Benton County News
February 2019
Emerick to lead County Health Department
Dawn Emerick will serve as Benton County’s next Health Department Director. After an extensive nationwide search, Emerick was one of two finalists that was invited to Corvallis, Oregon to interview with the Board of Commissioners, county staff and community stakeholders in early January 2019. Emerick has more than 20 years of experience working in the health and human services sector and currently is the Public Health Director for Clackamas County, Oregon. Emerick has served in that role since 2016.
“It is an honor to be selected for this position,” said Emerick. “Throughout the recruitment process I was impressed by the passion of the Health Department staff and their commitment to the mission and value of the work. Benton County has an excellent reputation across the state, not only for implementing best practices and performing high-quality work, but as a community that supports and understands the value of the work performed by the Health Department."
Sustainability Program awarded grant for Fairgrounds kitchen improvements
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) awarded nearly $15,000 in grant funding to purchase a commercial dishwasher and improve the kitchen facilities at the County Fairgrounds.
Every year over 50,000 single-use cups, plates or utensils are thrown away at the Fairgrounds. This improvement project will result in an immediate reduction in the amount of solid waste at the Fairgrounds; in the first year alone, the project is expected to reduce the disposal of single-use dishes and utensils by 50%.
Business personal property workshop scheduled February 27
Own a business? The Benton County Assessment Department is hosting the 2
nd annual Business Personal Property Workshop on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 from 9:00am to 12:00pm at the Sunset Building, 4077 SW Research Way, Corvallis, OR.
The workshop will cover several topics, including:
- What is business personal property
- Non-inventory supplies
- Business personal property valuation
- New business owner information
- Personal and business use of property
- What to do if you sold your business
Special Transportation Advisory Committee seeks public comment
The Benton County Special Transportation Advisory Committee (STAC) is providing an opportunity for public comment regarding several Benton County Special Service Provider projects.
The STAC invites comments on the proposed projects by sending a written response by 3:00pm Saturday, February 2, 2019
Diabetes Education Fair
Health information, raffle and taco truck!
The Community Health Centers of Benton and Linn Counties is hosting a Diabetes Education Fair on Tuesday, February 26th, 4:00-7:00 pm at the Alsea Health Center, 435 E Alder, Alsea. Accessible parking is available at the clinic and general parking is available across the street.
Join us for a raffle, blood sugar testing, blood pressure checks, information about our pharmacy and medication delivery, and more!
A Diabetic Educator will provide educational presentations at 4:30pm and 6:00pm, and health navigation support for OHP and dental care will be in attendance.
Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) Formula Grant Funds Available for 2019-21
Applications due February 15
Funding is available from the new Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) for project applications to the STIF Advisory Committee. Eligible project applicants are Oregon Public Transportation Providers providing services within Benton County, which may include transit districts, transportation districts, Indian Tribes, cities, counties, special districts, and other public agencies engaged in providing public transportation services.
Eligible projects will expand or improve public transit services within one or between communities inside and adjacent to Benton County.
Linn-Benton Emergency Notification System
Linn-Benton Alert is an emergency notification system that calls or messages residents to warn of impending or occurring emergencies and provides critical safety instructions when they are needed most. The system will send alerts to landline telephones in the zip code or neighborhood of areas affected by the emergency.
You can also choose to have alerts sent to your cell phone, other phones or TTY devices, or receive text messages or emails.
Once you sign up, you can manage your profile, making changes to your contact choices to ensure the system has your most up-to-date information.