Parks Meeting March 30, 7 p.m.

Planning continues and every meeting we see new faces who want to be involved. We are so fortunate to have residents who are interested, knowledgeable and enthusiastic. Thank you. 

At our last meeting we reviewed ideas for the Children's Play area, the Children's Garden, the picnic shelter, the cost for "Legacy Trees" which could be purchased and donated by individuals or group, and the possibility of partnering with the Delaware Area United Way to establish a Born Learning Trail. 

The next meeting to discuss planning for the park will be held Thursday, March 30th at 7:00 p.m. at the Township Hall, and you are invited.

We have just one thing to say - BERKSHIRE RESIDENTS ROCK! All of you who receive this email likely received the Park's Survey via email, too. An overwhelming number of you responded - just under half, to be exact. And the responses were overwhelmingly in favor of pursuing a park. The impressive thing was, more than 10% of the people who said they didn't think they would use a park themselves, still supported the project. That is heartening. 88% of all respondents support the project! We will continue to update you on the survey results, but again, really want to say thank you for taking the time to share your views.