9:00 am - 9:50 am
Memorial Day Holiday
No School
3rd Period
Resources Available
5th Period
Resources Available
7th Period
Resources Available
1st Period
Resources Available
10:00 am - 10:50 am
4th Period
Resources Available
6th Period
Resources Available
0 Period
Resources Available
2nd Period
Resources Available
11:00 am - 11:30 am
7th Period
Learning Lab
1st Period
Learning Lab
3rd Period
Learning Lab
5th Period
Learning Lab
11:30 am - 12:00 pm
0 Period
Learning Lab
2nd Period
Learning Lab
4th Period
Learning Lab
6th Period
Learning Lab
Daily (time flexible)
Pre-scheduled check-in with student(s), educator planning, collaboration, or professional development
Dear Bellevue Community,
Every year the students of Bellevue High School participate in
in honor of Bellevue High School Alum, Hunter Simpson.
This event consists of a soup line where students donate their lunch money for the day and receive a cup of soup in return. Unfortunately, this event cannot happen this year. Instead, the
committee is hosting an online event.
Please donate! All proceeds go directly to New Horizons Teen Homeless Shelter. We will be collecting donations through May 29
. The instructions for donating are included below as well as a link to a video with instructions for donating as well.
In January 2005 in his senior year at Bellevue High, Hunter Simpson was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. He died Dec. 31 at 18 years old after enduring six months of intense radiation and chemotherapy. Although Hunter lived a simple, giving, and short life, he packed it with more generosity than many twice his age. He is described as an old soul driven by his Christian faith, with a heart for social justice for the poor and oppressed. In honor of Hunter, Bellevue High School has held
for the last
years, an event consisting of soup, donations, cookies, high socks, and community.
lunch days give the students at Bellevue High the opportunity to make a little sacrifice to help those in need. The inspiration for this occasion came from Hunter's first and only semester of college. He decided to spend as little money as possible on his meal-plan that semester-so he had a cup of soup for lunch and a cup of soup for dinner every day costing him only $1.50/day. At the end of the semester, he had a $998 credit on his meal plan, which he used to purchase nonperishable food from the college cafeteria. He delivered this food to teenagers at the New Horizons Homeless Shelter for Teens in Seattle
Last year our event made
. Overall, we have raised
for New Horizons in the
14 years
we have held this event. Hunter was an amazing and empathetic person who led quietly, practiced what he preached, and always thought of others before himself.
is our opportunity to celebrate his life by coming together as a community and giving to others less fortunate than ourselves. We hope to continue honoring Hunter--living and learning from his example.
gives us the chance to follow his example and leave the world a little bit better than when we got here.
Thank you for supporting
SOUP4SIMPSON and honoring Hunter Simpson.
The Soup4Simpson Committee
Donation Deadline: May 29th
Instructions to Donate:
The BHS Orchestra Booster is continuing its annual fundraiser by offering Hawaiian leis to the graduating class for $35. This is the Booster's main fundraiser for the year and your orders will help support future programs and students. Please visit our website at www.bellevueorchestra.org/lei-sales by June 1
to order.
Lei distribution will take place on June 15th. The Boosters will schedule a morning and evening window to hand out leis at the BHS circle. Specific times to follow.
If you have questions, please contact our Lei Sales Coordinator, Amy Borberg at agaulding@hotmail.com.
TIME TO BUY YOUR YEARBOOK! - Deadline Extended
Now is the time to buy your 2019-2020 Yearbook. This is a year to remember.
Yearbooks are on sale until June 5th. Purchase your book on Touchbase to remember this school year forever!
We hope that all BHS families are staying well and safe!
We are happy to report that 80 BHS students have earned Wolverine Guard for 2019-2020!
For those who aren't aware, Wolverine Guard (WG) is a Bellevue High PTSA sponsored award that recognizes students who perform 100+ hours of community service in the 12-month period from May 1st to April 30th. Due to the restrictions imposed by Covid-19, this year the necessary number of hours needed to earn WG was reduced to 80. In general, WG recognizes community service as the giving of time, talents, energy and/or expertise without compensation to benefit at least one other unrelated person.
This year's 80 WG recipients performed a total of 8,230.3 hours of community service for the year. That is an impressive number!
Additionally, we especially want to recognize the six seniors who have completed Wolverine Guard for all four years of high school! They are noted below.
Thank you to all who participated in WG for 2019-20. You have each given back to the community in significant ways and have helped to make the world a better place! We appreciate your service and your example!
Best regards,
Ady Chan and Annie Roth
BHS WG co-chairs 2019-2020
PS Wolverine Guard recipients, in recognition of your accomplishment, you will be receiving a printed certificate. Bellevue School District needs to reopen in order for printing of the certificates to occur. We will make arrangements for underclassmen to pick up your certificates at BHS in the fall once school re-opens. For current seniors, we will mail (as in via the US Postal Service) your certificates to you once they are ready. Seniors, please help us to prepare for this by sending us your mailing address at wolverineguard@bellevuehighptsa.com. Thank you!
