Please visit our website or use the Facebook link at the bottom of this page for the most up-to-date news from the Town.
During the ongoing pandemic, rules, recommendations and regulations can change very rapidly and with little notice. The Town of Berlin strives to keep our citizens and businesses as up-to-date as possible, particularly regarding issues that are within municipal control.
Be sure to sign up to receive Press Releases for the most up-to-date information; see the bottom of any page on our website to sign up.
Good Friday: Friday, April 2, 2021: Berlin Town offices will be closed on Friday, April 2nd in observance of Good Friday. There will be no recycling collection; commercial trash collection normally scheduled for Friday will be collected on Thursday, April 1 along with regular Thursday collection.
Upcoming Mayor and Council and Board and Commission Meetings:
At this time, all meetings of the Mayor and Council and Boards and Commission are being held in-person with limited attendance and strict guidelines.
The Town of Berlin will implement these guidelines as follows:
1. Face coverings and social distancing will be required.
2. In addition to Town officials and staff, up to 16 seats will be available to presenters and members of the public, with two additional seats reserved for the press.
3. Doors will be opened 15 minutes before the designated start time of the meeting and seating will be first-come, first-served.
4. At the start of the meeting, or when capacity has been reached, the doors will be locked to entry from the outside.
LIVE STREAMING to Facebook will continue with the same conditions as have been in place during the pandemic:
- Meeting packets will be posted by 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday before the Mayor & Council meeting; 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before Board or Commission Meetings.
- Written questions will be accepted UNTIL 12:00 PM/NOON on the day of the meeting. Submit to:
Email:, please use Meeting Comments as your subject.
- Fax to: 410-641-2316.
- Mail to: Berlin Town Hall, Attn: Meeting Comments, 10 Williams St., Berlin, MD 21811. Mail should be posted no later than close of business on the Friday before the meeting to help ensure delivery.
- Drop off in one of the two drop boxes at Town Hall – one is at the rear of the building behind the stair tower, and the other is at the corner of Bay and Williams Street on the building.
To access the Meeting via live stream on Facebook, please click on the blue Facebook icon at the top of any page on the Town website,, or type @berlinmd in the Facebook search bar.
No response will be given to questions and comments submitted via Facebook during a regular meeting.
PUBLIC HEARINGS: If a public hearing is scheduled, questions will also be taken via Facebook during the Public Hearing portion of that meeting. A staff member will monitor the questions for duplicates, language, and appropriateness to the Public Hearing topic. Depending on the volume of questions, we may not be able to address everyone.
Responses will be given out loud via the live stream; they WILL NOT be responded to via the comments on Facebook.
April Mayor and Council Meetings:
- Monday, April 12, 2021:
- 5:00 PM General Fund Budget Worksession
- 7:00 PM Regular Mayor and Council Meeting
- Monday, April 26, 2021:
- 5:00 PM Utility Funds Budget Worksession
- 7:00 PM Regular Mayor and Council Meeting
Board and Commission Meetings:
To receive direct notification of meetings via email, please visit our website at and sign up at the bottom of any page.
- Discussion about resuming live Mayor and Council Meetings and Boards and Commission Meetings
- Approval of Motion 2021-06: Motion approving the Worcester County Recreation Tennis Programs
- Presentation by President Michael Franklin on Atlantic General Hospital
- Introduction and First Reading of the Tax Rate Ordinance
- Discussion on the Town’s Draft Reserve Policy
Listening Session re: the sale of parcels 57 & 410 at Heron Park
- Proclamation proclaiming April 1st as Child Abuse Prevention Day
- Public Hearing on the Tax Rate Ordinance - rate set at $.815/$100
- Approval of the Town’s Reserve Policy, Resolution 2021-02
- Tour of Berlin Fire Company and Emergency Medical Services
Details about Mayor and Council Meetings can be found on the Town's website. Sign up to receive automatic notifications about meetings at the bottom of any page on the website.
A message from Economic and Community Development
The Berlin Welcome Center is now open!
New displays – come visit us!
