During the month of October, we sent Benefits at a Glance (BAAG) letters to our Medicare Advantage (MA) customers. Read below to learn more about the BAAG letters. This information will help you in your conversations this AEP and support your customer retention efforts.
Three different versions of the BAAG letters went out to customers.
Version 1: Sent to customers with no changes
- Mailed to 454,164 customers in 217 plans (HMO and PPO) on October 15 through October 22.
- Reassures customers that there is nothing they need to do to stay in their current Cigna Healthcare MA plan for 2025.
- Highlights three key supplemental benefits personalized for their plan (i.e., the Part B giveback, over-the-counter (OTC) allowance, transportation benefit, etc.)
- Includes details on the customer's dental benefit along with information to assist them in locating a Cigna Healthcare DPPO or DHMO dentist in their area.
- Includes information about the end of the "Donut Hole" (gap in drug coverage) and $2,000 cap for covered Part D drugs in 2025 (does not apply to Courage plans since they do not include prescription coverage).
- Points customers to the Annual Notice of Change for details on changes to their plan. Approximately 60 plans will include a sentence to call out the supplemental benefit(s) that will not be included in their plan in 2025.
- Includes additional coverage details pertinent to all customers, (i.e., their Cigna Healthy Today card, our Cigna Medicare Advantage Incentives program, and myCigna information).
Version 2: Plan comparison letter
- Mailed to 53,973 customers in 46 select PPO plans and one select HMO plan on or prior to October 16.
- Includes a side-by-side chart that details eight to ten key 2025 benefits on their plan and a 2025 HMO or HMO-POS plan option in their area.
- Informs customers that they do not have to do anything to keep their current plan while providing contact information for the Plan Change team in case they want to change to the suggested plan option or learn more.
- Explains the difference with an HMO or HMO-POS plan (depending on the plan option) and offers a URL to locate in-network providers.
Keep in mind: When a customer uses the Plan Change line to complete a plan change with an internal Cigna Healthcare employee, the agent/broker retains Agent of Record (AOR) status. Review our AOR policy here.
Version 3: Plan option letter
- Mailed to 4,692 customers in one of 11 PPO plans that will not be renewed in 2025 (one Colorado plan and 10 Florida plans) on October 14.
- Follows the service area reduction (SAR)/non-renewal mailing. Learn more about SARs and non-renewals here.
- Acknowledges the customer recently received a notice informing them their plan will not renew in 2025 and identifies that there is a Cigna Healthcare plan option available in their area for 2025.
- Highlights select key benefits of the 2025 HMO or HMO-POS plan option (depending on the current PPO plan) and encourages customers to call Cigna Healthcare for more details.
- Explains the difference with an HMO or HMO-POS plan and offers the URL to locate in-network providers.
Keep in mind: When a customer uses the Plan Change line to complete a plan change with an internal Cigna Healthcare employee, the agent/broker retains Agent of Record (AOR) status. Review our AOR policy here.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our CARL team below.