City Council Meeting April 17, 2023 | |
City Council Meetings - April 17 and
April 18
Regular City Council meetings occur on the first and third Mondays of the month. Meetings are televised on Charter Cable Access digital channel 992 and are live streamed via the Beloit Access Television (BATV) YouTube Channel. Council meetings are rebroadcast on Charter Cable Access digital channel 992 and are archived on the BATV YouTube Channel for viewing at your leisure.
Public Comments via email are welcome. If you would like to provide public comment for the Public Comment section of the Agenda, please submit those to by 12:00 noon on Monday, April 17, 2023.
Following the regular meeting of the Beloit City Council on April 17, the Council will hold a workshop to discuss the allocation of ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds for the Homeless Liaison Program.
The Beloit City Council will hold a Special Meeting on April 18th at 5:30 p.m. This annual "Organizational Meeting" will include newly-elected Councilors taking their Oath of Office, election of President/Vice-President, and more. Light refreshments will be served following the meeting and the public is invited to attend.
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No Mow May Follow-Up
At their meeting on April 17th, the Beloit City Council will consider an ordinance allowing the program "No Mow May" in the City of Beloit. A draft ordinance has been prepared to allow this program in the City of Beloit for the 2023 season. Information is available on the City Council's meeting agenda (item 8a) for April 17th.
"No Mow May" is a conservation initiative that encourages people to stop mowing or mow less often for the month of May to create habitat and provide resources for bees and other early-season pollinators.
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Wisconsin Statewide Tornado Drill Reminder - April 20, 2023
Wisconsin tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week is April 17 - 21, 2023.
Wisconsin's annual statewide tornado drills will take place on April 20, 2023 at 1:45 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. Schools, businesses, and homes are encouraged to practice going to their nearest tornado shelter during the drills. If there is a threat of severe weather on April 20, the drill will be postponed to Friday, April 21.
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Grinnell Hall Offers Medicare 101 Presentation
Do you have more questions than answers about applying for Medicare? It can be a confusing topic! Grinnell Hall and Rock County Aging and Disability Resource Center are offering to answer your questions in a "Medicare 101" presentation on Thursday, April 27, 2023 from 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. at Grinnell Hall Senior Center, 631 Bluff St.
This presentation is open to anyone turning age 64 this year. Some decisions and actions about Medicare can take place 3-6 months before turning 65. Don't wait! Medicare is an important benefit. Learn how to get the most out of your health and prescription benefit plans, what Medicare is and isn't, and how to avoid penalties for late enrollment.
For additional information, contact Grinnell Hall at 608-364-2875.
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2023 Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor's Small Business Academy
Registration is now being taken for the 2023 Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor's Small Business Academy from May 2-5, 2023. Virtual programming is available, with in-person locations in multiple locations. The local event will be held at the Beloit Public Library, 605 Eclipse Blvd.
Local sponsors include the Greater Beloit Economic Development Corporation, Beloit Public Library, Greater Beloit Chamber of Commerce, Rock County Jumpstart, Small Business Development Center, and more.
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Storm Debris Clean-Up
City of Beloit Public Works crews will collect branches and/or limbs downed by recent severe weather. This service is for residential properties only. Call 608-364-2929 to be placed on a list to ensure pick-up.
We will be offering this service for the month of April. If you have construction related debris from the storm, please contact us at 608-364-2929 to determine proper disposal of the materials.
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Volunteers Needed!
The Municipal Committee System depends on our dedicated volunteers! Please consider applying for one of the following vacancies:
* Alcohol Beverage License Control Committee
* Appointment Review Committee
* Board of Appeals
* Board of Review
* Community Development Authority
* Equal Opportunities Commission
* Municipal Library Board
* Park, Recreation & Conservation Advisory Commission (Youth)
* Plan Commission
For an application, contact Rebecca Wallendal, 608-364-6682 ( or obtain an application on the City's website under the "How Do I" tab.
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Spring Terrace Tree Planting
The City of Beloit Public Works Department is currently accepting requests from residents for terrace trees to be planted this spring. Trees will be planted on a first-come, first-served basis.
The terrace tree species selection will be determined by the city forestry supervisor while taking into account the size of the terrace, presence of utilities and exotic invasve insects. A limited supply of trees are available. Forestry will accept requests through Friday, April 28, 2023.
To be placed on the list, please call (608) 364-2929.
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Have an impact on your community!
We are looking for a few volunteers to serve on our City Boards, Committees, and Commissions. If you would like to volunteer, download the application on the city's website.
Have questions? Contact or call 608-364-6682.
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City Meetings
All public meeting agendas and minutes are posted online at
- Monday, April 17, 6:30 p.m. - City Council Workshop, 1st Floor Conference Room
- Monday, April 17, 7:00 p.m. - City Council Meeting, Forum
- Monday, April 17, 7:30 p.m. - City Council Workshop, 1st Floor Conference Room
- Tuesday, April 18, 5:30 p.m. - City Council Organizational Meeting, Forum
- Tuesday, April 18, Cancelled -Landmarks Commission
- Wednesday, April 19, 7:00 a.m. - Municipal Golf Committee, Krueger-Haskell Golf Course Club House
- Wednesday, April 19, 5:30 p.m. - Equal Opportunities Commission, Forum
- Wednesday, April 19, 7:00 p.m. - Plan Commission, Forum
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We're Hiring
The City of Beloit is hiring for various positions. Job openings and applications can be found online at Equal Opportunity Employer.
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