Team 949 Wolverine Robotics is Bellevue High School’s robotics team. Every year, we compete under the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC). By building, designing, and testing a robot to compete in and win competitions, members of our club develop skills that are highly valuable in future STEM careers and life. Through FRC, we are also able to get recognition on a district-wide, state-wide, and national level. We are also able to be directly involved in a community passionate about STEM. In the immersive and tense situations of competition, many necessary skills need to be learned and developed.
Team 949 Wolverine Robotics provides an innovative way to teach students skills that may not be developed in a traditional classroom. These skills are not limited to mechanical, software, electrical engineering, as well as financial management, marketing, photography, and digital media. At the same time, soft skills are also developed, such as on-the-spot problem solving, teamwork, leadership, and public speaking.
Unlike the tightly structured projects of AP Computer Science, or exact specification sheets for 3-D printed designs in Computer Graphics, the development done in robotics is purely from the ground-up, challenging students to code, design, and test with little framework or format. Furthermore, robotics is one of the few clubs that primarily relies on students to manage income and expenses, with real financial risks and rewards involved. Our club operates daily with expenses and income in the tens of thousands of dollars. Last year, we handled around $32,000. This experience proves extremely valuable, as it closely mimics real world applications of these skills. Through this experience we also build a collaborative and caring community.
The success of our club has been widely proven with our alumni, who are now placed across the country in some of the best engineering programs in the world including MIT, Stanford, UW, Yale, Cornell, UC Berkeley, and UT Austin.
We highly encourage you to become a valued member, learn a new skill or apply a familiar one, and experience what we do firsthand. Contact
We look forward to meeting you,
Team 949 Wolverine Robotics