Wolverine Guard Recipients 2019-2020
Class of 2020 |
Class of 2021 |
Class of 2022 |
Class of 2023 |
Reed Bell |
Kaitlyn Dash |
Will Burrows |
Leonard Dattilo |
Logan Erisman* |
Connor Duncan |
Lauryn Campbell |
Mary Fisher |
Katie Fite* |
Sophia Friend |
Ernest Chae |
Allison Hall |
Chloe Friend |
Natalia Furmanczyk |
Alex Cho |
Alex Lee |
Amelie Heise* |
Michelle Ho |
Ian Clark |
Riley Pogue |
Kristen Ishizuka |
Irene Hwang |
Megan Dedmon |
Gloria Shin |
Albert Kwong |
Kevin Ishizuka |
Cole Ederer |
Alicia Siebers |
Remmy Ndegeah* |
Madeline Jensen |
Ashley Kim |
Esther Yoon |
Amelia Simpson |
Jane Kenny |
Izzy Koo |
Corey Zheng |
Justin Yang* |
Hannah Kim |
Matthew Kwon |
Cynthia Yu |
Jeffrey Kwon |
Sandy Kwong |
Claire Zhong* |
Ethan Lee |
Cameron Lee |
Nami Lindquist |
Jessica Lee |
Aidan Luce |
Joanna Lee |
Andrea Luis |
Rena Lee |
Tyler Nelson |
Li Tony Liu |
Victoria Pang |
Owen Mead |
Diego Pascual |
Elaine Mohr |
Jessica Peters |
Ellie O'Hara |
Morgan Pingree |
Grace Park |
Andrew Rose |
Molly Park |
Cody Rupp |
Leah Peterson |
Gracie Scribner |
Lily Podolsky |
Alexis Tang |
Audrey Shim |
John Van Horn |
Trudy Silver |
Kyle Velasco |
Kaili Tam |
Cameron White |
Emi Williams |
Adora Wu |
Kaiser Williams |
Heather Wu |
Siqi Zhao |
Qianlin Yang |
*four year Wolverine Guard recipients |
Please see attached link regarding meal service options available through Nutrition Services. Families now have two options, curbside pick or pre-order.
We know that childcare is also a top priority for families.
For child care needs, please visit the
Bellevue Boys and Girls Club website. Due to school closures, BGCB is offering extended programming for families to help support our community as we move through the quickly changing Coronavirus situation.
June 19, 2020 |
Last Day of School |
A more detailed BHS Main Calendar is
As we all adjust to more remote interactions, the Blast is introducing a new feature. The BHS Community Bulletin Board is a place to connect with others in the community looking to help out or those who are need of assistance. There are several ideas already for helping each other and those around us, and please reach out if you have ideas for support or are in need of assistance.
Help with Errands
If you are in need of assistance with grocery shopping, pharmacy, or other errands, please reach out to
who can help with curbside drop offs!
Medical Community Support
Please write your
Words of Encouragement and Support to UW Medicine
The caregivers and staff of UW Medicine are working tirelessly in response to COVID-19 and encouragement from the community goes a long way in boosting their spirits. Consider leaving a note that we will share with them
Hello Bellevue!
Please enjoy this video tribute of our 2020 Senior Class of Track & Field students. Thank you to Stephanie Dash & Terri Forsberg for producing the video and the BHS Track & Field Coaching staff for commenting and sharing thoughts for your students!
Wednesday afternoon from 3:00pm to 4:00pm our Bellevue HS Strength and Conditioning Coach, James Kimerer, will be leading any student who would like to join in for a fitness training hour. The training will sessions will be anything from core conditioning, plyometric training to yoga and stretching exercises.
The meetings will commence promptly at 3:00pm. There will be a "How's everyone doing" message, a synopsis of the workout plan for the day, warm up, the workout itself, and warm down interval. Any questions that you might have you could write into the chat box.
The meetings will take place weekly on Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM through the month of June. To join the workout, click on the link below.
Comments and thoughts shared by Head Coach Nick Welton and his staff
Max Johnson - BHS Boys Lacrosse
Winners never quit and quitters never win. Max Johnson is a winner. He has worked hard year after year, and we know how much this season meant to him. 2020 surely had a few lefty no-look goals in store for Max. Through adversity, his attitude and love for the game has never waned far from positive excitement. Max's best years as an athlete are still in front of him and we hope he finds a way to stay on the ballfield through college! What separates Max from his peers is an incredible level of empathy. Players who champion empathy among their peers are invaluable for a successful team. We often find ourselves remarking what an incredibly kind person he is, on and off the field. Max, we know your gift of kindness, your empathy, and your capacity to work hard year after year is shaping you to become an incredible leader. We are so excited to see what decide to tackle in the future and how you will make a positive impact on the lives of people around you.
