Sunday following the 11am worship service.
Burgers, hotdogs, and drinks will be provided and we ask that you bring:
- side dish if your last name starts A-M
- dessert or salad if your last name starts N-Z
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Women's Event
September 29th @ 6:30pm
Gather together to share an evening and connect with other women while enjoying soup and fellowship!
Would you be willing to contribute a crock pot of soup to this gathering? Bring empty containers for leftover soup to stock your fridge and
freezer for the coming fall.
RSVP to Laura Teufel if you can attend and bring soup at
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If you are looking for ways to connect with our community, please reach out to us using this connect form. One of our staff or leaders would be happy to talk with you.
Small Groups
If you would like to grow in your faith through joining a small group, there are a number of groups to choose from! Email Greg for more information.
Our Prayer Team will offer prayer after our morning service. Contact Greg if you need to talk or would like prayer during the week.
If you or your family have been experiencing spiritual, financial, or physical hardship during this time, please reach out to our Deacons who are here to help care for you.
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Bellefield Presbyterian Church | 4001 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 | 412-687-3222 | | | | |