The City is excited to announce that Belvidere Heritage Days in underway! This years Heritage Days will be on June 23-24 with a rain date of June 25. As events are finalized, we will begin to post information here, on our Heritage Days Facebook page and on the City's website.
While door to door solicitation is legal, residents should be wary and keep the following in mind:
Any person engaging in sales or solicitation door to door must obtain a permit from the City. If anyone attempts to sell a product or service to you (e.g. a new electric supplier) without a permit you should ask them to leave and call the police on their non-emergency number 815-544-2135.
If you do not wish to receive any door to door salespersons, you can place a “No Trespassing” sign in a conspicuous location on your property. If anyone attempts sales, ignoring the sign, you should ask them to leave and call the police on their non-emergency number 815-544-2135. Further, you are not required to answer a door. If you do not recognize an individual at your door it is often best not to answer the door.
If anyone on your property makes you uncomfortable you should ask them to leave. If they do not immediately leave you should call the police. Do not confront them on your own.
You should NEVER share any personal information with any door to door solicitor until you have verified their authenticity and elected to purchase their goods or services. This includes, but is not limited to, copies of existing utility bills, bank account information and credit card information. The City of Belvidere does not partner with any commercial organization and never authorizes any door to door salesperson to demand or request personal information.
The City of Belvidere recommends that you refrain from making any agreement or signing any document with a door to door salesperson. If you are interested in their product or service, the City recommends that you simply ask for information and a phone number that you can call if you are interested.
Never invite a door to door sales person into your home.
Congratulations to our newest officers Carlos Ochoa, Gerardo Venegas and Evan Bendel who were sworn in April 27, 2023 to the Belvidere Police Department.
Belvidere Police Department Promotions
Congratulations to Dan Smaha on his promotion to Deputy Chief and Paul King on his promotion to Sergeant.
Recently Elected!
Congratulations to the recently elected Aldermen that were sworn in at the City Council Meeting of May 1, 2023.
Ward 1- Ald. John Albertini
Ward 2- Ald. Daniel Snow
Ward 3- Ald. Wendy Frank
Ward 4- Ald. Mike McGee
Ward 5- Ald. Ric Brereton
National Library Worker's Day!
State Rep Dave Vella honoring bookmobile driver Tracy for National Library Worker's Day on April 25!
Share your photos of Belvidere with us for a chance to be featured in future City publications!