Carter Laws - BHS Boys Lacrosse
Carter has a way of getting struck, like the Energizer Bunny meeting a lightning bolt, at precisely the right moment. When this happens there isn't a single defender in the league who can keep their feet against his dodge and that's when they can see him! Often times they can't because of his fantastic off ball movement. Carter has moments of incredible elasticity, a moment of suspension, in his dodges. It is hard to explain in words but his movement occasionally triggers flashbacks of Mikey Powell - one of the best lacrosse players of all time. We will never forget his behind-the-back top left corner bouncer against the #1 team in the US, Ward Melville, as a rising Sophomore, pure lightening. Carter carries himself in a quiet way but what he does on the field is anything but quiet. He scored a goal in every game in the 2019 season and lead the team in assists. Despite all of his success, the coaches appreciate how much humility he shows every step of the way. Carter, we are proud of you. Your next journey will be awesome, and we hope that your experience on the lacrosse field helps you take bold steps along the way.
Hector Morin - BHS Boys Lacrosse
Hector is a new addition to our High School program and we are thankful we had the opportunity to get to know him in just our short time together. What really struck us most about Hector is his willingness to jump in and participate with a great attitude. It isn't easy to come into a new program as a senior! Hector is also a very kind person. He has a warm demeanor which came through right away! We are disappointed our lacrosse journey together was cut short. Hector, stay kind and warm to those around you. We know this will prove to be a blessing to you and everyone you meet! Good luck on your new journey ahead!
Comments and thoughts shared by Co-Band Director's Edd George and Will Harvey
Ayata Bernhardt
was one of our drum majors this year, he is an amazing flute player, and he is positive and excited to the max! Ayata gets along with everyone, and his energy inspires others to do their best during rehearsals and performances. He is well liked and respected by the rest of the band members. Another way he shows his leadership is by participating at Solo and Ensemble, WIBIC honor bands and in Youth Symphony. Next year he is planning to attend the University of Washington.
Ian Chia
is a four-year band member who has made numerous contributions to the group in the marching, concert, and jazz bands at BHS. A woodwind player on clarinet and saxophone(s), Ian always has a positive and enthusiastic attitude, greeting others with his trademark smile and keeping the band family a lighthearted and fun place to be for both our other seniors and new members alike. A Daft Punk fan, Ian can often be found grooving to their music, enjoying delicious shrimp chips, and hoping for that extra bit of sleep in the morning that we all hope for. After graduation, Ian will return to Singapore as a full-time national serviceman (NSF) for 2 years of active duty in the Singapore Armed Forces.
Rahul Jain
has played clarinet and saxophone in our bands. He has been a section leader in Marching Band and played in Jazz I this year as well. Rahul is dependable, hardworkingJT, and leads by example. His directors appreciate having him in band because he will play whatever part is necessary to help the band. Next year he is planning on attending Pomona College.
Lepei Zhao
has been on Drumline since freshman year and has always brought positive energy to those around her. What you might not know about Lepei is that she is a great musician and percussionist on all of the percussion instruments, not just the snare drum you might have seen her playing in marching band. She is a boss on timpani, marimba, cymbals, and anything else percussion related. Next year she is planning attending Wellesley College in Boston.
Steven Cho
has played drums in drumline, Jazz Ensemble and our concert groups since freshman year. Steven brings great leadership, encouraging words, energy, and swing to everything he does. His drum set plying has helped our jazz band be as strong as it has been for the past few years. He is planning to continue to play in jazz band at Harvard next year.
Justin Tham
has been a clarinet section leader for our Marching Band, and always been a musician of the highest caliber. He is a multi-instrumentalist, having played clarinet, saxophone and piano. He year he helped edit great drone video of our halftime shows and has performed at Solo and Ensemble. You can hear him play piano (and all of these seniors) on this piece from March titled Khan on
this SoundCloud link
. Justin is planning on attending the University of Washington next year.
Go Bellevue!!! Be well....
Hello Bellevue High School & BHS Community....in another effort to honor and celebrate our Senior Student Athletes this Spring, we have reached out to ALL of the individual Seniors and their parents who are participating in Athletics. We are asking that if students themselves would like to have a chance to comment on what being a student athlete means to them, any highlights or memories they'd want to share and any people that they'd want to thank have a chance to do so.
Conor Quinlan - Class of 2020, BHS Boys Lacrosse
Hi, I'm Conor Quinlan and I'm a senior at Bellevue High School who started playing lacrosse in 5th grade. My favorite high school memory during my time playing lacrosse at High School was the time when I played against Mercer Island with a lot of my boys and we won in overtime through a lot of effort and motivation. My plans after graduating High School is majoring in Computer Science (Cybersecurity or Software Engineering) at University of Denver. My last bit of wisdom for underclassmen/youth players is to stay healthy and motivated which will help you be happier in the future. My favorite phrase from a coach is to play for yourself, and to not worry about your opponents, focus on the gains and not the losses.
