Berkshire First Five

October 3, 2023

The First Five from Berkshire Funding Focus includes a mix of content for nonprofits, municipalities, schools, and businesses.  See the BFF website for more - or contact


Federal Grants

The National Park Service seeks proposals for Historic Preservation Fund - Save America's Treasures Preservation and Collections Grants.


State Grants

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection will accept proposals to the Sewage Notification Assistance Grant Program by regional or municipal wastewater utilities or systems and the MS4 Municipal Assistance Grant Program by regional stormwater coalitions by November 10, 2023.



Virtual Municipal Leadership Academy

Communication Foundations: Essential Skills for Setting Expectations and Delegating

Tuesday, October 17 from 12:30 to 1:45 p.m.

Explore how to send and receive messages effectively, clearly communicate expectations, and reset expectations after communication failures as well as best practices for delegation.

Register Here



2030 Census

U.S. Census Bureau

Tuesday, October 17 at 1:00 p.m. online

Second in a series to share updates and lay the groundwork for key components of preparations for the 2030 Census.  

Access the Webinar Here


Grants and Equity Advocacy

The U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department is seeking comments on proposed application forms to their Green and Resilient Retrofit Program by November 2, 2023.

About Berkshire Funding Focus

Berkshire Funding Focus (BFF), a regional initiative housed at BRPC, supports Berkshire County towns, businesses, nonprofits, and schools seeking state and federal funds to aid with recovery and rebuilding efforts. Learn more here:


Have questions? Contact Recovery Grant Specialist Karen Pelto. We look forward to helping you find opportunities and resources that are right for your municipality or school.

Berkshire Funding Focus