Open Mon-Fri 10am – 4pm
We want to hear from you about our Arts & Entertainment District
Please tell us what you think by taking our survey here!
- The Mermaid Museum is now open (Odd Fellows Building, Main Street)
- The Sterling Tavern will open in May (where Fins was located)
- The Rusty Anchor Seafood Market (Pitts St) opens soon
- Broad Street Station opens soon (corner of Broad and Harrison) steamed crabs and more
Ambassadors Wanted!
Our Ambassador program will begin in May and we are looking for volunteers!
Berlin Spring Celebration: Saturday, April 3, 10 AM-5 PM. Sponsored by the Berlin Chamber of Commerce. Join us for a Safe Easter Egg Hunt all around the downtown Berlin shops and restaurants. Colorful plastic eggs, filled with treats will be “hidden” outside businesses. Merchants will post signs if they have additional eggs inside. Eggs will be replenished throughout the day until gone. Visitors are asked to practice social distancing, wear face coverings, and wear colorful homemade Easter Bonnets. Take a selfie in front of or inside of your favorite Berlin business and post it on the Berlin Maryland Chamber of Commerce Facebook page for a chance to win various prizes from participating merchants.
- Stevenson’s Crossroads - Commerce St
- The Undateables - Harvest Guitar Shop
- Zander Jett – The Atlantic Hotel
Free Grab n Go Flower Art Project for Kids. Galleries & Shops open late. Beach Memories Hot Glass Art Demo 6-7 pm. Juried Artists set up around town **Artist please join us: Email us here!
Tree Bundles consist of 25-30 total seedlings including Buttonbush, Red Osier Dogwood, River Birch, Red Maple, and Willow Oak.
Reserve your bundle by 4:30 PM on Friday, April 16; Pick up will be Saturday, April 17th from 9 am to Noon at Berlin Town Hall (parking lot off Bay Street).
Spring Bulk Waste Collections: April 21 and 28: See below for more details.
Every Sunday, May 2 – Sept 26 from 9 am – 1 pm: 30+ Farmers, Bakers, Food Cultivators & More. Located at Pitts St/Commerce St. Main Street closed to traffic starting at 8 am.
Ah, Spring! The weather is getting warmer, the days longer, and nature is waking up. Spring is always a wonderful time of year in our area and there are a few things to keep in mind for the benefit of our whole community.
Children at Play
Remember that warmer weather and longer daylight hours bring more outside activity, particularly for our children. Please be careful when driving and keep an eye out for people walking, biking, and playing. The speed limit on residential streets – unless otherwise posted - is 30 mph.
Leash Laws
Keep in mind that, with more outside activity, there are more things for our four-legged friends to get excited about. Dogs must be leashed when not on their own property and, when on their property, must be under the control of the owner. Even the most well-behaved, friendly canine can forget his manners when people or other dogs are around. And others have no way of knowing if your dog is one of the nice ones.
Public Works Spring/Summer hours
The Public Works Department will soon start their warm-weather schedule, so make sure that your trash and recycling is at the curb by 6:00 AM on collection days. It is acceptable to put containers out the night before.
Spring Special Trash Collections:
Bulk Waste – April 21 for Tuesday or Wednesday trash customers; April 28 for Thursday trash customers. You must submit a request via the Town website or call ahead to schedule pickup (see link below).
Yard Waste: May 5 for Tuesday and Wednesday trash customers; May 12 for Thursday trash customers. No need to schedule; items must be at the curb by 6 AM on your collection date.
Grass Cutting
We’ve all heard the saying “April Showers Bring May Flowers”…those showers also bring greener grass that soon needs a trim. Please remember that grass clippings and other yard waste that gets swept or blown into the street and ends up in the storm drains can cause blockages and backups. Even though it is “all-natural” it takes a long time to decompose and will cause big problems when it all piles up in the stormwater system. These materials also carry chemicals, animal feces, and other harmful substances into our coastal bays, creating problems for the plant and animal life so important to our region.
Sign up for our emergency notification system CodeRed to receive emergency alerts.
NEW: Text BerlinCodeRED to 99411 to enroll.
10 William Street Berlin,
MD 21811