Thank you Conor for your dedication and commitment to your friends and teammates. Thank you for your LEADERSHIP mindset!
Go Bellevue!!! Be well....
2020 Grad Night Tickets (Update)
It is with great sadness and regret that we announce that the All Night Grad Party that was to take place immediately following graduation on June 16, 2020 is cancelled. If you purchased an early bird ticket, an email was sent directly to the parent listed on the signed waiver form providing the opportunity to A) request a full refund of the ticket price or B) donate the ticket price to the alternative graduation events being planned for the class of 2020.
BHS 2020 Grad Night Committee
Dear Senior Parents,
Here are the latest updates and exciting news about upcoming Senior events. Please know that the safety and well-being of every student, family member, and staff member remains a top priority and all activities will be held in adherence to our district and local experts' recommendations. Governor Jay Inslee has developed a Four Phase Safe Start Plan for the State of Washington and we will use this information along with the Washington State Department of Health's guidance for graduation ceremonies and related activities to inform our planning and actions.
1 |
BHS Senior Yard Signs
Drive-Thru Pick Up @ School
May 14th & 28th
2 |
Senior SWAG Pick Up
Custom Tote filled with graduation Cap & Gown, Cords, Diploma Covers and other goodies, including The Barque: Senior Edition. Details of festive drive thru pick sent to Senior's school email.
May 28th
3 |
Senior Hype! Week
A week of fun announcements and activities planned each of the 5 days leading up to the virtual graduation. The week will conclude with a virtual Senior Breakfast and Senior Salute Assembly on Friday June 12th. The Senior Breakfast, beginning at 11:00am, will feature award presentations from our teachers and department leaders as well as the Senior Slide Show. The Senior Salute Assembly, beginning at 2:00pm will feature award and scholarship presentation from many distinguished community members, school-wide athletic and leadership awards, as well as pre-recorded student performances.
June 8th-12th
4 |
Virtual Graduation
A virtual graduation program that will include traditional ceremony components and broadcast at 5pm with Wolverine Ride to follow.
June 16th
5 |
Wolverine Ride (Senior Drive Through)
The festive Wolverine Ride will provide one more opportunity for seniors and their families to visit campus within the safety of their vehicles and see familiar staff faces while listening to a live broadcast from our own Wolverine Radio Station playing your favorite songs and personal messages from teachers and staff. Look for more information in the Blast and Senior's school email as the date approaches!
June 16th
6 |
Legacy Project
Art installation on campus to honor the class of 2020 in a lasting way. This will involve the installment of a permanent feature on the Bellevue High School campus to forever recognize and honor the unique experience and contribution of the Class of 2020.
If you have any inquiries, advice/suggestions, or concerns don't hesitate to contact me at
anytime. We truly appreciate your input to help us improve the Bellevue High experience for everyone! As a reminder, the Bellevue Blast posts our update's weekly, so stay tuned for the next one!
Bellevue High School has a very diverse cultural population.
If you need translation for articles in our newsletters, please try this
If you are interested in Japanese culture, Japanese anime, or take Japanese class and understand Japanese, why don't you join us, Team Japanese Blast? Team Japanese Blast is a group of parent and student volunteers who are engaged in translating the PTSA newsletter The Bellevue Blast into Japanese.
Hours for translation will qualify for volunteer hours, a graduation requirement!
For our newsletter at any time by clicking on the link on top of this newsletter. Be sure to sign up for your student's graduating classes. You may also unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the newsletter.
The Blast will be delivered once a week on Tuesday mornings. The deadlines for submitting articles are as follows:
- School news and PTSA articles - Friday deadline
- Athletics and Activities articles - Sunday deadline
- Submissions should be in plain text in the body of your email message or in a Word document.
- Items submitted may be accepted, rejected, or edited at our discretion.
- Please use a separate email for each article submitted.
- Titles should be included in the Subject line.
- Images may be included as JPEG or PNG files.
- Submissions received after Friday/Sunday will NOT be in the Tuesday issue, but will be in the following week's issue.
COMMENTS: Thank you for your articles. The newsletter is edited by Jia Ling(Janet) Liu and Rebekah Brown. Please submit all comments and questions to us at bellevueblast@bellevuehighptsa.com.
Thank you for staying informed!
PTSA Presidents
PTSA Vice Presidents Communications
BHS Administration
PTSA Vice President Fundraising
BHS Athletics/Activities
PTSA Board
Committee Chairs
PTSA Treasurers
BHS Main Office
Bellevue HS PTSA | Bellevue Way | Bellevue | WA | 98004