Benjamin Netanyahu Won!

The former Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, belongs to the Likud party of government. This is the party that won in the elections last Tuesday, with a decisive majority in Israel’s fifth election in four years, with the help of ultra-Orthodox parties and a new alliance with the far right. After a year in opposition, and years of political chaos, the veteran politician engineered a comeback in Tuesday’s vote. His majority means that the period of electoral deadlock is in all probability over for now, and Netanyahu – already the country’s longest-serving prime minister – will be Prime Minister for the next four years.

Netanyahu’s conservative Likud party won 32 seats in the 120-seat Knesset, making it the largest party, and his bloc managed to win 64 seats overall, largely thanks to a doubling in support for the extremist Religious Zionists. In Israel’s political system, coalition-building is necessary to govern the state.

He now is tasked with beginning coalition negotiations on forming a government, He is meeting with leaders of the parties today (Sunday) that make up his bloc as he starts forming a coalition.

Netanyahu will then have 28 days to form a new government and announce this to the president – and may request an additional 14 days if necessary. The new government will then be presented to the Knesset, which will then vote to accept it.

Netanyahu’s return to the world stage comes as violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is soaring.

The Prime Minister will definitely have his hands full as he resumes the role of Prime Minister. This is why we need to keep him in prayer, asking that God would lead this country through the newly elected Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanahu.
Pray for Election Day in the US

The coming election is undoubtedly going to be the most important election ever held in the USA. Our nation is in danger and we believe the best weapon against the evil around us is to be fought on our knees. Many of us will be fasting on Monday, November 7th.

Join our zoom PRAYER MEETING ONLY FOR ELECTION PRAYERS and for our country between Noon and 1:30 PM on Monday, November 7th. If you don't like to pray out loud, please join anyway and pray with us silently. To locate link, click here.
New Bible Study in the Book of AMOS
Precept Upon Precept: "Prepared to Meet Your God"

“As the Lord prophesied warnings about coming judgment through a shepherd named Amos, He can also send forth His Word through you to save others from coming judgment. Study how people can be prepared to meet their God, and your heart can be stirred to proclaim the warning with hope for those who heed it.”

This short study will also focus on the nation of Israel, the apple of God’s eye—her past, present and future. These Bible Studies begin the week of January 11/12, 2023. You may join via Zoom or meet in person: We meet Wednesdays, at 7 PM (Co-ed) in Orange, (begins January 11) or Thursdays, at 9:15 AM (Women only) in Anaheim Hills (begins January 12). Click here for more information.
Save the Date - December 18th

Song For Israel will host a Chanukah Party by reservation only on Sunday, December 18th at 7 PM. More details to follow.

Deby's Second Interview on His Glory TV

Deby Brown, Director of Song For Israel, shares how each and every one of the "Appointed Days" (Feasts of the Lord) point to Jesus Christ in the past and in the future. To view this video on Rumble, please click here.
Song For Israel Prayer Cards

Receive 16 Israel Prayer Photo Cards in a drawstring bag. Each photo was taken on one of our annual tours to Israel. On the back of each photo is a verse and a prayer. They will arrive in a drawstring bag with the Song For Israel logo on the front. To order, click here.
Israel Bomb Shelter Update

Help save lives in Israel! Our shelters placed previously are saving lives now! Our first six shelters were placed in schools near the Gaza Border. Our next two shelters were placed in Northern Israel. The photo to the right is one of the larger shelters we have provided.

We have collected $17,400 toward Bomb Shelter #9, which will cost $28,600. Would you consider making a one-time donation toward this project to save lives in Israel?

To read more about our bomb shelter projects or to donate, click here.
Join us On One of our Tours to Israel!

Please note that our tour dates have been revised:

  • Israel/Greece Tour - March 14-28, 2023

  • Israel/Petra tour - September 25 - October 8, 2023

For details on both tours, please visit the website by clicking here. We are excited that Israel has no vaccine passport requirements and there are no mask requirements on flights to Israel!
Save the Dates!

November 7 - Zoom Election Prayer Meeting
December 18 - Chanukah party (email [email protected] if you would like to attend )
January 11/12 - Book of Amos Bible Study begins
March 14-28, 2023 - Israel & Greece Tour
September 25 - October 8, 2023 - Israel & Petra, Jordan Tour
From our Website

Deby's First Interview on His Glory TV
Our Song For Israel Director, Deby Brown, was interviewed on His Glory TV about "God's Eternal Plan for Israel." You can watch it by clicking here for YouTube or by clicking here for Rumble. If you like the video, please comment or give a thumbs up or "+."
Thank you.

Deby's Video about the Upcoming Israel Tours
We invite you to share the experience of a lifetime—a trip to the land of the Bible. We will actually study the Bible on-site, in the places where the patriarchs, our Savior, and His disciples lived! We will visit Jerusalem with its garden tomb; see the Mount of Olives and the Garden of Gethsemane, and Caesarea by the Sea; visit Megiddo where the Battle of Armageddon will take place, float in the Dead Sea, view the Mt. of Beatitudes; get baptized in the Jordan River, take a Cable Car up to Masada, witness Ein Gedi where David fled from Saul; see the Qumran Caves, kayak in the Sea of Galilee, and visit the village of Nazareth where Jesus lived. To view, click here.
Partner With Us Financially

Will you prayerfully consider partnering with us to proclaim God's eternal plan for Israel? Please consider a monthly partnership or a one-time tax deductible contribution to Song For Israel. We are a 501(c) nonprofit. To donate, click on the Donate button above.

Scripture tells us that "Those who bless Israel will be blessed..." (Genesis 12:3). In addition, our prayer team regularly prays that God will bless you, our donors. 
Once again, thank you for helping Song For Israel impact our world in support of Israel and the Jewish people. Check out Philippians 4:17. May God richly bless you.

Blessings and Shalom,
Deby Brown and the entire Song For Israel Team
Join any of our Social Media For More Pictures and Articles

Visit our Facebook, Truth Social, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, Pinterest, CloutHub, Gettr, Parler, or Gab pages called Song For Israel. Click one of the icons below to view. Then please click "like" or follow us. You may also find us on Rumble by clicking on the icon to the right.