Announcement from the Communications Office
Beloved Community Commission Offers "Holy Conversation with Howard Thurman"
Two Sessions via Zoom
May 7 & May 14
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
The Beloved Community Team of the Diocese of Western MA invites all people and parishes in the Diocese to read and discuss Howard Thurman’s Jesus and the Disinherited in 2020.

A mentor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Howard Thurman anticipated many of the themes of liberation theology, including Black Theology. But Thurman’s focus was not direct activism so much as cultivating a liberated spirit. The result is a short, inspiring work of pastoral theology.
Parishes could use Jesus and the Disinherited as the basis for one or more ZOOM conversations about Christian formation, spirituality, and racial justice. To prepare for these conversations, you may stream a 57 min. video about Thurman called “Backs Against the Wall” . Diocesan Clergy watched this video together at the 2019 Clergy Conference. A preview of this documentary appears below.
Individuals are also invited to join members of the Beloved Community Team in a pair of diocesan Zoom conversations about the book on Thursday, May 7 and 14, from 10:00 to 11:30. If interested, please contact Lee Cheek at .

In order to facilitate conversations, we attach a discussion guide for the book . You may purchase the book from your local independent bookstore via Bookshop or find it on Amazon .

God’s peace and all good be with you all!

Lee Cheek & Harvey Hill
Co-Chairs of the Beloved Community Commission

The Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts | 413-737-4786 |