for September 3, 2023

September Communion offering will support

Belmont Opportunity Scholarship


School is back in session. Most of our college students have flown the nest and are out on their own. The Belmont UMC congregation has been generous in supporting them. In fact, Belmonters support two college scholarships, one of which is the Barnes Scholarship is for students in the Edgehill neighborhood.

   The other one, the Belmont Opportunity Scholarship, is for students from Belmont UMC. Click here to give online.

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Second Saturday Mini Retreat

On Saturday September 9, from 10:00am-12:00pm, you are invited to join us for our first Second Saturday Mini Retreat. Our theme will be Thresholds: A Spiritual Practices Retreat. The prophet Jeremiah said, “Stand at the crossroads and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls” (6:16) Contact Heather Harriss by Wednesday, September 6, to reserve your spot.

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Children’s Ministry carnival

Save the date for our annual (and bigger than ever!) Children's Ministry carnival. We will gather on Sunday, September 17, from 1:00-3:00pm in the church parking lot. There will be a water slide, dunking booth, giant dart toss, glitter face art, a bounce house for younger children, snacks, and a dessert food truck. For more information, contact Pastor Kate.

Want to be part of the Sanctuary Choir?

We want YOU to try the choir! You're welcome to come to rehearsal anytime, but Wednesday, September 6, is designated as "Try the Choir Night." Come to the choir room (up the steps behind the sanctuary and across the hall from room 124) from 7:00-8:30pm this Wednesday. We're all volunteers, and no professional singing experience is needed. For more information, contact Gayle Sullivan.

Midweek at Belmont meal reservation deadline is tomorrow

The reservation deadline for the Midweek meal on Wednesday, September 6, is tomorrow, Monday, September 4, by noon. Dinner will be provided in the Community Center from 5:15-6:00pm by Patchwork. Click here to make your reservation. Read more

Belmont UMC welcomes Hunter Wade to the staff

We are pleased to share that Hunter Wade will be the new   director of the Belmont University Wesley Foundation. Belmont, Vanderbilt, Fisk, and UT Southern are all modeling new campus ministry that nests campus ministry inside local churches. She will be nested within and an employee of Belmont UMC. We are delighted to welcome Hunter before the first day of classes at Belmont University. Hunter immediately began meeting with Belmont Wesley students, Belmont UMC leaders, and Belmont University ministries to lay plans for a great academic year! Read more

September HERO volunteer day canceled

Originally, the Homeless Education Resource Office (HERO) volunteer day for September had been moved from September 4 to September 11 because of Labor Day. However, now the building will be closed on September 11 due to AC work, so we will not volunteer in September. The next volunteer day will take place on Monday, October 2.

Parking lot closure

Due to the Children’s Ministry carnival, our parking lot will be closed for parking on Sunday, September 17.

   To help us out, some of our Hillsboro Village neighbors have generously agreed to let us use spaces in their parking lots from 7:00am-3:00pm. Click here to download a carnival parking map. Read more

Fruity Nutty Pie or Pastry Bake-off

Calling Belmont UMC bakers of all ages! Our first annual Fruity Nutty Pie or Pastry Bake-off will be on Sunday, September 17, at the Children's Ministry carnival. After the judging and award presentations, Belmonters will enjoy the baked goods.

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Joys and concerns




Patricia Ward


Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

September 3, 2023

Paul Purdue preaching

8:10am - sanctuary, Facebook live, or YouTube

10:30am - sanctuary, Facebook live, or YouTube

Download the 810 worship bulletin for September 3

Download the 1030 worship bulletin for September 3

This week at Belmont UMC


8:10am   Worship with Communion, chapel/Facebook live

8:45am   Children’s chimes, 226

9:15am   Adult, youth, and children’s Sunday school, various rooms

10:30am  Worship with Communion, sanctuary/Facebook live

1:30pm   Carillon Ringers rehearsal, sanctuary


Church offices closed for Labor Day holiday


10:00am  Lectio Divina, Zoom

5:15pm   Wednesday night meal, Community Center

6:00pm   Unrelenting Grace, 124

6:00pm   Parent Connection Space, Iris Room

6:00pm   Gentle yoga, Zoom

6:00pm   Children’s choirs, Faith Finders Hall

6:00pm   Youth midweek, 3rd floor

7:00pm   “Try the Choir Night” Sanctuary Choir rehearsal, choir room


8:00am   Centering Prayer, 223/Zoom


10:00am  Second Saturday Mini Retreat, 223, 224, and Parker Hall


8:10am   Worship with Communion, chapel/Facebook live

8:45am   Children’s chimes, 226

9:15am   Adult, youth, and children’s Sunday school, various rooms

10:30am  Worship with Communion, sanctuary/Facebook live

11:30am  NOAH Core Team lunch, 124

1:30pm   Carillon Ringers rehearsal, sanctuary

Belmont United Methodist Church

2007 Acklen Avenue

Nashville TN 37212


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