Progress Reports in PowerSchool

Parents, grades are updated in PowerSchool. Please check your student's grades for Quarter 3.

STUDENT INTENT TO RETURN 2024-2025 School Year

Early this week each family will receive an email from PowerSchool with the subject line “Charter Institute at Erskine Intent for Return.” This email will go to the guardian email currently on file. Please fill out this form to indicate if your student plans to return to Brashier Middle College for the 2024-2025 school year. Each email contains a unique code/link that cannot be shared. This is for current BMC students only. If you do not receive the link by Wednesday afternoon or if you have any questions please contact Mrs. Lanier.

Fantastic Souper Bowl Luncheon!

Thank you to all the families who provided such a generous and tasty Souper Bowl luncheon for the staff this week! We filled up more than once and enjoyed the festive decor. Check out the video of pics below.

GTC 13th Year Meeting

Save the Date for the GTC 13th Year Meeting! This meeting will have a March Madness theme and take place on March 28th at the GTC Main (Barton) Campus in the Student Success Center (bldg #102) auditorium. Snacks and games will begin at 5:00pm and the information session will begin at 6:00pm. This is a great opportunity for any junior or senior interested in learning more about the 13th year opportunity. 

Kindness Counts Week Feb. 12-16th

Kindness Counts Week is this week, Feb. 12-16th, and the theme is "Coloring Our World with Kindness." Students are asked to wear a different color shirt with their khakis each day of the week and participate in several activities, including BETA Club's canned food drive. Students should wear khaki bottoms all week.

BETA Club Canned Food Drive

BETA Club is hosting a canned food drive to benefit Loaves and Fishes. It's part of Kindness Counts Week, and the goal is 1500 or more canned goods. Students will earn 1 service hour for every 5 cans donated.

TCBY Tuesday

Students can purchase TCBY at lunch Tuesday, Feb. 13th for $3.50 a cup and $0.50 a topping. TCBY takes cash, Apple Pay, Google Pay, debit, credit, and Cash App. Proceeds benefit student incentives.

Juniors taking ACT at School 

Are you a Junior who signed up to take the ACT at school on February 29th? If so, Mr. Perry and Ms. Cheek have ACT Resource Guides for you. If you don't have either teacher for a class, make sure to stop by one of their rooms and ask for this resource to help you prepare for this upcoming assessment.

National Honor Society Candidate Forms

Sophomores and juniors with a GPA of 4.750 or higher are eligible for membership consideration in the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society. These students received an email with an invitation to complete the candidate form for review by the school’s NHS Faculty Council. Candidate forms are due by 3:00 pm Friday, February 16. Late submissions will not be accepted. 

Palmetto Boys State (Junior Boys Only)

The American Legion Auxiliary Palmetto Boys State is coming June 9th through June 15th! This is a weeklong program during the summer designed for young men to learn about the American system of government and politics by participating in a mock governmental system. Who knows you may be the next delegate selected to attend Palmetto Boys State. Be sure to see Mrs. Greene for your application today. Applications are due no later than Friday, March 1, 2024.

Ian’s “Big Heart” Event

Brashier Freshman Ian Bloodworth is hosting a donation and blood drive for MUSC's Children's Hospital as part of National Heart Month and in preparation for his own upcoming surgery. Please consider helping him by donating new toys and other items for kids and teens in the hospital or by giving blood. See the flyer above for more information.

Black History in Greenville and the Upstate

View a pictorial timeline of local black history and culture at the GTC Barton Campus Library.  A Time for Reflection: Black History in the City of Greenville and the Upstate is in collaboration with the Urban League of the Upstate and is available for viewing February 6th – 29th. The opening reception with light refreshments is Tuesday, February 13th at 6:00pm at the Barton Campus Library.  

Sextortion Tactics Targeting Youth for Parents/Caregivers Presentation

On Feb 27th at 6pm SWITCH will be hosting a virtual information session for parents about sextortion and how to protect your children. For more information email Mrs Furr.

Lost and Found

Are you missing any items?  Check out the lost and found in the back commons. Everything will be donated on Feb 16th.

Palmetto Girls State (Junior Girls Only)

Attention Junior girls: American Legion Auxiliary Palmetto Girls State is coming this summer (June 9-June 15, 2024) at Presbyterian College, in Clinton, South Carolina! Palmetto Girls State is a week-long summer program designed to immerse you in a real, functioning government, in the mythical State of Palmetto. You’ll meet lots of new friends from across the state, and you may even be eligible for some college scholarships! Be sure to see Mrs. Greene for your application today. Applications are due no later than Friday, February 16, 2024.

College Invoices for Fall 2023

Invoices for tuition for the 2023 fall semester were emailed to students and parents' emails last month. Payment is due February 20, 2024. Tuition is charged according to Brashier’s “1-2-3 College Plan.” If you have any questions about this plan, please see the student handbook.

Lunch Volunteers Needed

We need lunch volunteers to cover empty spots for the remainder of the school year. We would love for 9th-grade parents to volunteer and get involved. We will lose our Senior parents at the end of the year and there is no time like the present to get new families to volunteer and get trained. This is a great opportunity to gain service hours and to be able to see your student(s). It's a fun and easy way to also get to know other parents. Please click the button below and see what spaces we have available. Your presence will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance for your help and for supporting our Brashier Bengals!

Lunch Volunteer Sign Up

Logging Parent Service Hours

Don't forget that Brashier parents need to complete 36 hours of service a year per family household. We keep track of all parent service hours this year through MyFoodDays. Please watch the Logging Parent Service Hours video to see how to input and keep track of parent service hours. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs Furr. 


Coffee Pods

BMC staff would love some coffee K pods and individual creamers for our new Keurig coffee makers.  If you would like to donate, please send pods to the front office.  All flavors are welcome. Thank you!

Copy Paper Donations

BMC staff are in need of copy paper. If you would like to donate for service hours please click the link. It will be sent directly to the school. 

IGP Meeting Sign-Ups

It is time for Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) meetings with your student's counselor. You should have received an email with sign-up instructions. Please be sure to sign up or contact Mr. Wile or Ms. Greene with any questions.

Slideshow of Service Opportunities

Check out the service hours slideshow for the latest service hours opportunities. Students must have 50 hours per school year. They turn these into their Enrichment teacher as they earn them. If you need a copy of the service hour timesheet, click here.

Athletic Fees for Fall and Winter of 2023

Please remember to pay Athletic Fees and Insurance. You can click the GoFan link below to pay online. Fees are $135 for the first sport and $50 for the second.

Brashier Booster Club News

Please see the links below about the Brashier Booster Club. 

Link Crew Selling Candy Grams

Link Crew will be selling Candy Grams for Valentine's Day on Monday and Tuesday this week. Candy Grams will cost $1 and will be delivered on Wednesday, February 14th. Parents if you would like to send a Candy Gram, please send your money and message to Mr. Wile.

Beta Club Convention Update

We want to congratulate the following students who traveled to Myrtle Beach this past weekend to compete at the State BETA Conference:

Case Lewis, Alex Funderburk, Lex Burgdorf, Holly Piltin, Emily McComb, Hope Sinclair, Lily Barhum, Mackayla Byam, and Becca Webb.

These students competed in multiple categories and did an amazing job. As a team, Brashier took 3rd place in the Scavenger Hunt which was a full school team event. We are so proud of these students and the awesome job they did representing Brashier Middle College.


Feb 5-16 - BETA Canned Food Drive

Feb 12-16 - Kindness Counts Week

Feb 19 - Presidents' Day - school holiday

Feb 20 - College fall invoices due

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