Shir Hadash


Candles 5:21 PM
Mincha 5:46 PM
Kabalat Shabbat 6:00 PM

Come a few minutes early and enjoy a l'chaim with your friends

Pre-Shacharit Shiur 8 AM
Peta Pellach on Parshat HaShavua

Shacharit 8:45 AM
Kid's Service 10:15 AM
Birkat HaChodesh 10:30 AM
Kiddush Lunch 11:10 AM

For the schedule of all the Shabbatot this coming month, visit our website here.

Next week Shabbat begins to come in early -- thereby affording us the opportunity hear brief divrei Torah during Friday night tephilla.  If you would like to offer one of these divrei Torah - Hebrew or English - please email 
to reserve your spot.

Shabbat Ends 6:33 PM

Weekday Shacharit 8:15 AM
Learning Schedule

Daf Yomi 9:05 AM
Parsha Plus with Peta Pellach 11:00 AM

Daf Yomi 9:05 AM
Great Ideas with Peta Pellach 11:00 AM

Daf Yomi 9:05 AM
Law & Order with Rabbi Ian Pear 11:30 AM (takes place off-campus at the OU Israel Center)

Parshat Hashavua with Rabbi Chaim Brovender 8 PM

Daf Yomi 9:05 AM

Daf Yomi 9:05 AM

Pre-Shacharit Shiur 8 AM
Drasha 10:15 AM  
Kiddush Lunch & Dessert

Mazal Tov to Professor Susan Handelman on celebrating
her 70th birthday. In honor of the occasion she is sponsoring a kiddush lunch this Shabbat to which all are invited.  With bagels and spreads, lasagna, eggplant parm and other hot dishes as well as a plethora of salads, there will be plenty to kove'a seuda on for those interested. Thank you for sponsoring and congratulations on arriving to this special milestone.


We would also like to thank Moshe and Rachel Insell for sponsoring the addition of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream to the kiddush in celebration of their daughter's Rivka bat mitzvah.

And finally, thank you to Iser Insell for sponsoring the L'Chaim for this Shabbat in commemoration of the yahrzeit of his mother, Chaya Rochel bat Rav Moshe, z"l.
Upcoming Kiddush Sponsors

October 26 (Bereishit): Handelman Birthday Kiddush Lunch
November 2 (Noah): Fisher Birthday Kiddush
November 9 (Lech Lecha): Serenge
November 16 (VaYera): Preston and Green Families
November 23 (Chayei Sara): Elgavish Shabbat Chatan
November 30 (Toldot): Reserved
December 7 (VaYetzei): Lyssy
December 14 (VaYishlach): Krieger
December 21 (VaYeshev): Tamres 
December 28 Chanuka: Available
Save the Date

In commemoration of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach's yahrzeit, Shir Hadash will be hosting a 'Shlomo Shabbat' on Parshat VaYera, November 15-16, with special ba'alei tefilla and learning all Shabbat.
Shir Hadash is grateful to all those who helped make the recent Yamim Noraim and Chagim such a success, including those who lent their financial support.  If you would like to join this group of supporters, or perhaps fulfill a pledge made during Yizkor, or would otherwise like to help strengthen our financial well-being, here are some relevant details:

To make a bank transfer, our details are: Kehilat Shir Hadash / Bank Leumi Snif 914 / Account 02574062.  Afterwards, e-mail to let us know of the donation.

To make an online or credit card donation, visit our website here.

If your credit card is a US card and you would like to receive an instant tax deduction, go to this link.

Until the post office officially recognizes our new address, checks made payable to Shir Hadash can be sent to: Shir Hadash c/o Pear Family / HaPalmach 54/3 / Jerusalem.

If you have not yet become a member but would like to become one, use any of the above ways to make a donation of any amount (we suggest 500 - 2000 NIS but all contributions are appreciated), and then fill out this online membership form.   (And if you have previously paid membership but forgot to fill out the form, please fill it out now).