The Episcopal Diocese 

of Northern California

Beloved Community

Resource Newsletter

Published by

The Commission for

Intercultural Ministries

August 2023 Special Edition 

Episcopal Church Becoming Beloved Community

This special edition of the newsletter is about the "It's All About Love: A Festival for the Jesus Movement" held in Baltimore, Maryland, in early July sponsored by The Episcopal Church. Although the numerous workshops and activities were held inside the Hilton Hotel and the Baltimore Convention Center, there were three "tents" that focused on evangelism, racial reconciliation and creation care. Each of the many workshops fell into one of these categories. I was fortunate to be able to attend as a representative of the Commission for Intercultural Ministries. I reported on my trip below.

Please visit The Episcopal Church's festival page to see videos of the uplifting worship services, plenaries and list of workshops offered. It was wonderful to see Presiding Bishop Michael Curry open the festival and to hear Bishop Curry preach.

This is just a beginning for the Commission for Intercultural Ministries to engage with the the materials from the festival in which we hope to offer you future opportunities to continue to grow and flourish in your faith and to strengthen the Beloved Community within the diocese. More to come!

If you have any questions about the workshops, please feel free to reach out to me at, 916-880-0254.

In Peace,

Jo Ann Williams


Jo Ann Williams I Commission for Intercultural Ministries, Episcopal Diocese of Northern California I July 30, 2023


I attended the “It’s All About Love” festival in Baltimore, Maryland, from July 9-12, 2023, sponsored by The Episcopal Church. It is with deep gratitude and thanks to the diocesan Commission for Intercultural Ministries for funding my trip. I attended the workshops and huddles listed below, which are related to the racial healing work of the Commission, in addition to an LGBTQIA+ workshop. The workshop presenters were truthful, courageous, and inspiring in their presentation of serious topics.

  • Speaking of Freedom: Dismantling White Supremacy in the Episcopal Church (page 3)
  • Lunch Huddle: Meet the President: All Church Geeks Welcome! (page 5)
  • It Ain’t Easy Being Native: Indigenous People, the Doctrine of Discovery and The Episcopal Church (page 5)
  • Prioritizing Latinx Ministry: Asking the Hard Question to Welcome a New Community (page 7)
  • What Comes Next? A Path from Sacred Ground to Racial Justice (page 8)
  • Lunch Huddle: Formation of the Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice: A Community Conversation (page 9)
  • Forced Migration and Racial Justice at the Border – Conversation and Q&A (page 10)
  • Vote Faithfully: An Election Engagement Huddle (page 10)
  • Making Black & LGBTQIA+ Lives Matter (page 11)

There was indeed a festival-like atmosphere that was fun and encouraging with plenty of worship, music, and plenary speakers in the mornings and after the workshops in the evenings. Please visit The Episcopal Church’s “It’s All About Love” Festival page to see videos of these events.

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The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

The Commission for Intercultural Ministries

Miriam Casey, Co-Chair (

Lynn Zender, Co-Chair (

Karen Nolan, Sacred Ground Coordinator (

Jo Ann Williams, Editor (

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