Berkshire First Five

September 18, 2023

The First Five from Berkshire Funding Focus includes a mix of content for nonprofits, municipalities, schools, and businesses.  See the BFF website for more - or contact


Federal Grants

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development seeks proposals for the Older Adults Home Modification Grant Program to enable older adults to "age in place" safely in their home.


State Grants

The Commonwealth Restorative Justice Community Grant Program accepts proposals from nonprofits working in low-income communities.



2023 Statewide Municipal Partnerships Conference

Tuesday, October 10 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Following a kickoff by Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll, breakout sessions include climate resiliency, livable communities, post-pandemic public health, rural empowerment, and federal funding opportunities.

Register Here



Connect to Capital

Mass Small Business Development Center & U.S. Small Business Administration

Wednesday, September 27 from 8:30 a.m. to Noon in person

Join 8 local lenders, 10 regional and statewide business organizations, and the SBA and help build your business.

Register Here


Grants and Equity Advocacy

The U.S. Advisory Committe on Transportation Equity will meet on Friday, September 22, 2023 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. To participate virtually, register by September 18th.

About Berkshire Funding Focus

Berkshire Funding Focus (BFF), a regional initiative housed at BRPC, supports Berkshire County towns, businesses, nonprofits, and schools seeking state and federal funds to aid with recovery and rebuilding efforts. Learn more here:


Have questions? Contact Recovery Grant Specialist Karen Pelto. We look forward to helping you find opportunities and resources that are right for your municipality or school.

Berkshire Funding Focus