: We keep this e-mail brief to respect your time and inbox while providing timely facts. With so much changing it's a challenge. Please click the links to get details and let us know if you need more information.
New Self Insured Solutions:
Total Benefit Solutions Inc is always looking for new and innovative ways to help our clients. We are now partnered with multiple carriers and third party administrators for creative self insurance options for groups as small as 5 employees! Call us today to find out if a self insurance option may be a good fit for your group!
Click here for more information and a video about All Savers from United Healthcare.
Click here for more information and a video from Aetna about their Aetna Funding Advantage.
Your Medicare Card is Changing!
Beginning in April 2018, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will begin the process of mailing new Medicare cards...Click here for more details and a downloadable fact sheet.
Still Searching for Keystone HMO Proactive Providers?
If you are trying to find providers by tier, please take a look at our bulletin that walks you through the process step by step. Click here
Compliance Solutions
At Total Benefit Solutions Inc., we are dedicated to providing the advice our clients need to remain compliant and make informed benefit decisions.
See all of our latest compliance bulletins by clicking here.
Department of Labor Increases Penalties for 2018 The Department of Labor (DOL) recently published the annual adjustments for 2018 that increase certain penalties applicable to employee benefit plans
Low Cost ERISA Wraps: If you offer group health insurance you're required by law to distribute a Wrap SPD within 120 days of the Plan's effective date.
Don't do it yourself! One wrong click and you could be stuck in a bad plan or worse!
Transition Solutions:
Total Benefit Solutions Transition Team is here to help those who are transitioning off of your employer plan for any reason including:
Reaching Medicare Eligibility
Reaching Age 26
Leaving Employment or COBRA
Call us today at (215)355-2121 if we can help with any transitioning questions or concerns for yourself, a coworker or a family member.
Medicare Solutions:
Total Benefit Solutions has partnered with Medicareful. Medicareful is a powerful new online portal that allows you to see and compare the plans where you live.
At Total Benefit Solutions your feedback is important to us. We work for
your benefit and are here to serve our clients! Please take a moment to visit our page on Facebook and leave a review of your experience or take one of our our client surveys.
Ed and his team have really helped me through a difficult time with health insurance. Thanks to them, I have short term health insurance to hold me over until my job search is successful.
-Chris M
Now More Than Ever You Need To Stay Informed
Things change faster now than ever. Clients often ask us why we do not send out e-mails more often. It's because if we did we would be overloading you with e-mails. Instead, we post frequent updates on our website. Use the search feature in the top right hand corner to find specific information.